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P. 14

a14   people & arts
                         Friday 19 May 2023

            A delicious Jason Momoa

            saves ‘Fast X’ from furiously

            speeding off into numbness

            By MARK KENNEDY              know  then,  but  that  bad
            AP Entertainment Writer      guy  had  a  son  who  sur-
            Fans  and  critics  may  dis-  vived and now, years later,
            agree  over  when  exactly  vows vengeance. That’s it.
            the  “Fast  &  Furious”  fran-  That’s the plot.
            chise jumped the shark, but  That  said,  “Fast  X”  is  mon-
            there  is  only  one  correct  strously  silly  and  stupidly
            answer:  When  the  Pontiac  entertaining  —  just  Wile
            Fiero went into space.       E.  Coyote  stuff,  ridiculous
            Weightless  and  violating  stunts  employing  insane
            every  physical  law,  the  G-forces  and  everything
            floating  car  —  tasked  with  seemingly on fire. There are
            bumping  a  satellite  in  the  elements  of  “Mission:  Im-
            ninth installment — was the  possible,”  007  and  “John
            very  symbol  of  how  bloat-  Wick,”  as  if  all  the  action   This image released by Universal Pictures shows Jason Momoa in a scene from “Fast X.”
            ed  and  crazed  the  once-  franchises  were  somehow                                                                          Associated Press
            plucky series had become.  merging. But here’s a warn-
            There  really  was  no  way  ing:  It  careens  to  an  end
            down after that.             without  a  payoff,  a  more  has  a  penchant  for  plan-  Bridges,   Jordana   Brew-  family photos and he stares
            And yet we have come to  dangerous  stunt  than  any  ning  explosions  and  then  ster,  John  Cena,  Jason  at  them  intently.  “I  only
            10, part of a planned series  in the movies themselves.   standing  on  a  high  spot  Statham,  Charlize  Theron,  care about protecting the
            of films finally saying good-  The film would not be near  and throwing his arms wide  Sung Kang, Scott Eastwood  people that I love,” he will
            bye.  “Fast  X”  is,  thankfully,  enough  as  fun  without  Ja-  like Christ the Redeemer as  and  Helen  Mirren,  whose  growl.
            shackled  to  Earth’s  grav-  son Momoa, who plays the  the blast wave hits. The film  attempt  once  again  at  Family  —  as  fans  of  the
            ity — sometimes tenuously,  bad  guy’s  son  as  a  full-on  sags as soon as he’s not in  a  working-class  accent  is  franchise  know  well  —  is
            it must be said — but it has  flamboyant  psycho,  lick-  it.                          comical. This is a clown car  always  central,  or  rather,
            become almost camp, as if  ing  a  knife  clean  after  kill-  Momoa is part of the fran-  of talent. The poster for the  a  gothic  zero-sum  notion
            it breathed in too much of  ing  someone  with  it  and  chise’s  familiar  tactic  of  film includes 14 characters,  of blood’s bond explained
            its own fumes.               painting  the  toenails  of  a  stacking  ever  more  stars  like an Avengers movie.   with soap opera dialogue.
            “Fast  X”  reaches  into  the  dead victim as he displays  with  not  enough  to  do  —  At the center is the always-  Toretto must protect family
            fifth  movie  —  2011’s  “Fast  the corpse in a demented  this time we also welcome  sleeveless     Diesel,   who  no matter the cost (but ap-
            Five” — for the seeds to tell  garden  party.  “Never  ac-  Brie  Larson,  Alan  Ritchson,  keeps  getting  exposed  as  parently OK with leaving his
            a  new  story.  In  a  memo-  cept death when suffering  Daniela  Melchior  and  Rita  a  truly  terrible  actor,  one  8-year-old son in someone
            rable  moment  five  mov-    is owed,” he says.           Moreno.  There’s  even  a  who evidently only attend-     else’s care as he drag rac-
            ies  ago,  Vin  Diesel’s  Dom  He  is  half  Joaquin  Phoenix  Pete Davidson cameo.    ed  the  Brooding  101  semi-  es in Rio). “You know what
            Toretto wrecked a bad guy  from  “The  Joker”  and  half  That’s  on  top  of  regulars  nar  in  drama  school.  The  your  problem  is?”  teases
            and his team on a bridge in  Jack Sparrow from “Pirates  Michelle  Rodriguez,  Tyrese  filmmakers usually just prop  Momoa. “Family. You can’t
            Rio de Janeiro. Little did we  of the Caribbean.” Momoa  Gibson,  Chris  “Ludacris”  him up in front of a wall of  save them all.”q

                                                                      CNN’s Amanpour criticizes network’s

                                                                      decision to hold Trump town hall

                                                                      graduating students at Co-   Everyone  knows  Trump  said. “Maybe live is not al-
                                                                      lumbia  University’s  gradu-  tries to seize the stage and  ways right.”
                                                                      ate  school  of  journalism  dominate  at  such  events,  Amanpour  criticized  the
                                                                      on  Wednesday  that  she  said  Amanpour,  the  chief  town hall’s audience, cho-
                                                                      would have “dropped the  international      correspon-   sen by CNN because they
                                                                      mic  at  ‘nasty  person,’”  a  dent  who  has  worked  at  were  Republicans  or  in-
                                                                      reference  to  when  Trump  CNN for 40 years.            dependents  who  plan  to
                                                                      lobbed that insult at mod-   “No matter how much flak  vote  in  the  2024  Republi-
                                                                      erator Kaitlan Collins.      the moderator tries to aim  can primary.
                                                                      CNN was criticized for host-  at the incoming, it doesn’t  Citing  the  precedents  of
                                                                      ing Trump at a live event in  work,” she said.           past candidate debates or
                                                                      New Hampshire, where the  Perhaps  today’s  journal-     forums,  CNN  should  have
              Christiane  Amanpour  participates  in  the  “Amanpour  &  Co.”   2024  presidential  candi-  ism  leaders  should  learn  insisted  “that  our  invited
              panel during the TCA Summer Press Tour on July 30, 2018, in   date  repeated  lies  about  from  those  in  the  1950s,  guests behave themselves
              Beverly Hills, Calif.                                   the  last  election  before  a  who  refused  to  give  Sen.  — no hooting, no hollering,
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      mostly  adoring  audience.  Joseph  McCarthy  atten-     no jeering, no cheering.”
              By DAVID BAUDER             journalist  to  publicly  criti-  CNN Chairman Chris Licht  tion “unless his foul lies, his  “I can only hope that your
              AP Media Writer             cize her network for airing  has  defended  the  town  witch  hunts  and  his  rants”  trust in us might have been
              NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Vet-    last  week’s  town  hall  with  hall  as  newsworthy  and  reached  the  basic  level  shaken  but  not  shattered,
              eran  correspondent  Chris-  former  President  Donald  important, and Amanpour  for evidence allowed in a  that  you  believe  that  we
              tiane  Amanpour  became  Trump.                         said she had a “robust dis-  courtroom, she said.        can  survive  and  rebuild
              the  most  prominent  CNN  Amanpour told a group of  cussion” with him about it.     “Maybe  less  is  more,”  she  that trust,” she said.q
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