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obituario/u.s. news Diabierna 6 Mei 2022
Fox chews through fence, kills 25 flamingos at
National Zoo
fox encounters on or near the grounds of the U.S.
Capitol,” including at the nearby U.S. Botanic
Garden. The captured fox was euthanized, along
with its kits.
Laga tur locual cu ta sperami ta bunita.
Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta The zoo attack is the worst such incident at the
bunita. zoo in 20 years. In 2002 and 2003, a string of
Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y animal raids — also by foxes — led to the deaths of
laga esaki nan termina den tur buniteza. more than a dozen ducks, a peacock and an elderly
Cu honda pena pero conforme cu boluntad di bald eagle. Zoo officials instituted new security
Dios, nos ta participa fayecimento di: measures in response to those attacks, and those
barriers have largely held firm until now.
(AP) — Foxes are known to raid henhouses.
But this raid, on an outdoor zoo yard housing The Zoo’s Bird House is currently closed to the
dozens of bright pink flamingos unable to public for long-term renovations, and the flock
fly away, was many times worse. mainly lives in a 9,750-square-foot yard with a
barn and a heated pool. Zoo officials said the area
Zookeepers at the National Zoo made a macabre was last inspected on Sunday around 2:30 p.m.
discovery this week when they entered the
outdoor enclosure that housed 74 flamingos. When staff returned early Monday morning, they
A wild fox from neighboring Rock Creek Park found more than two dozen dead birds and a “new
had apparently chewed a hole in the metal mesh softball-sized hole in the heavy-duty metal mesh
Carmen. F. Barroso. fencing and wreaked havoc, killing 25 flamingos that surrounds the outdoor yard,” according to
Mihor conosi como: “Reina de las Flores” and injuring three others. One Northern pintail an official zoo statement. Zoo staffers also briefly
spotted the fox in the outdoor area, but the animal
* 05-10-1928 duck was also killed. escaped.
† 13-04-2022
It’s the latest fox-related disruption in the nation’s
Na nomber di su capital, where just last month a rabid red fox To a fox, a flamingo is “like a chicken with longer
legs and a different color,” Dan Rauch, the city’s
Yiunan: Armando y Aminta Barroso attacked a congressman, who fought it off with wildlife biologist, told The Washington Post.
Sandra y Raymundo Trenidad a umbrella and had to get rabies shots. Capitol The ones at the zoo have their wings clipped and
† Maria Theresa Barroso Police received multiple reports of “aggressive cannot fly away.
† Gerbert Martina
Robert Martina y Gerda Polsbroek Brandie Smith, the zoo’s director, called the most
Yvette Koolman recent carnage “a heartbreaking loss for us and
Jhonny Pourier everyone who cares about our animals.” Smith
said in a statement that the fencing and other
Nieto y Nietanan: Belsie Barroso protective measures were being assessed and
Sandro Romney upgraded to prevent similar break-ins.
Ellery Barroso
Xiomara Romney “Our focus now is on the well-being of the
Faichel Barroso remaining flock and fortifying our habitats,” she
Latisha Barroso said.
Elvin Barroso
Nicole Martina “Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios, maske mi no ta The birds, formally known as American or
Mangwa Koc na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi ta banda di boso Caribbean flamingos, are instantly recognizable
Zulayca Alexander Curazon, mi por stens di loke Señor ta hasi” from their long stilted legs and distinctive pink
Stephanie Martina Salmo 33 hue. The remaining flamingos have been moved
Garysa Cham to an indoor enclosure and the injured birds are
Cu profundo tristeza na nos curazon nos ta
Bisanieto/a nan, Ihanan, Sobrinonan, anuncia fayecimento di: being treated by the zoo’s veterinary staff.
Amistadesnan, bon bisiñanan y conocirnan.
The mesh fencing is specifically designed to
Mihor amigonan di cas: prevent being chewed through by predators, and
“dig barriers” are also there to block any attempt
Ola Figaroa y Sidney Ponson to burrow under the fence. The fencing was last
Finchi Nassy replaced in 2017 and had passed all previous safety
Nash di Nobel Jewelry inspections.
Now the zoo is boosting security again —
Demas famia: Barroso, Koolman, Martina, reinforcing the mesh barriers, setting live traps
Trenidad, Cham, Koc, Pourier, Polsbroek, Van around the outdoor yard and installing movement-
Putten, Alexander, Nassy, Maduro, Dania, triggered cameras to photograph any nocturnal
Simmons, Romney, Ponson, Figaroa, Kling, activity.
Eisden, Loanjoe, Croes, Curiel, Maduro,
Orman, Lopez.
Kier a invita tur amigo bisiña y conocir pa
asisti na e acto di despedida cual lo tuma lugar
diabierna 6 mei 2022 for di 2or te cu 4or di
atardi na misa Santa Theresita na San Nicolaas
sigi pa e acto di cremation cual lo tuma lugar
den seno familiar
Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a Manuel C. Rasmijn
lubida algun famia of conocir
Despues di despedida nos no por ricibi bishita *25-10-1937 - †04-05-2022
di condolencia
Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar despues.