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                 Monday 17 February 2020
            Questions complicate efforts to contain new virus from China

            By LAURAN NEERGAARD                                                                                                 tists believe to be the incu-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-                                                                                            bation  period  —  they  are
            ports one day suggest the                                                                                           checked for symptoms and
            respiratory outbreak in Chi-                                                                                        tested if they show any.
            na  might  be  slowing,  the                                                                                        As of Saturday, there were
            next  brings  word  of  thou-                                                                                       15 cases in the U.S., includ-
            sands  more  cases.  Even                                                                                           ing three of the evacuees.
            the  experts  have  whiplash                                                                                        COULD    THE    VIRUS   BE
            in trying to determine if the                                                                                       SPREADING    SILENTLY   IN
            epidemic  is  getting  worse,                                                                                       OTHER PLACES?
            or if a backlog of the sick is                                                                                      In  the  U.S.,  the  Centers  for
            finally getting counted.                                                                                            Disease  Control  and  Pre-
            Continuing questions about                                                                                          vention is starting a new ef-
            the  new  virus  are  compli-                                                                                       fort to spot if that happens
            cating  health  authorities'                                                                                        —  by  adding  coronavirus
            efforts  to  curtail  its  spread                                                                                   testing to the network that
            around the world. And the                                                                                           normally  tracks  influenza.
            United  States  is  taking  the                                                                                     When  a  patient  sample
            first  steps  to  check  that                                                                                       tests  negative  for  flu,  lab
            cases  masquerading  as                                                                                             workers next will check it for
            the flu won't be missed, an-                                                                                        the new virus.
            other  safeguard  on  top  of                                                                                       The  extra  tests  will  start  in
            travel restrictions and quar-                                                                                       public  health  laboratories
            antines.                                                                                                            in  five  cities:  Los  Angeles,
            Here's  what  you  should                                                                                           San Francisco, Seattle, Chi-
            know about the illness:                                                                                             cago  and  New  York.  But
            WHAT IS THE NEW VIRUS?                                                                                              the surveillance will be ex-
            It's  a  never-before-seen                                                                                          panded around the coun-
            type of coronavirus, a large                                                                                        try  in  the  coming  weeks,
            family of viruses that affect                                                                                       said CDC's Dr. Nancy Mes-
            both  animals  and  people.                                                                                         sonnier.
            Some types cause the com-                                                                                           HOW     DOES    INFECTION
            mon  cold.  But  two  other                                                                                         SPREAD?
            types have caused severe                                                                                            Like  typical  respiratory  vi-
            disease  outbreaks  before:                                                                                         ruses,  it  spreads  mostly
            SARS,  or  severe  acute  re-                                                                                       through    droplets   from
            spiratory  syndrome,  in  late                                                                                      coughs and sneezes. What
            2002, and MERS, or Middle                                                                                           about  surfaces  like  door-
            East  respiratory  syndrome,                                                                                        knobs  touched  by  that
            which  first  appeared  in                                                                                          person  blowing  his  nose?
            2012.                        This image provided by The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).   If  the  next  person  touches
            The  World  Health  Organi-                                                                        Associated Press   their  own  mouth,  nose  or
            zation officially named the                                                                                         eyes,  infection  is  possible,
            new  illness  COVID-19,  re-  the  week.  Why?  Chinese  Elsewhere,  fewer  than  600  to prepare if the virus starts  like with the flu, but special-
            flecting that it's a new coro-  health  authorities  say  they  cases have been reported  to spread more widely.    ists don't think the virus can
            navirus  that  emerged  late  changed  how  they  are  outside of China — in other  But  how  to  quarantine  survive on surfaces for very
            last  year.  Common  symp-   counting.  Instead  of  wait-  parts  of  Asia,  Europe,  the  large  numbers  of  people  long.  Regular  hand  wash-
            toms  include  fever,  cough  ing  for  a  virus  test  to  con-  U.S.  and  Canada.  The  first  is  a  difficult  question.  The  ing is a good way to avoid
            and  shortness  of  breath.  firm  someone's  diagnosis  case in Africa was reported  Diamond  Princess  cruise  getting sick from any virus.
            While  serious  cases  can  —  there's  a  huge  testing  Friday,  in  Egypt.  Most  in-  ship, which has the largest  WHAT  ABOUT  TREATMENTS
            turn  into  pneumonia,  most  backlog  —  they're  now  volved travelers from China  cluster of infections outside  AND VACCINES?
            patients appear to have a  counting  patients  on  the  and people who came into  China,  was  quarantined  The  hunt  is  on  for  both.
            fairly mild illness.         basis of their symptoms and  close contact with them.     in  Japan  with  more  than  Currently,  people  who  are
            HOW FAST IS THE OUTBREAK  lung X-rays.                    IS QUARANTINE WORKING?       3,500 passengers and crew.  seriously  ill  get  standard
            GROWING?                     The  WHO  isn't  sure  that's  China  has  put  60  million  Experts  have  questioned  pneumonia  care  including
            There's   some   confusion  a  good  idea,  and  wants  people  in  its  hardest-hit  if  the  close  quarters  have  fluids and oxygen. In China,
            about  that.  China's  tally  to  make  sure  people  with  cities  under  lockdown,  an  contributed to the spread.  scientists  are  testing  some
            reached more than 66,000  flu  or  some  other  respira-  unprecedented  response.  U.S. officials said Saturday it  medicines  developed  for
            cases  Saturday,  a  huge  tory infection aren't getting  Without  a  good  count  of  would evacuate its citizens  other  viruses  to  see  if  they
            increase  from  earlier  in  caught in the mix.           how many people are sick,  on  board  and  bring  them  might tamp down this one.
                                                                      and when they got sick, it's  to  quarantine  stations  on  Several  research  groups
                                                                      hard to tell if it's working.  Air Force bases in California  are  on  the  trail  of  possible
                                                                      That's  different  from  typi-  and Texas.                vaccines,  and  one  being
                                                                      cal  quarantine  measures,  In the U.S., about 600 peo-   developed by the U.S. Na-
                                                                      which try to target people  ple  evacuated  from  hard-   tional  Institutes  of  Health
                                                                      who may be at risk — those  hit  Hubei  province  in  cen-  might begin first-step safety
                                                                      who  were  in  China's  hot  tral  China  are  still  in  quar-  tests  in  people  as  early  as
                                                                      zone  or  who  came  into  antine  at  several  military  spring.  But  specialists  stress
                                                                      contact  with  another  pa-  bases,  apart  from  other  it would take far longer —
                                                                      tient  anywhere  else  in  the  people  on  the  base  but  best  case  scenario  a  year
                                                                      world. That's a way to buy  with  some  room  to  roam.  —  to  ready  a  vaccine  for
                                                                      time  for  health  authorities  For 14 days — what scien-  widespread use.q
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