Page 12 - Minister Otmar Oduber
P. 12

                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 19 January 2016

For the 6th Time in a Row:

  De Palm Tours Receives Awards From Princess Cruises

ORANJESTAD – De Palm          their proud for their em-     has been honored for the      Arashi Reef without getting
Tours is again honored with   ployees who make this all     high-volume award and         wet or diving experience
an award for the Princess     possible.                     also their Natural Pool Jeep  needed. It’s not the first
Cruises low-volume tour       Every season, Princess        Adventure, not to mention     time Mayra received an
and for the Best Tour Guide   Cruises holds an award        the dozens of other nomi-     award for being such an
for the 2014-2015 season.     ceremony for the tours and    nations De Palm Tours has     outstanding tour guide. Its
Of all the destinations that  activities offered at each    taken the cake for from       clear guests love her and
Princess Cruises goes to,     port that are liked most      other Princess Cruises tour   she loves her guests.
De Palm Tours UTV Andicuri    by their passengers. A cer-   categories.                   The Princess Cruises line al-
off-road safari won the low-  emony was held aboard         Mayra Geerman who main-       lows for its passengers to
volume tour award and         the Royal Princess where      ly guides on Seaworld Ex-     “escape completely” with
Mayra Geerman from At-        the De Palm Tours Corpo-      plorer and was awarded as     eight consecutive years
lantis Submarine and Sea-     ration was honored for the    best tour guide by Princess   voted as “Best Cruise Itin-
world Explorer was voted      awards. Passengers of Prin-   Cruises’ guests, claims that  eraries” by Recommend
the Best Tour Guide. The      cess Cruises voted De Palm    the semi-submarine experi-    Magazine. As one of the
Jolly Pirates Sailing Tour    Tours’ highly acclaimed       ence is a unique opportu-     destinations on the South-
won the high-volume tour      UTV Andicuri off-road sa-     nity to explore Aruba’s wa-   ern Caribbean Cruises line,
award for this season.        fari as number one. As said   ters away from the shores.    Aruba is advertised as the
                              before this isn’t a new cel-  The semi-submersible ves-     ideal place for snorkel-
 De Palm Tours has been       ebratory moment for the       sel gives guests the oppor-   ing where almost every
awarded by Princess Cruis-    company, as two times         tunity to view the famous     inch of coastline shows off
es for the 6th year in a row  before Atlantis Submarines    Antilla WWII shipwreck and    the island’s supreme wa-
now and can only express                                                                  ters, which guests indulge
                                                                                          in on both the submarine
                                                                                          tour and jeep adventure.       Manager of De Palm Tours,
                                                                                          Warren Stanley, General        would like to thank Prin-
                                                                                                                         cess Cruises for their con-
                                                                                                                         tinued support, but most
                                                                                                                         of all the employees for
                                                                                                                         taking pride in their jobs
                                                                                                                         and wholeheartedly mak-
                                                                                                                         ing these tours memorable
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