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                                                                    obitiuario/u.s. news Diamars 23 November 2021

                        Probe finds ‘overwhelming evidence’ of misconduct by Cuomo

            (AP) — A legislative inves-  resources would be used on  much  on  information  gath-
            tigation  released  Monday  the  book,  but  the  Assem-  ered during a “politically bi-
            found “overwhelming evi-     bly’s investigators at the law  ased”  investigation  overseen
            dence”  that  former  Gov.  firm Davis Polk & Wardwell  by  the  attorney  general,  Le-
            Andrew  Cuomo  sexually  said they found evidence the  titia James, who is now run-
            harassed women and that  governor had his staff spend  ning for governor.
            he  ordered  state  workers  copious amounts of time on
            to  help  produce  his  book  the project.                Cuomo,  a  Democrat,  re-
            on  pandemic  leadership                                  signed  in  August  to  avoid  a
            during work hours.           Junior and senior staff mem-  likely impeachment trial.
                                         bers  told  investigators  they
            The  report  also  found  that  were asked to perform book  Cuomo  has  denied  sexually
            Cuomo’s  staff  “substantially  tasks  during  their  work  day,  harassing anyone or touching
            revised” a state health depart-  including  transcribing  dicta-  any  women  inappropriately.
            ment  report  on  COVID-19  tions,  printing  and  deliver-  For  weeks,  he  has  attacked
            deaths  in  nursing  homes  to  ing  documents,  and  attend-  the  Assembly’s  investigation
            exclude  statistics  that  might  ing meetings with agents and  as biased and set on smearing  ID-19 deaths among nursing  pitals.
            have dimmed his reputation  publishers.                   him.                         home residents in a July 2020
            as a pandemic leader.                                                                  state report.                The state contended infected
                                         One senior state official sent  The  former  governor  faces                           staff and visitors were the key
            The  findings,  authored  by  a  and  received  1,000  emails  a  separate  criminal  charge  The  report  instead  used  a  driver  of  COVID-19  out-
            law firm hired by the Assem-  about  the  book,  the  report  alleging  that  he  groped  the  lower figure of 6,500 deaths  breaks at nursing homes. The
            bly’s  Judiciary  Committee,  said. The report didn’t name  breast  of  a  former  assistant,  that excluded fatalities among  Assembly’s investigators said
            were  widely  expected,  and  the official, but included de-  Brittany  Commisso,  after  patients who fell ill at nursing  they found no evidence con-
            the sections on sexual harass-  tails  identifying  her  as  his  summoning  her  to  the  ex-  homes  but  died  after  being  tradicting that finding.
            ment largely echo allegations  former  top  aide,  Melissa  ecutive  mansion  on  Dec.  7,  transferred  to  hospitals  and
            previously  made  in  a  report  DeRosa.                  2020.                        elsewhere.                   Cuomo often released state-
            last summer by the state’s at-                                                                                      ments  pledging  cooperation
            torney general.              Responding  to  the  report  The  Assembly  report  said  it  Some  witnesses  said  using  with the Assembly investiga-
                                         Monday,  Cuomo’s  spokes-    had  reviewed  travel,  phone  the  higher  number  would  tion, but investigators said he
            But  it  offered  some  new  person,  Richard  Azzopardi,  and  text  messages  that  back  have  distracted  from  the  produced only limited docu-
            details,  particularly  around  said  senior  staff  who  helped  up  Commisso’s  account  of  overall message of the health  ments over the course of al-
            the  $5.2  million  private  with the book did so on their  her  whereabouts  on  the  day  department  report,  which  most six months.
            deal  Cuomo  struck  to  write  personal  time.  He  denied  she says the attack happened.  was intended to defend Cuo-
            a  book,  “American  Crisis:  that junior staff was involved,                          mo  against  charges  that  the  “At  no  time  has  the  former
            Leadership  Lessons  on  the  as the report claims.       The  investigators  also  ex-  state had worsened the death  governor meaningfully com-
            Pandemic.”                                                amined    allegations   that  toll by telling nursing homes  plied  with  the  committee’s
                                         On  the  sexual  harassment  Cuomo’s office had the state  they couldn’t refuse to admit  requests  or  cooperated  with
            Cuomo  had  promised  state  allegations,  Azzopardi  said  Department of Health delete  recovering  COVID-19  pa-  its  investigation,”  the  report
            ethics  officials  that  no  state  the Assembly had relied too  a  reference  to  10,000  COV-  tients  discharged  from  hos-  reads.

                                                                      Florida clears Groveland Four of 1949 rape

                                                                                                 of white woman

                                                                      (AP)  —  A  judge  on  Monday  officially
                                                                      exonerated  four  young  African  Ameri-
                                                                      can men of the false accusation that they
                                                                      raped a white woman seven decades ago,
            “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada. Den cunucu di yerba   making  partial  and  belated  amends  for
            berde e ta ponemi sosega. e ta hibami na awa trankil, Pa mi bolbe   one  of  the  greatest  miscarriages  of  jus-
            haña forsa.’’ Salmo:23                                    tice of Florida’s Jim Crow era.
            Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, nos ta participa fayecimeto di:  At  the  request  of  the  local  prosecutor,  Ad-
                                                                      ministrative Judge Heidi Davis dismissed the
                                                                      indictments  of  Ernest  Thomas  and  Samuel
                                                                      Shepherd, who were fatally shot by law en-
                                                                      forcement, and set aside the convictions and
                                                                      sentences of Charles Greenlee and Walter Ir-
                                                                      vin. The men known as the Groveland Four,
                                                                      who ranged from 16 to 26 at the time, were
                                                                      accused  of  raping  a  woman  in  the  central
                                                                      Florida town of Groveland in 1949.         nity. A lot of families didn’t get this opportu-
                                                                      “We  followed  the  evidence  to  see  where  it  nity. Maybe they will,” said Aaron Newson,
                                                                      led us and it led us to this moment,” said Bill  Thomas’ nephew. He broke into tears as he
                                                                      Gladson, the local state attorney, following the  spoke. “This country needs to come togeth-
                                                                      hearing in the same Lake County courthouse  er.”
                                                                      where the original trials were held. Gladson,  Thomas was killed by a posse that shot him
                                                                      a Republican, moved last month to have the  more  than  400  times  shortly  after  the  rape
                                                                      men officially exonerated.                 accusation. The local sheriff, Willis McCall,
                             Sr. Paulito Kelly                        The men’s families said maybe this case will  fatally shot Shepherd and wounded Irvin in
                             Mihor conoci como “Poly”                 spark a reexamination of other convictions of  1951 as he drove them to a second trial af-
                             *13-08-1931 † 20-11-2021                 Black men and women from the Jim Crow  ter the U.S. Supreme Court overturned their
                                                                      era so those falsely convicted can have their  original convictions, saying no evidence had
            Kier a invita tur amigo y conocir pa asisti na e acto di entiero cu lo   names cleared.              been presented. The sheriff claimed the men
            tuma lugar na Royal Funeral Home diabierna 26 November 2021 di   “We are blessed. I hope that this is a start be-  tried to escape, but Irvin said McCall and his
            9:00 pa 11:00 or di mainta. Despues lo sali pa Santana di Paradera.  cause  lot  of  people  didn’t  get  this  opportu-  deputy shot them in cold blood.
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