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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 20 June 2018

            Iran rebuffs Trump's call for OPEC to increase oil output

            By KIYOKO METZLER                                                                                                   power in the Middle East.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Iraq's oil minister, Jabbar Ali
            VIENNA (AP) — Iran lashed                                                                                           Hussein  Al-Luiebi,  sounded
            out  Tuesday  against  U.S.                                                                                         more  optimistic  about  a
            President  Donald  Trump's                                                                                          deal,  saying  "we  are  after
            call on OPEC to increase oil                                                                                        the stabilization of the mar-
            production and limit global                                                                                         ket."
            energy  prices,  saying  the                                                                                        Ultimately,  Hewson  says,
            cartel  "is  not  an  American                                                                                      the  14  countries  in  the  Or-
            organization."                                                                                                      ganization of the Petroleum
            The  OPEC  oil  ministers  be-                                                                                      Exporting Countries are like-
            gan  arriving  in  Vienna  on                                                                                       ly to agree on a production
            Tuesday ahead of their of-                                                                                          increase.
            ficial meeting Friday, when                                                                                         "There is an element of self-
            they  will  also  confer  with                                                                                      preservation  in  seeking  to
            Russia,  a  non-OPEC  coun-                                                                                         do  this,  as  while  most  oil
            try that since late 2016 has                                                                                        producers  prefer  higher
            cooperated with the cartel                                                                                          prices  they  will  also  want
            to limit production.                                                                                                to avoid a scenario where
            Analysts  expect  the  group                                                                                        prices reach a level where
            to  consider  an  increase  in                                                                                      demand  drops  off  sharply,
            production of about 1 mil-                                                                                          thus  triggering  a  global
            lion  barrels  a  day,  ending                                                                                      slowdown, as well as accel-
            the  output  cut  agreed  on   In this April 6, 2018 file photo, a former farmer works at a primitive refinery as he makes crude oil   erating the push for renew-
            in 2016.                     into diesel and other products, in Rmeilan, Hassakeh province, Syria.                  able (energy)," he said.
            The  cut  has  since  then                                                                         Associated Press  q
            pushed  up  the  price  of
            crude oil by about 50 per-   son,  chief  market  analyst
            cent.  The  U.S.  benchmark  at CMC Markets U.K., note
            in  May  hit  its  highest  level  that the price of oil is high
            in  three  and  half  years,  not only because of OPEC
            at  $72.35  a  barrel.  That  and  Russia's  agreement  to
            prompted Trump to call on  limit  output,  but  also  be-
            OPEC  to  cut  production,  cause  of  Trump's  policies,
            tweeting in April and again  including  a  decision  to  re-
            this  month  that  "OPEC  is  install  sanctions  on  Iran.
            at  it  again"  by  allowing  oil  That crimped the country's
            prices to rise.              ability to export crude, limit-
            Iran's oil minister, Bijan Nam-  ing supply and pushing up
            dar  Zanganeh,  said  upon  global prices.
            arriving  in  Vienna  that  The  U.S.  sanctions  on  Iran
            "OPEC  is  not  an  organiza-  also  mean  that  if  OPEC
            tion  to  receive  the  instruc-  agrees  on  an  increase  in
            tion  from  President  Trump  output as a group, Iran will
            and follow it."              be one of the countries to
            Underscoring    how    diffi-  lose  out,  as  it  will  not  be
            cult  the  discussion  about  able to export as much as
            a  production  increase  will  it would like.
            be,  Zanganeh  said  that  By  contrast,  Saudi  Arabia,
            Trump's  comments  have  the  cartel's  biggest  pro-
            cast doubt on the prospect  ducer and a fierce regional
            of a deal.                   rival to Iran, could have the
            "Every  decision  in  OPEC  room  to  increase  output
            needs  the  unanimity  and  I  more  —  and  make  more
            don't  believe  in  this  meet-  money  —  to  make  up  for
            ing  we  can  reach  agree-  the shortfall in countries like
            ment," he said, adding the  Iran.
            issue  "has  been  politicized  So  an  OPEC  deal  to  in-
            by President Trump."         crease  output  could  also
            Experts  like  Michael  Hew-  influence  the  balance  of
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