Page 8 - ttc oct 12
P. 8
LOCALMonday 12 October 2015
Iron Chef Koopman with Pepia Est as
the best overall.
Continued from page 13 Tasked with creating three
courses with mystery bas-
The team of ASD and the ket ingredients that in-
team of Divi engineers and cluded leaves from the
banquet managers came local moringa tree, cape
through smoothly and ef- gooseberries, black qui-
ficiently. The event also so- noa, kimchi, lamb sirloin,
licited the participation of local pumpkin, figs, won-
the island’s future genera- ton wrappers, and local
tion of chefs, with six EPB basil, among other chal-
final-year students in the lenging ingredients, Chef
culinary program, acting
as chef-helpers on stage. resenting spirit distributor to create and present an
Before dinner, guests en- Romar Trading Company, original cocktail, which
joyed a cocktail hour at Zulay Duran with the Gi- was voted on by guests of
Fusion Wine Bar, where the anni’s Restaurant Group, Iron Chef Aruba.
Iron Chef Bartenders’ Brawl representing Arion Wine Receiving the most votes,
was held. Top local bar- Company, and Danny van Hollywood Smokehouse’s
tenders Sandro Tromp from der Linden with Hollywood Danny van der Linden won
White Modern Cuisine, rep- Smokehouse, represent- top honors as the island’s
ing Pepia Est, were asked top mixologist. His win-
ning cocktail, The Aruba Teddy Bouroncle from the
Aloe, was a perfectly bal- Aruba Marriott Resort &
anced cocktail made with Stellaris Casino, assisted
Sauza Tequila, fresh cu- by apprentices Danvid
cumber soda, aloe juice, Webb and Brian Martinez,
agave, and fresh mint, and wowed judges Jeff Lesker,
uniquely garnished with seasoned hotelier and cur-
aloe caviar. rent general manager of
During dinner, guests hap- the Hilton El San Juan Re-
pily feasted on a four- sort in Puerto Rico, Joyce
course meal prepared by Husken, chef and owner
the Divi Resorts culinary of Yemanja Woodfire Grill
team under the direction in Aruba, and guest celeb-
of executive chef Gerard rity chef Ruth Van Waere-
Coste. Each course was beek, brand ambassador
paired with wine by young, and house chef for Chile’s
up-and-coming wine pro- famed Concha y Toro Win-
fessionals competing dur- ery.
ing the event for the honor Iron Chef Aruba was gra-
of Junior Wine Sommelier. ciously co-sponsored by
Representing Pepia Est was the Aruba Tourism Author-
Jimmy Koopman. Arion ity, Divi Resorts, Alhambra
Wine Company fielded Casino & Shops, ASD Aruba
Reinier Maduro, and Fer- Hotel & Restaurant Equip-
nanda Jimenez represent- ment Supplies, Romar Trad-
ed Romar Trading. Wine ing, Arion Wine Company,
expert Franz Sydow judged Pepia Est., U.S. Meat Export
the competitors’ pairing Federation, Gandelman,
creativity, ultimately find- Ling & Sons, and Caribbe-
ing the pairings of Jimmy an Overseas.q