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                                                                                                           Friday 16 January 2015

VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne

donates reading books to “Scol Paso

Pa Futuro” elementary school

ORANJESTAD - In the con-   ages of reading books to  offices. The first donation
text of the new year, law  elementary schools on     was made recently to Scol
firm VanEps Kunneman       the Dutch Caribbean is-   Paso Pa Futuro in Aruba; a
VanDoorne donates pack-    lands where the firm has  school for children with a

                                                                                  learning disability.           fice, and Julitza Koolman,
                                                                                  VanEps Kunneman Van-           secretary, handed the
                                                                                  Doorne considers educa-        package of reading books
                                                                                  tion very important. As a      to the school’s teach-
                                                                                  result, the firm focuses its   ers. Steffen: “A school for
                                                                                  sponsoring and donation        special education such
                                                                                  policy on youth and youth      as Paso only has limited
                                                                                  development. In the holi-      means. A teacher told me
                                                                                  day month of December,         that the library had even
                                                                                  VanEps Kunneman Van-           been broken into recently
                                                                                  Doorne chose to send digi-     and that books were sto-
                                                                                  tal Christmas cards instead    len. Now it feels even bet-
                                                                                  of paper alternatives, in or-  ter to be able to donate
                                                                                  der for the amount saved       a large package of good,
                                                                                  to be used to support local    new books to fill the shelves
                                                                                  education on the islands.      again. The children and
                                                                                  Steffen Hagen, branch          teachers were heartwarm-
                                                                                  manager of the Aruba of-       ingly happy with it!”q
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