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A28    u.s. news
                       Diasabra 3 Juli 2021

                           Ex-officer pleads guilty to manslaughter; family blasts deal

            (AP)  —  The  mother  of  a                                                            has had a police officer in jail  lance footage of the shooting
            Black man fatally shot by                                                              for shooting a Black man on  publicly,  sparking  wider  at-
            a  white  former  Nashville                                                            duty.”                       tention and outcry. Delke was
            officer  sobbed,  screamed                                                                                          charged  in  September  2018,
            and knocked over a court-                                                              “I was not willing to risk not  and  the  shooting  caused
            room lectern Friday as she                                                             having  a  felony  conviction,  enough  backlash  that  voters
            begged a judge not to ac-                                                              not having him off the force,  that  November  installed  a
            cept  a  plea  deal  she  says                                                         not having him incarcerated,  community  oversight  board
            was struck in secret with-                                                             not  having  him  be  able  to  for Nashville’s police depart-
            out her knowledge, a cha-                                                              make a guilty plea where he  ment.
            otic scene that briefly de-                                                            conceded that he did in fact
            layed  the  hearing  before                                                            use deadly force that was not  Since 2005, there have been
            the  judge  accepted  the                                                              reasonably  necessary,”  Funk  143  nonfederal  sworn  law
            agreement.                                                                             said.                        enforcement officers with ar-
                                                                                                                                rest powers arrested for mur-
            Former officer Andrew Delke                                                            Delke,  27,  submitted  his  der  or  manslaughter  result-
            pleaded guilty to manslaugh-                                                           resignation  Thursday.  He  ing  from  an  on-duty  shoot-
            ter over the death of Daniel  kins were briefly ushered out                            had  been  decommissioned,  ing  throughout  the  U.S.,
            Hambrick, 25, in 2018 as part  of the courtroom.          “I have contempt for this sys-  which means he had to turn  with  only  45  convicted  of  a
            of  an  agreement  with  pros-                            tem. I have contempt for this  over his gun but was able to  crime resulting from the on-
            ecutors.                     Delke was about to face trial  plea. I have contempt for the  work a desk job and still get  duty shooting, according to a
                                         for  a  first-degree  murder  (Fraternal  Order  of  Police).  paid.                   tally by Bowling Green State
            Delke will serve a three-year  charge, but on Thursday, his  And I have a special contempt                          University  criminal  justice
            prison  sentence.  As  part  of  attorney  announced  he  had  for Andrew Delke. May you  After COVID-19 delays and  professor  Philip  Stinson  be-
            the agreement, he won’t pur-  agreed to plead guilty to vol-  all rot in hell,” said attorney  pretrial  back-and-forth,  jury  fore Delke’s plea. Another 45
            sue parole or appeal the case.  untary manslaughter.      Joy  Kimbrough,  who  read  selection  was  slated  to  start  of the cases are still pending,
            However,  Delke’s  defense                                the statement of Vickie Ham-  next week . The trial was go-  according to the findings.
            team said he will likely serve  “I hope this case can contrib-  brick as she wept behind her.  ing  to  center  on  a  handgun
            a year and a half in jail with  ute positively about the much                          Hambrick  was  holding  that  Delke’s attorneys argued the
            standard credits.            needed discussion about how  District   Attorney   Glenn  Delke claims was pointed at  officer  followed  his  train-
                                         police  officers  are  trained  Funk  told  reporters  after-  him  for  a  moment,  which  ing and Tennessee law in re-
            The  hearing  turned  volatile  and how we as a community  ward that he informed Ham-  prosecutors dispute and vid-  sponse to “an armed suspect
            as Hambrick’s mother, Vick-  want police officers to inter-  brick’s family attorney of the  eo footage does not show.  who ignored repeated orders
            ie, gave a lengthy statement as  act with citizens. I am deeply  deal Wednesday and met with                        to drop his gun.” Funk argued
            family  members  and  others  sorry for the harm my actions  Vickie  Hambrick  on  Thurs-  Prosecutors  focused  on  sur-  Delke had other alternatives,
            applauded.  Other  support-  caused,”  Delke  said  shortly  day.  He  said  has  been  in  veillance  footage  that  cap-  adding that the officer could
            ers,  outside  the  courtroom  after  entering  his  plea,  his  contact  with  them  for  three  tured the shooting, in which  have  stopped,  sought  cover
            in  the  hallway,  banged  on  voice cracking at times.   years, knew Vickie Hambrick  Delke  stops  chasing  and  and called for help.
            the door in support. Delke’s  A group of roughly two doz-  wanted Delke to be convicted  shoots the fleeing man. De-
            family sat on the other side of  en  protesters  gathered  out-  of  murder  and  sentenced  to  fense  attorneys  have  con-  Nashville’s  Metro  Council
            the courtroom with security  side  the  courthouse,  chant-  prison for life, and he had to  tended  there  was  a  36-foot  has approved a $2.25 million
            guards.                      ing “no racist police” to show  decide  what  was  in  the  best  (11-meter)  blindspot  and  settlement  to  resolve  a  law-
                                         their  opposition  to  Delke’s  interest for the state.   plenty  could  have  happened  suit by Hambrick’s family.
            “I  hate  you,”  Vickie  Ham-  plea deal. Others wore shirts                           there. There were dozens of
            brick screamed over and over  noting  that  police  officers  He  said  there  was  a  “very  cameras,  and  defense  attor-  For Vickie Hambrick, who is
            again,  while  also  yelling  out  and  white  people  receive  large percentage” chance that  neys  contended  that  it  was  legally blind, the loss of her
            profanities, directing some at  lighter penalties for commit-  the  case  would  have  ended  possible  that  more  footage  only child will forever haunt
            Delke and prosecutors.       ting the same crimes as Black  in a hung jury, which he said  was caught of that blindspot,  her.
                                         and brown people.            would have meant the emo-    but wasn’t reviewed by inves-
            In a particularly chaotic mo-                             tion  seen  in  the  courtroom  tigators  before  it  was  auto-  “My son was my eyes,” Kim-
            ment,  the  mother  knocked  Hambrick’s  family  said  they  Friday  “would  have  been  matically overwritten on the  brough  said,  reading  Vick-
            over the lectern and a com-  were  not  contacted  or  con-  played  out  100-fold.”  Funk  system.                 ie  Hambrick’s  statement.
            puter  monitor  and  family  sulted  and  did  not  know  also  called  it  “significant                            “Since he’s been gone, things
            members rushed to her side.  about the plea deal until after  progress”  that  “tonight  will  The  month  after  the  shoot-  have not been the same and
            Delke and Judge Monte Wat-   it was done.                 be  the  first  night  Nashville  ing,  Funk  released  surveil-  they never will be.”

                             Collapse survivors escaped with their lives, but little else

            (AP) — Susana Alvarez fled her home on the 10th  dangerously unstable.                          tached copy of the policy showed limits between
            floor of Champlain Towers South, escaping with                                                  $1 million and $2 million.
            her life and almost nothing else.               Alvarez is still dealing with the trauma. She hasn’t
                                                            slept in a bed since the collapse a week ago. Instead  Michael  Capponi,  the  president  of  a  Miami-area
            The  disaster  that  killed  at  least  20  people,  with  she’s been sleeping in a chair, constantly thinking  nonprofit that for the past decade has helped vic-
            more than 120 still missing, also rendered dozens  of the victims who couldn’t escape.          tims of disasters from hurricanes to wildfires in the
            of people homeless. Many lost cars, too, buried in                                              U.S. and abroad, said he has personally dealt with
            the building’s underground parking garage.      It’s unclear exactly how many residents have been  50 people who lost homes in the building.
                                                            displaced, but those with insurance policies should
            Though most who managed to flee to safety lived  recoup at least a portion of their losses.     Capponi’s  organization,  Global  Empowerment
            in parts of the building that remain standing, they                                             Mission,  has  distributed  roughly  $75,000  in  gift
            have little hope of returning to reclaim clothing,  Victims also appear likely to get some money from  cards among surfside survivors, and he’s working
            computers,  jewelry  and  sentimental  possessions  the liability insurer for Champlain Towers South’s  with hotel and condo owners to find places they
            they left behind.                               condominium association, which has at least four  can live for the next two months.
                                                            lawsuits pending related to the collapse.
            Officials said Thursday that they’re making plans                                               Ryan Logan, the American Red Cross’ regional di-
            for the likely demolition of all parts of the build-  An attorney for James River Insurance Co. wrote  saster officer for south Florida, said the organiza-
            ing that didn’t collapse. The announcement came  to the judge in one case this week that it plans to  tion has been helping about 18 families, and some
            after search and rescue operations were paused for  “voluntarily  tender  its  entire  limit”  from  the  as-  of them have been looking for ways they can help
            hours because of growing signs the structure was  sociation’s policy toward resolving claims. An at-  other victims.
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