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Pagina 2                                                                                                                     Dialuna 4 Januari 2016

Homber a accidenta cu su jetski na Bucuti y a fayece

Ta trata di Jarino Toppenberg naci 21 Januari 1977

                                                                 Toppenberg tabata ariba un   causando cu e ta hak den e     nan investigacion.  Dr
                                                                 jetski/seadoo na momento     cabuya y ta herida su mes na   Anthony a constata morto di
                                                                 cu su amigonan a grita pa e  altura di su garganta. Manera  Jarino Toppenberg naci 21
                                                                 tene cuenta cu un cabuya cu  nos a bisa caba e hoben ta     Januari 1977.
                                                                 tabata colga.                fayece un rato despues.
                                                                                                                             Nos palabra di condolencia
                                                                 E no a scucha nan y a sigui  Autoridadnan concerni  a       y forza ta bay famia di e
                                                                 bay cu velocidad halto,      presenta na e sitio pa haci    fayecido.

                                                                 Employment opportunities for 2016

                                                                 Our company has an opening for an

                                                                 Executive Assistant
                                                                 This person has to have management secretarial experience

                                                                 Be able to work multitasks and work independently

                                                                 Be fluent in English, Spanish, Dutch and Papiamento

                                                                 Computer knowledge and experience with MSwords, Excel, quick book

                                                                 Have excellent communication skills and have leadership

                                                                 We offer:	 Competitive Salary and working conditions

                                                                 		         Opportunity to further develop and excel skills

                                                                 If you comply with the above please apply with resume and recent picture to: hrm@


                                                                 Car wash and Maintenance

                                                                 In this position you will be taking care of our car fleet, inspection, keep track of
                                                                 maintenance needs and inspect for abusive use and washing of the vehicles.
                                                                 WE offer:	 Competitive starting salary and working conditions

                                                                                       With opportunity to further development and growing possibilities
                                                                 in the company.

                                                                 If you comply with the above please apply with resume and recent picture to: hrm@

                                                                 Employment opportunities for 2015

Diadomingo atardi ora tur       drenta tanto polis y             Our company is looking for energetic persons in the
hende ta pensa cu e prome                                        following fields;
weekend di aña 2016 a bay       ambulance   y tambe
keto, Aruba ta haya un noticia                                   Electricians, Electro Mechanics, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics,
cu un persona a accidenta       slachtofferhulp  a bay e sitio.  Junior Auto Mechanic, alsohelpers in all the above fields.
na Bucuti, pues poco                                             Most important requirement “ Eager to Work”
pabao di Arubaville situa na    Na e sitio segun nos a
Bucutiweg.                                                       Persons applying for these positions must have the responsibility, ability and
                                compronde na momento             willingness to apply personally in writing directly to the company rather than through
Mesora cu noticia a                                              Government Departments or other ways. You must have references and good
                                cu ambulance  a yega, e          reports & records.
                                                                 Furthermore be eager to learn and progress in their respective fields, willingness
                                tabata halando rosea ainda,      to grow in your specialization and take training and specialization courses as you
                                                                 progress, both in Aruba as elsewhere. Applicants must be able to work odd hours
                                pero despues a fayece.           whenever needed.
                                                                 We Offer: Competitive starting salaries and growth opportunities
                                E cabayero aki di faam
                                                                                 Good working conditions and secondary benefits.
                                                                 We are also looking for a responsible driver/chauffeur with excellent driving records
                                                                 persons in good physical & health can apply) must be able to work odd hours when

                                                                 If you comply with the above please apply with resume to:
                                                        or drop off your application at our offices at Mahuma 54.
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