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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 15 May 2023

            22 young Arubans uninitiated into the Youth Parliament of Aruba

            (Oranjestad)—On       May  es of these young initiates;                                                             Henrick Tevreden, MP from
            12th,  the  initiation  of  22  that is what we are working                                                         the  MEP  fraction,  was  also
            young  Arubans  into  the  towards,”  Martinus  high-                                                               present  at  the  ceremony,
            Youth  Parliament  of  Aruba  lighted.                                                                              and he expressed how im-
            took place. President of the                                                                                        pressed he was: “It’s an im-
            foundation, Dave Martinus,  In  order  for  these  young                                                            pressive moment, because
            elaborated on this celebra-  initiates to form part of the                                                          you see these young locals
            tion  and  shared  what  this  Youth Parliament of Aruba,                                                           showing up in hopes to be
            means for the organization.  the president of the organi-                                                           empowered,     established
                                         zations explained they must                                                            and  united,  so  that  in  the
            With this initiation, Martinus  first complete a few cours-                                                         future  they  could  also  oc-
            remarked  that  the  foun-   es and projects.                                                                       cupy  the  seats  of  parlia-
            dation  will  begin  a  new                                                                                         ment and serve in the high-
            trajectory,  where  they  will  In  this  case,  they  started                                                      est  and  most  important
            be working towards devel-    with an extensive structure,                                                           position  in  the  island,”  he
            opment.  The  Youth  Parlia-  in  which  the  initiated  will                                                       stated.
            ment  stands  for  the  rights  be going through different
            of children, but also for the  trajectories  with  the  goal                                                        In terms of the constitution
            development of youths on  to be included in the youth  present at this initiation cer-  ent   articles   concerning  of the organization on child
            Aruba. Martinus states, “To-  parliament.                 emony. She indicated that  the  treatment  of  children.  treatment,  the  MP  shared
            day  marks  the  initiation  of                           for  her,  this  is  the  first  time  Raymond  explained  that  that  the  parliament  itself
            our  standpoint  and  it’s  for  In  terms  of  what  comes  she  is  experiencing  some-  during the course of a year  has  been  attending  this
            that reason that this is a sig-  after,  Martinus  explained  thing  like  this:  “I’m  deeply  and a half, the Parliament  matter for many years now,
            nificant moment for us.”     that  there  many  projects  proud  to  see  how  many  of  Aruba  have  indeed  and  the  rights  of  children
                                         that  they  will  be  working  young people are initiated  mentioned  these  articles  have become an especial-
            He  further  explained  that  on.  One  of  these  projects  into  the  Youth  Parliament.  several times, and she is ex-  ly important focal point for
            the  Youth  Parliament  and  will  focus  on  education,  in  It’s  very  heartwarming  to  tremely  proud  to  see  that  the government of Aruba.
            of  Parliament  of  Aruba  is  which the initiates will have  see the seats in the hall filled  the Youth Parliament is tak-
            no directly related to each  the  opportunity  to  con-   with youth inspired to have  ing  on  this  issue,  because  “The  parliament  is  indeed
            other, but the idea is to suf-  tribute  their  thoughts  and  a  career  in  politics  and  to  “not  only  do  we  lack  the  doing their best; they have
            ficiently help youths devel-  ideas.                      put in the work needed to  implementations  of  many  amended  certain  laws,
            op  into  their  own  person,                             fill  the  seats  of  the  parlia-  of the articles, but they are  have  pressed  on  certain
            so  that  when  they  decide  “We  are  very  happy  that  ment,” she expressed.       standing  for  the  principles  budgets  and  the  social
            to join the parliament, they  the  Aruban  government                                  of  the  articles  and  what  crisis plan has been imple-
            are a fully development MP  has  given  them  the  op-    During  the  ceremony,  the  they  mean,  so  that  they  mented,” he added.
            with the skills required.    portunity  to  work  on  this  initiates  presented  differ-  could do their job.”
                                         project. It’s also great that                                                          Lastly,  he  stated  that  the
            In  terms  of  skills,  he  gave  we receiving much support                                                         Youth  Parliament  is  firmly
            the  example  of  skills  that  from both the initiates’ par-                                                       fighting  so  that  the  fo-
            are    sometimes    missing  ents  as  well  as  the  parlia-                                                       cal  points  concerning  the
            amongst people, skills such  ment,” Martinus expressed.                                                             treatment  of  children  are
            as respectful debating and                                                                                          more  widely  known  across
            showing  sympathy  for  oth-  Lastly, Martinus stated that                                                          the  island  in  within  the
            ers’  opinion,  among  oth-  this initiation is the first step-                                                     Dutch kingdom in general.
            ers.  Mostly  importantly,  he  ping stone for the youths to                                                        As  MP,  he  expressed  that
            states,  is  for  the  youth  to  work  on  their  future,  work                                                    the parliament is surely sup-
            develop into their own per-  on  their  personal  devel-                                                            porting  these  initiates  and
            son, so that they could use  opment  to  be  a  respect-                                                            they  think  that  this  is  the
            their  voice  as  confidently  ful,  honorable  person  that                                                        focus  that  they  must  keep
            and clear as possible.       could represent the people                                                             an eye on, so that the rights
                                         of Aruba.                                                                              of  children  can  resonate
            “At the end of the day, we                                                                                          across  Aruba  and  are  re-
            wish  that  MPs  could  really  Misha  Raymond,  MP  from                                                           spected  within  the  com-
            pay  attention  to  the  voic-  the  Raiz  party,  was  also                                                        munity. q
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