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Wednesday 11 december 2019
Testing tech ideas in public? San Francisco says get permit
By JANIE HAR too many hoops to jump
Associated Press through can be easily ma-
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — nipulated by vested inter-
Tired of San Francisco ests to fight advancement,"
streets being used as a test- he said.
ing ground for the latest San Francisco political
delivery technology and strategist Jon Golinger says
transportation apps, city it's time that City Hall took
leaders are now requiring control after nearly a de-
businesses to get permits cade of political leaders al-
before trying out new high- lowing businesses free rein.
tech ideas in public. The lenience made some
Supporters of the legisla- people wealthy but didn't
tion, which the Board of provide enough public
Supervisors unanimously good to a city with skyrock-
approved Tuesday, say it eting housing prices, grow-
is the first of its kind in the ing homelessness and wid-
U.S. They say it's long over- ening income inequality.
due in a city that's a hub for "It had a detrimental and
major tech companies but lasting effect on the quality
is more accustomed to re- of life and the health of our
acting to the sudden arrival In this April 17, 2018 file photo, a woman rides a motorized scooter in Washington Square Park in city," he said.
of new technology — like San Francisco. For instance, San Francis-
hundreds of dockless elec- Associated Press co did not start regulating
tric scooters that appeared Airbnb until 2014, years af-
overnight last year. ture is not a free-for-all," testing, and promote job pogo sticks as transporta- ter the company started
The e-scooter trend has led said Norman Yee, presi- creation would fare better tion. The concept makes advertising short-term rent-
to complaints from people dent of the Board of Super- than those that don't. him shudder. als despite a city law that
in cities across the country. visors who introduced the The office will have over- "Can you imagine?" Yee prohibited such stays.
The tech industry has show- legislation. sight over new technology said. "Let's put a stop to that Officials also are tangling
ered San Francisco with The Office of Emerging launched on, above or be- before they drop 10,000 with Uber and Lyft over
high-paying jobs and ce- Technology will serve as a low city property or on pub- pogo sticks into the city." congestion, user data and
mented its reputation as a one-stop shop for entrepre- lic right-of-ways, but the Local officials have a duty driver pay, among other is-
place for big ideas, but the neurs who want to test their legislation does not spell to protect public infrastruc- sues.
success of home-grown products in San Francisco's out all the possible tech- ture and to send the mes- Transportation companies
companies Airbnb, Lyft public space. Companies nologies the office would sage that public space is like those ride-hailing ser-
and Uber has vexed some will not be allowed to ex- oversee. "not the Wild West" for any- vices are overseen by the
residents as streets have periment unless the office Yee said hoverboards, de- one with coding skills and a state so could not be regu-
become more congested declares the tech in ques- livery drones and data- neat idea, said Aaron Klein, lated by the city office, says
and the housing shortage tion a "net public good." gathering devices on side- a fellow in economic stud- Erica Maybaum, an aide to
has worsened. It's not clear how criteria will walks or other public infra- ies at the Brookings Institu- Yee. It also would not regu-
"I support innovation and be used to evaluate pro- structure would be subject tion, a public policy think late a service like Airbnb
technology, but our resi- posals, but companies that to regulation. He's even tank. because that involves a pri-
dents are not guinea pigs, share data, ensure public heard of a business that "On the other hand, too vate platform and private
and our public infrastruc- safety and privacy when wants to promote low-tech much local control and properties, she said.q
Report: black lung funding cut
will cost taxpayers billions
of 2019 due to inaction by Labor earlier this year con- unfold at his Pikeville, Ken-
Congress. That led to a re- firmed to The Associated tucky, radiology clinic, said
duction in the amount coal Press that a funding short- earlier this year that he has
companies pay into the fall in the Black Lung Trust seen 200 miners diagnosed
fund, which pays benefits Fund would be covered with a severe form of black
and medical bills for miners by borrowing from the U.S. lung disease in less than
diagnosed with black lung Treasury. four years.
disease. A excise tax rate of $1.10 The nation had 31 such di-
"By failing to extend the ex- per ton of underground agnoses in the 1990s, ac-
cise tax, Congress is shifting mined coal was cut by cording to the National
billions of dollars in liabili- more than half to about 50 Institute for Occupational
In this Jan. 24, 2019 file photo Dr. Brandon Crum points to the ties from coal companies cents in the new year. The Safety and Health.
X-ray of a black lung patient at his office in Pikeville, Ky. to taxpayers," said Autumn fund took in about $450 mil- The mining industry sup-
Associated Press Hanna, vice president of lion in revenue in fiscal year ported the higher tax rate's
By DYLAN LOVAN according to a new report Taxpayers for Common 2017. expiration.
Associated Press from a national watchdog Sense. The Washington- The cut came as a surge Black lung disease, or
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — A cut group. based group released a of black lung disease scars pneumoconiosis, is caused
to the tax coal companies An excise tax rate on mined report on Tuesday that said miners' lungs at young- by inhaling dust in the lungs
pay to fund a trust for sick coal that funds the Black the fund's debt could be as er ages than ever. Dr. and has no cure. It has
miners will cost taxpayers Lung Disability Trust Fund high as $26 billion by 2050. Brandon Crum, who has killed about 78,000 miners
at least $15 billion by 2050, expired at the beginning The U.S. Department of watched the epidemic since 1968.q