P. 55

       paintwn & Garden

                                                               BENTLEY SEEDS
                                                               ASSORTMENT          1. 99
                                                               •  Variety of
                                                                 vegetables, herbs   or 80 Fun Miles
                                                                 and flower seeds  0036
                                      19. 99

       EGG ROCK                       15.       99
       •  14 liter, covers up to 5 CF
       •  Easy to apply and professional look  or 640 Fun Miles
       •  No maintenance needed       40200493

                                                                19. 99
                                                                17.       99

                                                                or 720 Fun Miles
       8. 99                                                    1466481                             59. 99
       7.    99                                                                                     39.         99

       or 320 Fun Miles
       50055005                                                                                     or 1600 Fun Miles

                  COMPOST MANURE               ALL-PURPOSE FAST ACTING            TRIPLE STRIKE WEED &
                  •  21L                       PLANT FERTILIZER                   GRASS KILLER
                  •  Covers 3/4 CF             •  For feeding all plants, both indoor   •  Concentrated, makes up to
                  •  High organic matter        and out. “Feeds like nature”       47 liter/12.5 gallons
                    provides plants with a      by dissolving nutrients evenly    •  Works in 24 hours
                    storehouse of nutrients     every time it rains. Made up of a   •  Kills the root
                  •  Changes marginally         concentrated formula that contains   •  Able to reseed or replant
                    performing soil to a        vital micronutrients. Fast acting   treated areas in 48 hours
                    rich, fertile soil          water soluble.                    •  Water based

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