Page 10 - DESPA
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                                                                                                                                 Friday 1 April 2016
                                                                                                                      DOCTOR ON DUTY
                                                                                                                                              Dr. Angela
                                                                                                                                              Tel. 583-9669
AP: Turkish security manhandles                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                                          Dr. Boderie
Classifiedsjournalists at Washington event 
WASHINGTON (AP) — It Another journalist, Am-
was a tense start Thursday berin Zaman, a former Tur-                                                                                                     Tel. 584-5155

for Turkish President Recep key correspondent for The Gold Coast Property                              TIMESHARE FOR SALE

Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to      Economist, said the Turkish     FOR SALE                                RENAISSANCE          price            EMERGENCIA
Washington for a nuclear       security detail called her                                              Week room
security summit, as his se-    a “PKK whore” as she was        Townhouse 2 floor, 2 bedrooms,                               $4,750                911
curity guards tussled with     standing outside the event.     3 bathrooms, kitchen, dinning           wk 38 room 529       $3,750
several journalists covering   The PKK, or Kurdistan Work-     room,patio, security 24/7, pools,       wk 40 room 336
a speech.                      er’s Party, is a Kurdish mili-  club house.
Turkish security officials     tant group that Turkey and      Sunset Residences                       wk 42 room 338 $4,000
tried to remove journalist     the United States classify as   For Sale
Adem Yavuz Arslan from         a terrorist organization.       Apartment at Eagle Beach, 3 mins        wk 43 room 329 $3,250                 POLICE            100
the Brookings Institution,     Erdogan is facing increas-      from beach 2 bedrooms, 2                wk 49 room 144 $5,500
the venue for Erdogan’s        ing criticism for his crack-    bathrooms, pool. Info 594-1496
speech. The policy insti-      down on free speech at          ________________________20_4_8_15       wk 50 room 546 $6,000                 ORANJESTAD        527-3140
tute’s security guards inter-  home. Arslan has worked                                                 wk 49 room 2571 $3,750                NOORD
vened, asking the Turkish      at outlets linked to U.S.-      FOR RENT HOUSE                          wk 48 room 517 $3,750                 STA. CRUZ         527-3200
officials to leave the room.   based Muslim cleric Fethul-     Furnished 3 bedr 2 bath                 wk 48 or 49 room 119 $4,750                             527-2900
Earlier, the officials had     lah Gulen, a strong critic of   with pool and alarm system              wk 48 or 49 room 551 $5,500           SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
stopped the journalist —       Erdogan.                        at Sabana Blanco                        wk 49 or 50 room 203 $5,500           POLICE TIPLINE 11141
who works for opposition       The government accuses          For more info call: 593-7366            wk 21 or 22 room 347 $4,000
media — from entering.         Gulen of plotting to over-                                              wk 1+2 room 517 $19,000               FIRE DEPT.        115
A second Turkish journal-      throw it and put him on trial   _________________________2_04_9_55      wk 13 room 501 $7,000                 FIRE DEPT.
ist said Erdogan’s body-       in absentia last year.                                                  Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200          HOSPITAL          582-1108
guards kicked him in the       Protesters, many criticiz-      TIME SHARE                                                                                      527-4000
leg, injuring him outside the  ing Turkish treatment of its    For Rent /Sale                                                                DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
event and prevented him        Kurdish minority, gathered                                                                                    AMBULANCE         582-1234
from attending. He said he     Thursday outside the Brook-     Divi Golf and Beach wk 12, 3/19 starts                                        CENTRO MEDICO 523-8833
was left bloodied by the       ings event before Erdo-         Studio Rm 4107. Affinity pool +bar
kick to his leg and could      gan’s arrival. A Turkish Em-    Deluxe furnishings king bed. Eagle 2
not get by security to at-     bassy official declined to      $4975 seller sp pay 2016 assessment
tend, although he was on       comment on the incidents        buyer pays 2016 maintenance fee of      ________________________20_4_3_43_    PHARMACY
the guest list.                at the event.                   $650.= and 2017 assessment of aprox     Time Share Resale
                                                               $525,= 28 weeks left on contract
                                                               e-mail:                  Dutch Village                              Oranjestad: Eagle Tel: 587-9011
                                                               or us 508-651-0016                      Non Mandatory Maintennace Fee         San Nicolas: Centro Medico Tel: 584-5794
                                                               ________________________2_0_47_2_5      One Bedroom Week 10 room #27

                                                               Time Share For Rent/Sale                12 weeks remain on the contract       INFORMATION       118
                                                                                                       $4000                                 TAXI-TAS          587-5900
                                                               Studios and 1 Bdrm at Divi Village /
                                                               Dutch Village March 12 to Dec 11th.     Two Bedroom wk 12 Room # 85           PROF. TAXI        588-0035
                                                               Also wk 17 Rm 3205                                                            TAXI D.T.S.
                                                               Studio bldng 2 from 4/24 $3950 or B/O   32 weeks remain on the contract                         587-2300
                                                               e-mail:                  10 can be acclerated $8000            SERVICE ARUBA 583-3232
                                                               or us 508-651-0016
                                                               ________________________2_0_47_2_4      call:(297) 630-1307

                                                                  FLEAMARKET                               CRUISESHIP
                                                                   ROCOCO PLAZA
                                                                  Tanki Leendert road 4A               Time Share Resale

                                                                 SUNDAY 3 APRIL                        Marriott Surf Club                                        April 2
                                                                                                       2 BR G.V. Platinum $15,000                              Freewinds
                                                                 Start 9 am Big SALE                   2 BR O.V. Platinum $16,000

                                                                 Antique Shops Open                    2 BRO. Side Platinum $18,000          Aruba Aiport      524-2424
                                                                                                       2 BR O.Front Platinum $27,500         American Airline  582-2700
                                                                                                       3 BR O.V. Platinum $29,000            Avianca           588-0059
                                                                                                       call:(297) 630-1307                   Aruba Airlines    583-8300
                                                                                                           Jet Blue          588-2244
                                                                                                       _________________________2_0_49_5_3   Surinam           582-7896
                                                                                                                                             Tiara Air
                                                                                                       Time Share Resale                     Venezolana        588-4272
                                                                                                       Marriott Ocean Club                                     583-7674

                                                                                                       One Bedroom O.V. Platinum             Aruba Foundation
                                                                                                       $11,500                               For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                       Two Bedroom O.V. Platinum

                                                               DAILY OPEN 9am – 4pm                    $17,000                               Tel: 582-5051
                                                               Sat + Fleamarketday                     Two Bedroom Ocean Front $29,000
                                                               9-1 pm. Call 741-5640                   Call:(297) 630-1307                   FUNDACION

                                                                                                       _________________________2_0_49_5_3 Anti-Droga
                                                                                                       FOR SALE

                                                                                                       by owner                              (FADA) Tel: 583-2999

                                                                                                       Marriott Surf Club                    FUNDACION
                                                                                                       2 br O.V. lock off unit Gold season   Respetami
                                                                                                       price $16.000
                                                                                                       Marriott Ocean Club                   Tel: 582-4433

                                                                                                       2 Br O.V. Gold season 5 floor         Centro Diabetic Arubano

                                                                                                       lock off unit                         Tel: 524-8888
                                                                                                       Price $16.000 negotiable

                                                                                                       567-6024 / 587-2633                   Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                       USA 718-748-0395                      Tel: 583-8989

                                                                                                       _________________________2_04_8_25    QUOTA Club

                                                                                                       For Sale / Rent                       Tel: 525-2672

                                                                                                       DIVI VILLAGE STUDIO

                                                                                                       Rm 3205, 4/24, week 17 Rent $795,     Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                       buy $3250 +M fees and week 29         Foundation
                                                                                                       Unit 5503 July 17 Rent $795, buy
                                                                                                       $3100+M fees local after4/1 565-9394  Tel: 583-5400
                                                                                                       or us 508-651-0016                    Bloodbank Aruba

                                                                                                       ________________________2_0_49_5_2 Tel: 587-0002
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