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Tuesday 12 November 2024 locAl
Aruban legends:
Frenchman’s Pass
(Oranjestad)—If you ever was known as Frenchman’s
plan on taking a group Pass, and there have been
tour of the island, you may many accounts of spirits
pass through the French- roaming the area of Span-
man’s Pass in Balashi. The ish Lagoon.
Frenchman’s pass (known
to locals as “Franse Pas”) There are many ghost sto-
remains a mysterious—and ries surrounding this area,
spooky—road of which its but one of the most famous
legend is told from genera- one involves a lonely hitch-
tion to generation. hiker, trying to find a ride
back home in the dark
The history of the French- rainy night.
man’s pass—and how it got
its name—dates back to Sometime after trying to
the colonization era, when hitchhike, the man saw a
the French tried to colo- car approaching, appear-
nize the island, but were ing almost ghost-like in the
met with an angry mob of rain. However, since he
indigenous settlers, refusing needed a ride real bad,
to give up their land. How- he didn’t think twice and road and crash, he saw a grew quiet, because they
ever, as the French were jumped in. But to his horror, hand appear out the win- realized he wasn’t some French man’s pass is one
heavily equipped with fire he noticed that the there dow and turn the wheel. drunk messing around; he of the few sites on the is-
arms, the indigenous set- was no driver in the front. For the next few turns, the was telling the truth. land that keeps the locals
tlers began to retreat, and Paralyzed with fear, he hand appeared again. Af- on their toes. While most
hid away in nearby caves. didn’t dare to get out, and ter having had enough, the Sometime later, two men ghost stories may not have
The French colonizers tried the car started to move. man decided to jump out walked into the bar and real grounds—or some may
to smoke them out of the and he ran to Santa Cruz. one of them noticed the even be a set up story for a
caves, but the indigenous When approaching a hitchhiker. He called out to joke, this pass contributes a
settlers ended up inhal- sharp turn, the hitch hiker Arriving at a nearby bar, his buddy and said: “Look, lot to our culture of folkloric
ing too much smoke and braced for impact, but just he ordered a drink and be- there’s the idiot who sat story-telling. q
most died in those caves. when he though the car gan to tell everyone about in our car when we were
From then on, this passage might drive straight off the his experience. Everyone pushing it!” Source:
Aruban snacks and where to find them
ORANJESTAD — Want to taste found in all local snack trucks,
something different for a change? which can be found all over the
How about some Aruban snacks island, including on the side of the
that you can find all around the is- main road that stretches from San
land? Hop in your car, and go to Nicolas to the Hotel Area. You can
these locations to find some of the also find pastechis and krokets at
most popular and tasty snacks that local bakeries and snack shops,
are beloved by our locals. like Bright Bakery in Piedra Plat,
Huchada in Santa Cruz or Paste-
One of the staples of Aruban cui- chi House in the city center. These
sine and snacks is the Pastechi. places may also sell other snacks
Pastechi is a Caribbean fried pas- and sandwiches too, perfect for
try that is filled with cheese, meat, on-the-road lunch break.
chicken, veggies and sometimes
even fish! Or perhaps you might While you’re at it, why not accom-
want to try a croquette, locally pany your snack with a refreshing
called a “kroket,” which is a crusty “batido”? Batidos are fruit shakes, markets downtown, or if you’re on Baby Beach.
fried snack with typically a meat typically made with added milk your way to San Nicolas, at Mau- 2. Along the main road next
and dough mix filling. The Aruban for some creaminess. However, chi Smoothies and Juice Bar in Sa- to the airport field.
kroket is based on its Dutch coun- you can also ask to hold the milk. vaneta (located at the side of the 3. At the California Light
terpart, the “bitterbal”. Batidos are commonly found in main road). House.
snack shops too. You may find 4. At the Alto Vista Chapel.
These two snacks are typically some batido shops next the flee If you are looking for something a
bit more fresh and healthy, why not These vendors may also sell other
try some coconuts, or shaved ice delights, like the beloved coconut-
from local vendors? These vendors based dessert “cocada” or pea-
carry their little shop at the back of nuts. All in all, in Aruba, you can
their truck, so they are ever-mov- always find some place to take a
ing around the island. However, break and have a bite of some-
there are a few spots where you thing local, you maybe just might
can almost always find a coconut/ have to look for them!
shaved ice vendor:
1. Right next to the Red An- Photo credit:
chor in San Nicolas, on the way to