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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 22 Juli 2022

                                  Chris Froome out of Tour de France with COVID-19

              (AP)  —  Four-time  Tour  "I'm  really  disappointed  not
            de    France     champion  to  be  able  to  roll  into  Paris
            Chris  Froome  pulled  out  and  finish  off  this  Tour  de
            of  cycling's  biggest  race  France,"  Froome  said.  "It's
            on Thursday after testing  been  an  extremely  special
            positive for COVID-19.       race for us as a team and for
                                         me  personally  as  well.  I've
            Froome  withdrew  from  the  really  been  finding  my  legs
            Tour ahead of Stage 18 from  again."
            Lourdes to Hautacam in the
            Pyrenees.                    Froome was 26th overall, lag-
                                         ging 1 hour, 27 minutes, 14
            Froome said in a video mes-  seconds  behind  race  leader
            sage  he  will  take  a  few  days  Jonas Vingegaard.
            off  and  refocus  on  compet-
            ing at the Spanish Vuelta next  So  much  has  changed  for
            month.                       Froome  since  that  training
                                         crash during the 2019 Crité-
            Froome, who rides for the Is-  rium du Dauphiné, an event
            rael–Premier Tech team, said  he  had  been  using  to  fine-
            he was sad not to reach Paris  tune  his  bid  for  a  record-
            after achieving his best result  equaling fifth Tour title. The
            since a career-changing crash  accident  not  only  left  him
            in  2019  with  a  third-place  with a fractured right femur,  itive racing, Froome did not  the fast-growing Israel Start-  still  very  far  from  the  level
            finish  in  the  Alpe  d'Huez  a  fractured  elbow  and  frac-  return  to  his  previous  best  Up  Nation  team,  Froome  that  helped  him  secure  the
            stage last week.             tured ribs, it also cost him his  level and lost his status as the  was left out of the Ineos ros-  Spanish Vuelta (in 2011 and
                                         spot in Team Ineos' Tour de  leader of the British team. Af-  ter for the 2020 Tour because  2017)  and  the  Giro  d'Italia
            The Tour ends on Sunday on  France squad the year after.  ter it was announced his con-  of poor form.              (2018) in addition to his four
            the Champs-Elysees.                                       tract  could  not  be  renewed                            Tour titles.
                                         After getting back to compet-  and that he would be joining  The  Kenyan-born  cyclist  is

                         Stay or go? Ronaldo's future uncertain at Manchester United

            (AP)  –  The  weekly  social  It's  why,  for  the  37-year-old  training  with  the  English  best  teams  in  England  like  mobility and an ability to be
            media  posts  published  by  Ronaldo,  playing  for  Man-  club  because  of  what  has  Manchester  City  and  Liver-  part of a team pressing game
            Cristiano  Ronaldo  this  chester  United  —  still  one  been  described  as  "personal  pool.  United  finished  sixth  counts for a lot, too, and Ron-
            offseason  typically  have  of  the  world's  most  famous  reasons."  The  expectation,  last season, 35 points behind  aldo does not offer that, even
            shown  the  soccer  super-   sports  teams,  despite  their  recently  hired  United  man-  first-place City.       if  he  remains  a  supremely
            star  half-dressed,  muscles  recent trophy drought — just  ager Erik ten Hag repeats on                            athletic player with that un-
            bulging,  either  working  isn't  enough.  He  wants  to  an almost-daily basis, is that  So,  while  the  rest  of  the  canny knack of coming alive
            out  or  promoting  one  of  be competing on the biggest  Ronaldo will be back before  United  squad  has  been  on  in the penalty area and scor-
            his many brands.             stage,  winning  the  biggest  the  Premier  League  begins  tour in Thailand and Austra-  ing from anywhere. A team's
                                         trophies while he can.       and be a key member of the  lia,  getting  match-sharp  and  structure must change to ac-
            Remaining    relevant   and                               squad.                       acquainted with ten Hag and  commodate  a  player  like  an
            highly  visible  is  clearly  so  Hence  the  current  standoff                        his  methods,  Ronaldo  has  aging  Ronaldo,  covering  for
            important to the player who,  with  United,  which  is  be-  The  reality,  it  seems,  is  dif-  been  back  home  in  Portu-  his deficiencies and the need
            along  with  Lionel  Messi,  is  coming  more  damaging  and  ferent.  Ronaldo  reportedly  gal with his family while his  to make him the focal point.
            the greatest of his generation.  disruptive  as  the  days  go  by  wants out after just one sea-  agent,  Jorge  Mendes,  shops
            That  also  extends  to  the  fi-  and the new season looms.  son  back  at  Old  Trafford,  around  seeking  a  new  club  In  short,  his  presence  re-
            nal years of his career on the                            with  United  no  longer  in  for his most famous client.  quires  compromises  to  be
            field, too.                  Publicly,  Ronaldo  has  not  the Champions League or in                               made. He is a problem and a
                                         yet  returned  to  preseason  shape  to  compete  with  the  Currently, there is no buyer.  solution.

                                                                                                   And the Premier League sea-  Bayern  Munich  is  anoth-
                                                                                                   son starts in about two weeks.  er  team  to  have  reportedly
                                                                                                                                turned  down  the  chance  to
                                                                                                   On the face of it, United still  sign Ronaldo. There has been
                                                                                                   wants to keep Ronaldo — he  no desire from Real Madrid
                                                                                                   was the team's top scorer last  or Juventus to go back in for
                                                                                                   season  with  24  goals  and  is  him, either.
                                                                                                   back to being the club's post-
                                                                                                   er boy for the marketing de-  Ronaldo's wage demands are
                                                                                                   partment — and ten Hag has  likely ruling out most of the
                                                                                                   called  the  striker  "extremely  other clubs competing in this
                                                                                                   important"  along  with  being  season's  Champions  League,
                                                                                                   "not for sale."              a  competition  in  which  he
                                                                                                                                is the record scorer with 141
                                                                                                   But  why  would  other  top  goals — 16 more than Messi
                                                                                                   clubs be cold on a player who  — and for which he lives.
                                                                                                   is still a guaranteed source of
                                                                                                   goals,  and  revenue  for  that  It leaves Ronaldo in an awk-
                                                                                                   matter?                      ward  spot.  Still  one  of  the
                                                                                                                                greatest scorers in soccer but
                                                                                                   Goals might be the aim of the  a player unwanted by the best
                                                                                                   game but they are not neces-  teams.
                                                                                                   sarily enough for a modern-
                                                                                                   day coach. A certain level of
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