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Friday 19 January 2018
Pelican Adventures Makes Donation to Wilhelmina Fonds
PALM BEACH – Recently, as a part of the ‘season
of giving’, Pelican Adventures made a donation
of 5,000 florins to the Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds,
a well-respected local foundation with the ob-
jective to prevent and fight cancer in Aruba.
The foundation is not subsidized, so every dona-
tion is welcome to continue in their work to pro-
vide support to cancer patients living in Aruba.
The generous check was donated to Lillian
Prince, representative of the Aruban cancer
foundation, far left in the picture.
She received the donation from Pelican Adven-
ture’s owners Martin Molina, left and Oscar Hen-
riquez, far right, and manager Ian Molina.
Pelican Tours and Watersports Inc. was founded
on May 26, 1986 as a subsidiary of S.E.L. Maduro
&Sons, Aruba Inc.
In 1988 Mr. Oscar S. Henriquez and Mr. Martin
Molina acquired Pelican, and they still own and
manage the company today.
Pelican Adventures N.V. currently operates on-
land and on-water tours, sales force and activity
desks at 8 prime locations, a restaurant (Pelican
Nest) and the Pelican Pier Bar at Palm Beach,
employing 90 people.q
Loyal Guests Honored at the Casa del Mar Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had
the great pleasure of honoring a special couple who are
loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba at the Casa del Mar
Beach Resort as Emerald Ambassadors.
The symbolic honorary title is presented in the name
of the Minister of Tourism as a token of appreciation to
guests who visit Aruba for 35-or-more consecutive years.
The honorees were Mr. John and Mrs. Sylvia Fuschi from
Massachusetts, celebrating 43 consecutive annual visits
to Aruba!
These special visitors are regular guests at the Costa Linda
Beach Resort and they love Aruba very much because
of the safety, the beautiful sunsets, friendly locals, variety
of food and the feeling of home-away-from-home. The
certificate and commemorative emerald coin were pre-
sented by Ms. Marouska Heyliger representing the Aruba
Tourism Authority together with associates from the Costa
Linda Beach Resort.q