P. 20
Thursday 16 November 2017
Another day ends with no verdict in Menendez bribery trial
By DAVID PORTER them what is referred to as
Associated Press an Allen charge, named
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Ju- after the defendant in a
rors completed a seventh more than century-old
day of deliberations in the case. It is given to a dead-
bribery trial of Democratic locked jury and urges jurors
Sen. Bob Menendez and a who are voting against the
wealthy friend Wednesday majority to reconsider their
without a verdict, as de- positions to avoid a mistrial.
fense attorneys pushed for On Tuesday, Walls said he
the judge to instruct them has not “come close” to
that a deadlock can be an giving an Allen charge in
acceptable outcome to his decades on the bench.
the case. The trial is in its 11th week.
Deliberations began on Menendez and Florida eye
Nov. 6, but the jury restart- doctor Salomon Melgen
ed Monday after a juror are charged with running
was excused for a previ- a bribery scheme between
ously scheduled vacation 2006 and 2013 in which
and was replaced by an Menendez lobbied govern-
alternate. ment officials on Melgen’s
Outside the courthouse, behalf in exchange for lux-
Menendez thanked jurors ury vacations and flights on
he said were “asserting Melgen’s private plane.
my innocence” in the jury New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez leaves the federal courthouse in Newark, N.J., Tuesday, Nov. The men each face about
14, 2017. Jurors in Menendez’s bribery trial remained deadlocked Tuesday after a judge told
room. them to “take as much time as you need” to reach a verdict on 18 counts against the New Jersey a dozen counts including
“I appreciate the jurors Democrat and his wealthy friend. bribery, fraud and con-
standing up for me in terms (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) spiracy. Menendez also is
of advocating for my inno- to U.S. District Judge William as you need.” Defense at- Wednesday, a judge told charged with making false
cence,” the senator from Walls, a possible indication torneys felt other parts of jurors that although it was statements for failing to re-
New Jersey said. “I hope that they understand the Walls’ instruction implied an important case, “they port Melgen’s gifts on Sen-
they come to a verdict legal principles of the case that they needed to reach need not reach a verdict ate disclosure forms.
across the board of inno- but are entrenched in their a verdict one way or an- and could continue to dis- Both men deny the allega-
cence, and I look forward positions. other. agree” though they should tions.
to tomorrow being that On Monday, they had sent Walls challenged defense try to reach a verdict. Defense attorneys sought
day.” Walls a note saying they attorneys Tuesday to show Walls could instruct the jury to show jurors that the two
The jury deliberated all day were deadlocked, but he him cases to support their that they can reach a ver- men are longtime pals who
Tuesday and Wednesday told them to keep going argument. In a 1974 murder dict on some counts but not exchanged gifts out of
without sending any notes and to “take as much time case cited in their brief filed others. He also could give friendship. q
Las Vegas shooting lawsuits stack up with 14 more filed
By MICHAEL TARM of a bump stock gun ac- sation for both “physical see a young woman cov- or sports halls can prompt
AP Legal Affairs Writer cessory that enabled him and mental injuries.” ered in blood after being flashbacks. She recently at-
CHICAGO (AP) — Legal to fire rapidly are named The challenge for mass- shot, clutching her throat tended a Chicago Black-
action following the mass as defendants. The court shooting lawsuits is clearing and falling forward. “I don’t hawks game and found
shooting at a Las Vegas filings argue that they all a high legal bar to prove sleep at night and, when herself nervously calculat-
concert is picking up with share blame for the worst someone other than the I do, I have nightmares,” ing the best escape routes
lawsuits filed Wednesday mass shooting in recent U.S. shooter bears any respon- said the 46-year-old from should someone open fire.
on behalf of 14 concert- history. The 14 civil com- sibility. Such litigation typi- Bartlett, Illinois, just out- A Chicago law firm helped
goers, including some who plaints, filed together in cally drags for years and side Chicago. Recently, as to prepare the filings, which
were shot or injured trying state court in Las Vegas, can end with victims and heavy rain began to fall out- include several plaintiffs
to escape and one woman follow at least three oth- their families receiving little side overnight, she jumped from the Chicago area.
who is so traumatized that ers filed since Paddock to nothing. One of those su- up from her bed. “I thought Victims named in the suits
she has since mistaken the opened fire Oct. 1 from the ing, Elisha Seng, described it was gunshots.” Seng, who also include a California
sound of rain for gunshots. 32nd floor of the Mandalay in a phone interview haunt- wasn’t physically injured, man, Anthony Crisci, who
The hotel-casino from Bay hotel and casino, killing ing images she can’t dis- returned to work as a sales was rushed to a hospital
where Stephen Paddock 58 people and injuring hun- pel — of bullets thudding representative, but said she with a gunshot wound in a
fired, concert organizers dreds of others. The lawsuit around her on the concert quickly tires from her lack truck crowded with dead
and the makers and sellers seeks unspecific compen- grounds and of turning to of sleep. Going to concert and injured.q