Page 10 - TTC MAY 26
P. 10
Tuesday 26 May 2015
Venezuela DOCTOR
ClassifiedsContinued from page 11 ON DUTY
A bottle of vegetable oil Oranjestad
costs 20 cents at the black TIMESHARE Dr. Horenbeeck
market rate, a package of FOR SALE/RENT
rice costs half that, and a Aruba Beach Club Superior EMERGENCIA
sack of sugar costs even Studio wk 22
less. start on May 30 Unit 151, 911
Still, many working-class ground floor, all amenities,
Venezuelans are looking $2500 and Casa del Mar Amb. POLIS 100
for ways to accumulate 1 br, unit 1326, week 29, start POLIS 581-1100
their own stockpile of the date July 18 Rent $695 Sale ORANJESTAD 582-4000
U.S. currency by offering $2500 + MF local until 6/1 NOORD 587-0009
services to wealthy or for- Phone 565-9394 or email: STA. CRUZ 585-4710
eign clients. SAVANETA 584-7000
“It’s the only way we can 508-651-0016 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
try to stay ahead,” said 115
one gym teacher who ________________________2_0_30_7_6 FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
supplements his $25 a FIRE DEPT. 11141
month salary by offering RENTAL AVAILABLE POLIS TIPLINE 527-4000
personal training to clients 3 bedroom 3 bath HOSPITAL 582-1234
who can pay in dollars. AMBULANCE
The teacher, who asked in Tierra del Sol . Ground floor SAN NICOLAS 584-5050
that his name not be used unit really nice $3000.00 a AMBULANCE
to protect his safety, keeps month US. Customer pays
his bills hidden around his PHARMACY
home until a friend or water and electric. Looking to
obliging client can deposit rent for one year or more. Oranjestad: Trupiaal Tel: 583-8560
them in his Miami bank ac-
count. Available now. Contact me at San Nicolas: Aloe Tel: 584-4606
The move toward cur-
rency substitution doesn’t INFORMATION 118
sit well with hardcore gov- or 856-889-5580 in US SETAR 582-2116
ernment supporters, many _______________________2_1_20_8_3_ TAXI 582-5900
of whom cut their political TAXI-TAS 587-5900
teeth listening to Chavez’s TIMESHARE FOR SALE PROF. TAXI 588-0035
tirades against the “dicta- RENAISSANCE TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
torship of the dollar.” Week room price SERVICE ARUBA 583-3232
“How is it possible that in 26 507 $ 4,500
the face of the U.S. effort 26 543 $ 5,300 CRUISESHIP
to sabotage the revo- 40 105 $ 500
lution, we are allowing 48/49 119 $ 4,500 May 26
transnational compa- 48/49 551 $ 5,500 Freewinds
nies to conduct business 35 314 $4,000
with the imperialist dol- 30/31 524 $4,500 Aruba Aiport 524-2424
lar in our country?” wrote 30 515 $4,900 American Airline 582-2700
Omar Hernandez, an 30 311 $5,000 Avianca 588-0059
engineer who works for 23 343 $4,500 Dutch Antilles 588-1900
27 103 $4,000 Insel Air 588-9314
29 134 $4,500 Jet Blue 588-2244
Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200 Spirit Airlines 582-7117 Tiara Air 588-4272
Venezolana 583-7674
Chavista community pro- TIMESHARE Tel: 584-6440
grams, on the influential Alcoholism & Drug Addiction,
pro-government website FOR SALE/RENT Anonymity guaranteed
Aporrea. Steve Hanke, a Paradise Villers week 26
Johns Hopkins University 1 br, Rm 322, starts on June 28 FUNDACION
economist who has long and week 27 same rooms starts Anti-Droga
advised governments fac- on July 5 $695. Rent, buy Aruba
ing currency crises, says $2700 ea., also week 32
replacing the bolivar with rm 308 $1800 (FADA) Tel: 583-2999
the dollar would nip Ven- Phone 565-9394 or email:
ezuela’s inflation problem FUNDACION
almost overnight and be- 508-651-0016 Respetami
come an anchor of eco-
nomic stability, though it ________________________2_0_30_7_7 Tel: 582-4433
could also force austerity
measures. He points to the Diabetic Foundation
Tel: 583-3808
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel: 583-8989
example of Maduro ally Foundation Amor
Rafael Correa in Ecuador, pa Prohimo
who has railed against the Tel: 583-3345 /586-6976
U.S. during his eight years Women in Difficulties
in office but has so far Foundation
shown no desire to bring
back the old national cur- Tel: 583-5400
rency, which the country
did away with in favor of Bloodbank Aruba
Tel: 587-0002
the dollar.q