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Thursday 24 december 2020
Aruba Walk-in Clinic:
Meet Dr. Lili Beke: a skilled person and humane doctor at heart
ing as much patients as I can and that so Dr.Beke: “When on vacation you are ex-
far went very well. We have been busier as cited so you mix meals, eat without con-
normal, but we managed. Now that the trol and combine this with more alcohol
PALM BEACH — Doctor Lili Beke from the Walk-In Clinic tourists are back again we shift from locals than usual resulting in an upset stomach.
has a solid reputation, built on more than 35 years of ex- only to a mix of tourists and locals who Digestion issues occur and when on a diet
perience as a medical doctor. Both tourists and locals walk in my practice.” The government im- you can count on it that you will get sick.”
feel great with her for these simple reasons: communi- posed protocol for covid-19 which is strictly Throwing up, diarrhea, dehydration will be
cative, skilled, empathetic and trustworthy. She has all followed and after each patient the room a bummer on your vacation. “Second oc-
the qualities of a great doctor. When you feel sick during is thoroughly cleaned.” Her practice is, lit- casion why people step in here is medica-
vacation, you want it out of your system as soon as pos- erally, a stone-throw’s distance from the tion. They feel sick because they forgot to
sible. Don’t look any further; help is just around the corner. high-rise hotels offering tourists quick and take their medicines with them or simply
Unique is the fact that you can walk into this clinic without efficient service. “I noticed that many look think they don’t need it on holiday. But of
an appointment. for that personal touch and they do not course the body does not work differently
like the assistance on distance by sending only because you are in another place.”
During the interview with Aruba Today the doctor keeps pics on a cell phone. I see my patients and This happens especially with patients of
on getting calls from patients and every single call is an- this is important as I need to feel them.” higher age and many times with blood
swered with the all the patience in the world. The calm pressure medication and psychological
of Dr. Beke alone will ease you and with her experience, Top 5 vacation illnesses medicines, the doctor explains.q
she makes sure that the bad luck on vacation is turned The most common reasons why patients
into a bad memory in the blink of an eye. Both locals and walk into her clinic sound very familiar.
tourists are fans of the humane way Dr. Beke goes about
her job.
What makes a doctor a good doctor?
A good doctor needs first to develop qualities of pa-
tience, patience and more patience to maintain the
ability to care despite her patient's conditions. She needs Palm Beach Aruba Walk-in Clinic
to take time to explain and educate before medication Unit 8 at “The Cove”, Palm Beach
and take time to think about the proper decision, this Unit 9 at “The Cove”, Palm Beach
might Phone: +297 588 0539
not always be necessarily what is written in the textbooks. Email:
Taking time to explain and understand, choosing the Open Mon-Fri 10 am – 4 pm,
language to fit each and every patient, medical school Open during weekdays:
does not teach this, yet this is what defines Dr. Beke. 9am–12pm, 2.30 –5 pm
Sat 11.00 am – 4.00 pm
Covid times (Friday afternoon 2pm– 4.30 pm)
Dr. Beke: “My priority during the Covid-19 period is attend- Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 2 pm – 4 pm