Page 13 - utilties feb 10
P. 13

                                                                                                                                      Wednesday 10 February

US Financial Front:

Businesses post more open jobs; quits rise to 9-year high 

C. S. RUGABER                   year low of 4.9 percent.                                                                                         have also declined. The
                                Federal Reserve chair Ja-                                                                                        economy grew at just a 0.7
AP Economics Writer             net Yellen has said that she                                                                                     percent annual rate in the
                                monitors quits as a poten-                                                                                       final three months of last
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S.          tial sign of an improving job                                                                                    year.
                                market. More Americans                                                                                           Tuesday’s figures also
companies      advertised       quit when they either have                                                                                       heighten the challenges
                                new jobs or are confident                                                                                        facing Yellen as she con-
more available jobs in De-      they can find one.                                                                                               siders whether the Fed
                                Some economists were en-                                                                                         should continue raising the
cember and more Ameri-          couraged by the job open-                                                                                        short-term rate it controls,
                                ings report.                                                                                                     and when.
cans quit, trends that could    “Despite the turmoil in fi-                                                                                      A lower unemployment
                                nancial markets and in-                                                                                          rate, more quits and more
lift wages in the coming        creasing talk of recession,                                                                                      job openings suggests
                                the labor market continues                                                                                       employers are having a
months.                         to improve and is moving                                                                                         harder time keeping their
                                toward full employment,”                                                                                         employees and attracting
The number of job open-         said Gus Faucher, senior                                                                                         new workers. Raising pay
                                economist at PNC Finan-                                                                                          is one way to respond to
ings jumped 4.9 percent to      cial. “The tightening in the                                                                                     those challenges.
                                job market is pushing up                                                                                         Higher pay, in turn, could
5.6 million, the most since     wages, which in turn is sup-                                                                                     lift inflation, as companies
                                porting consumer spend-                                                                                          raise prices to offset larger
July, the Labor Department      ing.”                                                                                                            labor costs. q
                                Other analysts worry that
said Tuesday. And quits         signs of an economic slow-
                                down could soon catch up
increased 6.9 percent to        with the job market.
                                “As fate would have it, the
nearly 3.1 million, the high-   job market may be feeling       Reece Lightner fills out a job application for a server at a job fair
                                healthy, just as the rest of    held by The Genuine Hospitality Group, in Miami. On Tuesday,
est in more than nine years.    the economy is downshift-       Feb. 9, 2016, the Labor Department reported on job openings
                                                                and labor turnover for December.
People typically quit for
                                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
better-paying positions, so

more quits are a sign that

overall pay levels could

increase. Employers have                                        ing,” said Joe LaVorgna,       ing in the face of slowing
                                                                chief U.S. economist at        overseas growth and the
also struggled to fill many                                     Deutsche Bank.                 stronger dollar, while mea-
                                                                U.S. manufacturing is shrink-  sures of the service sector
open jobs, which could

push them to offer higher

pay to attract workers.

The data comes after

the government said

last week that hiring had

slowed sharply in January.

Yet wages grew at a solid

pace, and the unemploy-

ment rate fell to an eight-

Energy agency says gasoline
to average under $2 in 2016

 The Associated Press           The pump savings are a di-
                                rect result of the 70 percent
For the first time since 2004,  collapse in crude oil prices
U.S. drivers are expected       since mid-2014. Earlier Tues-
to pay an average of less       day, the International En-
than $2 a gallon for gaso-      ergy Agency said the sup-
line, the government said       ply of oil is set to outpace
Tuesday.                        demand again this year,
They can thank the huge         keeping a lid on any ex-
glut of oil around the globe.   pected price increases.
The U.S. Energy Information     Global supplies could ex-
Administration said in its      ceed demand by as much
monthly short-term energy       as 2 million barrels a day in
outlook that regular gaso-      the first quarter, the agen-
line will average $1.98 a       cy said.
gallon nationwide in 2016.      “If these numbers prove
The last time oil averaged      to be accurate, and with
less than $2 for a full year    the market already awash
was 2004, which was also        in oil, it is very hard to see
the last time gasoline at       how oil prices can rise sig-
stations in some states fell    nificantly in the short term,”
below $1 a gallon.              the IEA said.q
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