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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 9 June 2017

                 Frank and Carol Yurkovic Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary on Aruba

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  In  1977    got  the  “Greetings”  letter  and  began  to  build  a
            Frank  and  Carol  decided   drafting him into the Army.   beautiful   life   together.
            to  leave  their  two  little   After thirteen months in Ko-  There were struggles along   Aruba.                   also fallen in love with the
            girls   with   grandparents   rea, Frank came home and  the  way  of  course  but  to-  20  years  at  Costa  Linda   genuine  hospitality  and
            and  come  to  Aruba  to     proposed to Carol on June  gether  they  knew  they       and  40  years  of  visiting   beauty of the people and
            celebrate  their  10th  An-  11, 1966.                    could do anything.           Aruba, the Yurkovic’s have   the island.
            niversary.  Carol  says  “It   On  June  3,  1967  they  be-  And  every  year  they  cel-  brought many family mem-  This year, their 50th Anniver-
            was then that we first fell in   came  husband  and  wife  ebrated their anniversary in   bers and friends who have   sary,  they  are  celebrating
            love with Aruba, our home                                                                                           with  good  friends,  Char-
            away from home. This year                                                                                           ley  and  Debby  Weathers,
            we came to Aruba, Costa                                                                                             who  decorated  the  suite
            Linda to celebrate our 50th                                                                                         with banner, balloons and
            Wedding Anniversary”                                                                                                cake.  Costa  Linda  “fam-
            Frank  and  Carol  were  19                                                                                         ily”  delivered  champagne
            and 17 when they met via                                                                                            and  a  gorgeous  arrange-
            a blind date set up by Car-                                                                                         ment  of  flowers.  The  sur-
            ol’s friend who was dating                                                                                          prise was perfect!
            Frank’s good friend.                                                                                                What  is  the  secret  to  50
            It  was  1962  in  Glen  Ridge                                                                                      years of marriage?
            New Jersey but they were                                                                                            Carol:  Compromise.
            not  from  the  same  area                                                                                          Frank: Cooperation.
            so  their  mutual  friends  ar-                                                                                     And  love.  Lots  and  lots  of
            ranged for a meeting at a                                                                                           love.
            gas station.                                                                                                        Recently,  Aruba  Tourism
            At  the  last  minute,  Carol’s                                                                                     Authority in representation
            mom  and  siblings  had  to                                                                                         of  Ms.  Darline  S.  de  Cuba
            drive  her  there  and  the                                                                                         together  with  Mrs.  Miriam
            friends had to back out of                                                                                          Rodriquez  and  Mrs.  Lina
            the  date.  Frank  managed                                                                                          Asaytuno  had  the  great
            to  charm  Carol,  her  mom                                                                                         pleasure  to  honor  Frank
            and  the  two  sisters  and                                                                                         and Carol as Goodwill Am-
            their  first  date  was  under-                                                                                     bassadors  at  their  home
            way.                                                                                                                away from home.q
            After  several  dates  Frank
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