Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
LOCAL Friday 7 June 2024
Did you know about...
Basic driving rules on Aruba (part 1)
(Oranjestad)—Have you ever felt speed—is on the right lane.
confused when you’re driving on
the highways or backstreets of Roundabouts
Aruba? Then we present a simple Speaking of roundabouts, it is im-
guide to some of the basic rules portant to know where you have
of Aruban traffic, along with some to enter and drive on the round-
tips for things to look out for. about to make your exit. A good
rule of thumb is to count the exits
Speed limit starting from your right side. So,
Legally, the speed limit on the exit 1 would be on your right; exit
four-lane highways is 80 km/h. This 2 would be straight ahead; exit 3
speed limit also counts for the main would be on your far left and exit 4 on it. A good rule of thumb is to The far right lane is to take the exit
look out if someone is coming from 1 out heading east (right lane of
roads that are connected to the would lead to the road paralleled
highways. The minimum speed is to the one you’re on, heading in your left side. highway). The middle exit is used
for exit 1 (left lane of highway), 2
50 km/h. Most people drive around the other direction.
60 km/h on the main roads and However, other roundabouts can and 3. The far left exit is used to
only exit on exit 3 (left lane of high-
be quite tricky to navigate…
about 70 km/h on the highways. Most roundabouts have these 4
There are also areas that indicate exits, so they are relatively simple. Watty Vos Boulevard (the way) and 4.
a speed limit on a sign; these are When you’re driving on the four-
“Las Americas” roundabout
“paperclip” roundabout)
usually around populated and lane highway, it is important to Probably the biggest roundabout The Las Americas roundabout is
school areas. know when to switch to the left
lane to make your exit: if your exit on the island, the “paperclip” located near the Talk of the Town
The four-lane highways contain the is on your far left (exit 3), then you roundabout on the Watty Vos hotel, west from the airport round-
left-lane, also known as the “fast” need to switch to the left lane on Boulevard is one of the trickier about. This roundabout may look
could—and like a regular roundabout—and for
lane for each direction. Here is the high way before nearing the
where vehicles can drive up to the roundabout so you can take the has—caused confused among the most part, it is. However, when
both tourists and locals. However, you are driving from the east go-
maximum speed. However, legally path that leads you directly to your
it is not permitted to drive for long exit. If your exit is on your right or if once you take a good look at it, ing in the direction of town, please
it’s fairly simple. The basis is just the take note that there are two exits
periods of time on the left lane. This you’re going straight ahead, you
lane is primarily designed for driv- can keep driving in the right lane same as a regular roundabout (left on your right.
exit? left lane! etc.), but instead of
ers to switch lanes before a round- of the highway.
about, for example, if your exit having four different exits like on a When you’re driving towards this
regular roundabout, now you have roundabout, you’ll notice that the
on the roundabout is on your far It’s also important to know that
left. The general lane to drive in— vehicles about to enter the round- two extra; one on the right and the road becomes wider, splitting into
two lanes. The right lane is used to
other on the left side of the round-
both at maximum and minimum about must yield to those already
about. The rules don’t change at take the first and second exit on
all, you just have to keep an extra the right. If you want to exit straight
eye open. ahead, you must drive on the left
Airport roundabout
Ah, yes. The infamous airport It’s always scary to drive in new
roundabout. The favorite round- places where the traffic may look
about amongst local, because and work differently, but once
of its easy (hard) lanes that never you get it right once, you’ll get the
(always) cause confusion among hang of it in no time. Additionally,
drivers. Sarcasm aside, this round- all roundabouts and roads on Aru-
about can be tricky to enter, espe- ba have signs and arrows painted
cially when you’re driving from the on the road to help guide you. So
direction of the airport heading. take your time, keep your eyes
When you’re driving away from the open and don’t forget to wear a
airport reaching the roundabout, seat belt! q
you’ll be faced with three lanes.