Page 13 - KPA
P. 13
WORLD NEWSSaturday 5 September 2015
Police: Supporters of
Christian politi-
Suspect in custody unlikely to be Bangkok bomber cian hold huge
The man arrested at an apartment on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015, and found with evidence police that the bombing was to Beirut rally
said included bomb making equipment and stacks of passports, is brought to police headquar- avenge Thailand’s forced
ters in Bangkok, Thailand, Friday, Sept. 4, 2015, after being in military custody. repatriation of more than BEIRUT (AP) — Thousands of
100 ethnic Uighurs to Chi- supporters of a Lebanese
(AP Photo/Wason Wanichakorn) na in July. Uighurs (pro- Christian leader staged a
nounced WEE-gurs) are protest in downtown Bei-
GRANT PECK lice said Friday. days. The evening blast at related to Turks, and Turkey rut on Friday, demand-
N. ANUSONADISAI The apparent ruling out of the shrine popular among is home to a large Uighur ing a new electoral law
Associated Press the suspect — identified Thais and tourists alike left community. and parliament and presi-
BANGKOK (AP) — A for- as Mieraili Yusufu or Yusufu 20 people dead and more National police spokesman dential elections. Michel
eign suspect arrested at Meerailee — as the main than 120 injured in one of Prawut Thavornsiri said DNA Aoun, leader of the Free
the border near Cambodia perpetrator suggests that the most devastating acts samples taken from the Patriotic Movement, has
is unlikely to be the yellow- the person who bombed of violence in Bangkok in suspect did not match the urged a heavy turnout at
shirted man seen in security the Erawan Shrine in Bang- decades. DNA found on evidence the demonstration, which
videos and suspected of kok on Aug. 17 could still be Thai authorities have sug- that the bomber is be- is separate from recent
planting a deadly bomb at large despite two arrests gested that at least two of lieved to have left behind anti-government protests
at a Bangkok shrine, but is and the naming of seven the suspects are possibly — in a taxi, on banknotes, over the country’s ongo-
definitely a conspirator, po- other suspects in recent Turkish, boosting a theory and on a motorcycle taxi ing trash crisis. Aoun, who is
he took on the night of the part of the current govern-
attack. The bomber is be- ment, is calling for an end
lieved to have left the pipe to what he says has been
bomb in a knapsack at the Christian marginalization.
open-air the shrine when it Lebanon has been with-
was packed with worship- out a president for more
pers during evening rush than a year. According to
hour. Lebanon’s power-sharing
“Now we don’t have any system, the president must
evidence to say that he is be a Christian, the premier
the yellow-shirted man,” a Sunni and the parliament
Prawut told reporters. speaker a Shiite. Aoun, a
“However, he is definitely former army commander,
involved with the bomb- is bidding for presidency.
ing,” Prawut said about the He is calling for a new
suspect, who was arrested electoral law and parlia-
Tuesday at the border with ment elections to be fol-
Cambodia.q lowed by presidential elec-
tions. Thousands of people
Senior right-wing Ukrainians charged in Monday clashes waving the Free Patriotic
Movement’s flag took part
YURAS KARMANAU Ukrainian regions including president from power in Aug. 31, 2015, outside the in the protest in Beirut’s
Associated Press the rebel-held east. More February 2014. Supreme Rada,” he told re- Martyrs’ Square, forming
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Two than 140 people were hos- Svoboda leader Oleh Tyah- porters before questioning. a sea of orange. “At your
senior members of a Ukrai- pitalized including one of- nybok turned up for ques- The Interior Ministry on Tues- service, General,” read
nian nationalist party were ficer who is still in a coma. tioning at the Interior Minis- day issued photographs one of the banners, in ref-
charged Friday with rioting The police said they had try on Friday. of the protesters facing off erence to Aoun. “We want
while their leader walked found the man, formerly a Tyahnybok, who is offi- the police Monday, which new elections emanating
free after being questioned fighter in a volunteer bat- cially a witness while 16 featured the Svoboda two from a fair election law,”
in Kiev in connection with talion in the restive east, Svoboda members have members with a truncheon read another. Friday’s pro-
Monday’s clashes outside who is believed to have been arrested on suspicion in one hand and a shield in test comes amid a wave
the parliament. thrown the grenade. of orchestrating the riots, another. of anti-government rallies
Three National Guard of- Following clashes, another blamed the violence on Investigators have prom- in Beirut, sparked by the
ficers died from injuries nationalist party walked the government. ised a speedy probe, say- government’s inability to
suffered in a grenade ex- out of the parliament ma- “It’s only the current gov- ing that perpetrators and solve an ongoing trash cri-
plosion during clashes be- jority coalition, threatening ernment which is building organizers could face sis. Those rallies have been
tween police and national- to tip the already precari- a dictatorship under the lengthy prison sentences led by civil society groups
ists who were protesting a ous balance of power in guise of pretty slogans that as the clashes have been who came together to
constitutional amendment Ukraine where months-long is benefiting from the trag- classified as a terrorist at- protest government cor-
granting more powers to protest swept a pro-Russian edy that happened on tack. q ruption that led to the lat-
est gridlock.q