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PAGINA 76                                                                   DIARIO                                                     DIABIERNA 7 AUGUSTUS 2015

                                                  Cumana # 76                                       Aruba Tourism Authority ta expandiendo
                                            Tel: (297) 588-6699
                                                                                                               mercadonan di turismo
                                               (297) 593-0857
   “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada                                                   Sapa Pana Travel lo inclui Aruba
   Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.                                                     den nan paketenan di biahe
   E ta hibami na awa trankil,
   Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                                        ORANJESTAD (AAN):                 cu ta enfoca riba e mercado
   Salmo: 23                                                                                       Representantenan di Aruba         mercado afluente for di Latino
   Cu hopi tristesa pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios nos ta                                       Tourism Authority (ATA)           Americano Latino Americano
   anuncia cu a bay laga nos den brasa di Señor                                                    a cera conoci cu Johan van        y Aruba a parce nan un
                                                                                                   Rijswijck di Sapa Pana            destinacion atractivo pa añadi
           Clara Elizabeth Croes-Fingal                                                            Travel durante e evento di        na nan itinerarionan.
                                                                                                   I.T.B Berlin 2015 y hunto cu
                         *19-11-1927- †02-08-2015                                                  AHATA a invit’e pa explora            Recientemente Johan van
   Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.                                                       e oportunidadnan pa bende         Rijswijck y Sylvia Nederhoff
                                                                                                   Aruba cu su clientenan.           a bishita Aruba y a hospeda
  Señor manda mi Bo luz y Bo berdad,                                                               Nan ta un operador di tour        den Bucuti & Tara Beach
  Ta nan lo guia mi y hiba mi                                                                                                        Resort y na Aruba Marriott
   Na bo Sero Santo, na bo luga di biba”                                                                 BibaÊcadaÊmomento           Resort & Stellaris Casino.
  Salmo 43:3                                                     With great sadness we announce the passing of our beloved hus-
  Staff y Personal di La Cabana Beach Resort and Casino          band, father, grandfather and brother:                                 Durante di nan estadia na
  tin e tristo deber di anuncia fayecimento di :                                                                                     Aruba, Jaap Ellis y Glennie
                                                                 JAMES NATHANIEL BYRSON                                              Tromp di ATA a percura pa
    Sra. Viuda Clara Elizabeth Croes-Fingal                                                                                          introduci nan na un sin fin
                                                                          better known as “Sluggo”                                   di experiencia special pa
            Mama di nos Manager y Asociada di nos                                                                                    medio di un programa cu a
                       Accounting Department                         The late “Sluggo” Bryson was born on                            ofrece un combinacion di
                                                                 August 4th , 1930 on St. Maarten and passed                         aventura, relahacion, compra,
  La Cabana Beach Resort and Casino ta extende su mas                                                                                gastronomia, y mas. Central
  sentido pesame na su yiunan y demas famia.                          away on August 1st 2015 on Aruba.                              tabata e hospitalidad y alegria
  “Cu Dios duna forza y consuelo na su famianan den e                                                                                Arubano pa cual nos isla ta
  dianan dificil aki”                                             “Sluggo” was the eldest son of the late:                            bon conoci.
  Cu Sra. Viuda Clara E. Croes-Fingal sosega den Reino           Susan Charles-Bryson lovingly known as “Machi”
  di Señor.                                                      Left to mourn this loss are his:                                          Van Rijswijck a keda
                                                                 Wife: Dorothy Bryson-Neblett                                        hopi impresiona cu Aruba,
                                                                 Children:  Sandra Bryson                                            cu e nivel di servicio, e
                                                                            Celio Bryson & Els Puijk                                 hospitalidad y siguridad y
                                                                            Raquel Bryson                                            consecuentemente Sapa Pana
                                                                            Windy Le Grand & Irene Suarez                            Travel a dicidi di inclui Aruba
                                                                            Ricardo Bryson                                           den nan programa di biahe
                                                                            Donny Bryson                                             den combinacion cu otro
                                                                            Nathaniel Brunk                                          destinacion. Nan lo ofrece
                                                                 Grandchildren: Selinne , Suzette, Bas & Lize,                       Aruba den un programa di
                                                                            Jonathan, Ashley, Damian & Larissa                       e tipo “dual destination”;
                                                                 Siblings:  Fonso & Cheryl Bryson                                    nan clientenan lo biaha for
                                                                            Stella Charles & Bram Bof                                di Hulanda pa un pais Sur
                                                                 Brothers-in-law: Joe Neblett                                        Americano, unda nan ta keda
                                                                            Norman Arnell                                            algun dia y despues ta biaha
                                                                 Sisters-in-law: Irma Netblett-Iton                                  pa Aruba y keda algun dia
                                                                            Ronnie Bryson                                            y for di Aruba nan ta bolbe
                                                                 His nieces, nephews, great-nieces & great-nephews: r e s i d i n g  Hulanda.
                                                                 on Aruba and St. Maarten, in The Netherlands, The USA and St.
                                                                 Croix                                                                   Aruba Tourism Authority
                                                                                                                                     ta gradici nan partnernan
                                                                 Many other family members, friends, domino partners, Base-          di Aruba Hotel & Tourism
                                                                 ball and Softball teammates, former colleagues of Lago, the         Association (AHATA) y
                                                                 Aruba Port Authority and members of the San Nicolas Methodist       companianan di actividad pa
                                                                 Church and others too numerous to mention.                          nan cooperacion.

                                                                 The late “Sluggo” Bryson was related to the: Bryson, Charles,           ATA ta gradici Bucuti &
                                                                 Brooks, Busby, Neblett and Arnell families.                         Tara Beach Resorts Aruba,
                                                                                                                                     Marriott Aruba Resort &
                                                                 The family of the late “Sluggo” Bryson wishes to extend special     Stellaris Casino, National
                                                                 thanks for the care and support provided by:                        Park Arikok, Divi Aruba
                                                                 - his General Practitioner drs. D.I. Giel                           Phoenix Beach Resort, De
                                                                 - his Diabetic Nurse                                                Palm Tours, Manchebo Beach
                                                                 - his brother-in-law “Joe Neblett”                                  Resort, Amsterdam Manor
                                                                 - his Caretaker Prudence Douglas                                    Beach Resort, Renaissance
                                                                 - his dear friend and neighbour Sunshine                            Aruba Resort, Archeological
                                                                 - his Reverend Nichola Barrett-Glassgow and fellow                  Museum, Hyatt Regency
                                                                 members of the San Nicolas                                          Aruba Resort, Spa & Casino,
                                                                 Methodist Church                                                    MOSAIC y Unique Sports
                                                                 - his walking partners Nelson and Matthew                           of Aruba pa provee un
                                                                 - and others who were there in his time of need.                    experiencia excelente na Sapa
                                                                                                                                     Pana Travel.

                                                                 The Funeral will take place on Monday August 10th, 2015 at 2
                                                                 o’clock to 3 o’clock at the Church Christ Methodist Church in
                                                                 San Nicolas, Amalia van Solmstraat than to the Central Cem-
                                                                 etery in Sabana Basora.

                                                                 Address for Condolences: the Olive Tree Funeral Home in San
                                                                 Nicolas Sunday August 9th, 2015 from 5 to 7 pm.

                                                                 After the Funeral please no condolences at home.

                                                                 Bernhardstraat 134-136 - San Nicolas - Tel 584 8888
                                                                 Avenida E.J. ÒWattyÓ Vos 44 - Oranjestad - Tel 5820000
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