Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
LOCAL Thursday 3 May 2018
Group of loyal Aruba visitors honored
at the Marriott Ocean Club
Aruba Tourism Authority is proud to present
Emerald Coin to Marlene & Maurice
EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba members of Tropicana Beach Re-
Tourism Authority honored Emerald sort Mr. Richard Roy, Jacky Filiciana,
Ambassadors of Aruba as a token Nelida Rodriquez, Angelica Chris-
of appreciation for visiting the is- tiaans bestowed the certificate
land for more than 35 and more of the Ambassadors and handed
consecutive years. Honorees were: some presents to the honorees and
Mr. Maurice & Mrs. Marlene resident thanked them for choosing Aruba
from West Palm Beach MA. as their vacation destination and as
their home away from home for so
PALM BEACH - Recently a group of Goodwill Ambassadors with 20 Ms. Darline de Cuba representing many years on behalf of the Gov-
loyal Aruba visitors were honored years consecutive years visits to the Aruba Tourism Authority, and ernment of Aruba. q
at the Marriott Ocean Club. Aruba. The honorary titles are pre-
sented in the name of The Aruba
The honorees were Mr. Tyrone and Tourism Authority as a token of
Mrs. Cheryl Johnson together with appreciation for visiting Aruba all
Mr. James & Mrs. Diane Thomas. these years. They love Aruba for
Both couples were honored as the people and fun in the sun.q /arubatoday/