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Antilliaans Dagblad Woensdag 17 juni 2015                                                                                                                                       5

                                                                                                                   Advertentie                             Curaçao

 HBM Group, established in 1991, is a leading independent international financial service provider headquartered                                   Atrako’s

 in Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. As a professional, client-oriented, family owned group of service companies with                                     medio 2014
 offices and/or representation in more than 10 jurisdictions, HBM Group is focused on delivering comprehensive
 international company solutions. For this client, Deloitte Dutch Caribbean is looking for candidates for the positions                            afgenomen
 as mentioned below.
                                                                                                                                                   Van een onzer verslaggevers
Financial Accountmanager (For the Netherlands office)                                                                                              Willemstad - De acties in het ka-
                                                                                                                                                   der van ‘Ta Basta Awor!’ hebben
The Position                                                           Your Profile                                                                in 2014 gezorgd voor een trend-
                                                                                                                                                   breuk in het aantal overvallen
As Financial Account Manager you are responsible for (financial)       You have a Bachelor’s and/ or Master’s Degree in Business                   (atrako’s). Dat staat in het jaar-
corporate account management of a designated client portfolio.         Administration or Accounting and at least 3 years’ experience               verslag van het Openbaar Mi-
You maintain in contact with and provide holistic services to          in financial account management. You are a team player and                  nisterie (OM). ,,Met name in ju-
clients. You’re a real partner in business of your clients, providing  you are able to develop, nourish and maintain good                          ni en juli 2014 was het aantal
services as if the company is your own. You identify and provide       relationships with clients. You have analytical, problem                    atrako’s bijna tweemaal zo groot
prompt follow-up to requests, needs and commercial leads and           solving and well developed people skills. You are eager to                  als in dezelfde maanden in 2013.
opportunities and you take care of the financial and fiscal            learn, are good at multi-tasking, and have a hands-on                       Met inachtneming van deze
documentation, administration and -reporting activities. You           mentality. You take pride in delivering comprehensive, swift                trend, is het aantal atrako’s vanaf
familiarize yourself with and adhere to internal and external          and high quality services to clients, while adhering to internal            augustus veel lager uitgeko-
regulations, compliance and risk policies and procedures. You          and external regulations, compliance and risk policies and                  men”, aldus het jaarverslag dat
report to the Director of HBM the Netherlands.                         procedures. Furthermore you have excellent written and oral                 vervolgt: ,,Er lijkt in de tweede
                                                                       communication skills in Dutch and English. Experience with                  helft van 2014 een daling van
                                                                       Viewpoint is a pre.                                                         het aandeel overvallen op de
                                                                                                                                                   openbare weg te zijn en een da-
Accountmanagers (For the Curaçao office and for the Malta office)                                                                                  ling van het aandeel overvallen
                                                                                                                                                   met vuurwapens. Wel lijkt er
The Position                                                           Your Profile                                                                een lichte stijging te zijn van het
                                                                                                                                                   aandeel overvallen in wonin-
As Account Manager you are responsible for (legal and/ or              You have a Bachelor’s and/ or Master’s Degree in Law or                     gen.”
financial) corporate account management of a designated client         Business Administration or accounting and at least 3 years’
portfolio. You maintain in contact with and provide holistic           experience in account management. You are a team player                        In 2012 en 2013 heeft het OM
services to clients. You’re a real partner in business of your         and you are able to develop, nourish and maintain good                      met cijfers kunnen vastleggen
clients, providing services as if the company is your own. You         relationships with clients and internal and external                        dat het aantal atrako’s sterker
identify and provide prompt follow-up to requests, needs and           stakeholders. You have analytical, problem solving and well                 toenam dan in eerste instantie
commercial leads and opportunities and you take care of the            developed people skills. You are eager to learn, are good at                werd gedacht. De cijfers zijn
financial and fiscal documentation, corporate secretarial,             multi-tasking, and have a hands-on mentality. You take pride                afkomstig van een in 2014 be-
administration and -reporting activities as well as liquidation        in delivering comprehensive, swift and high quality services to             gonnen onderzoek door het
processes of client organizations. Furthermore you keep in             clients, while adhering to internal and external regulations,               OM in samenwerking met Bu-
contact with and you coordinate activities with internal and           compliance and risk policies and procedures. Furthermore                    reau Faber Organisatiever-
external stakeholders such as financial institutions, external         you have excellent written and oral communication skills in                 nieuwing en het Roofovervallen-
advisors etc. You familiarize yourself with and adhere to internal     English and Dutch and preferably in Spanish.                                team van het Korps Politie Cura-
and external regulations, compliance and risk policies and                                                                                         çao (KPC). Het OM: ,,Uit het
procedures. You report to the Manager of Operations                                                                                                onderzoek is gebleken dat het
                                                                                                                                                   aantal atrako’s zowel in 2012
Senior Manager Compliance & Risk (Curaçao based)                                                                                                   als in 2013 hoger is uitgekomen
                                                                                                                                                   dan aanvankelijk werd gedacht.
The Position                                                           Your Profile                                                                De cijfers liegen er niet om.
                                                                                                                                                   In 2013 is het aantal diefstallen
As Senior Manager Compliance & Risk you are responsible for            You have a Master’s Degree in Law or Business                               met geweldpleging gestegen
compliance and risk management within the HBM group. You               Administration and at least 5 years of relevant experience.                 naar 579, waarmee het hoogste
maintain knowledge of and provide follow-up on developments            You have a sound knowledge of risk and compliance                           aantal aangiften is bereikt sinds
regarding relevant laws, rules, regulations and fiduciary              management. You have knowledge of relevant laws and                         2006. Bureau Faber meldt dat
principals in all the jurisdictions where HBM Group has offices:       regulations and the ability to quickly acquire in-depth                     uit onderzoek reeds is gebleken
amongst others Anguilla, Bonaire, Curaçao, the Netherlands,            knowledge of new or changed laws and regulations in the                     dat de trend stijgend is sinds
Malta, and St. Maarten to name a few. You ensure accurate              different countries. Furthermore you have analytical, problem               2010.
implementation of regulatory compliance requirements, you              solving and well developed communication and people skills.
develop and implement policies and strategies, you plan and            You have a good sense of commercial transactions whilst                        Bij de helft van alle aangiften
perform risk and compliance assessments and investigations             maintaining the highest code of ethics and regulatory                       was een vuurwapen betrokken.
and you advise the executive management regarding financial,           compliance rules in mind. Your English and Dutch                            Het oplossingspercentage van
reputational and other risk and compliance policies and matters.       communication skills are excellent both verbally and in                     overvallen komt in 2013 neer op
You create risk and compliance awareness and commitment                writing. Travelling is not an issue for you.                                17,5 procent. Een analyse van
from staff and you keep in contact with relevant external                                                                                          overvallen naar plaats, hotspots,
stakeholders. You provide leadership to the compliance officers                                                                                    achtergrondkenmerken van da-
in several jurisdictions and you report to the CEO.                                                                                                ders en slachtoffers en modus
 The Offer                                                                                                                                         operandi is gebundeld tot een
                                                                                                                                                   ‘factsheet’, die als basis diende
Our client offers an excellent compensation package and dynamic positions in a pleasant professional working environment.                          voor gerichte acties in het
                                                                                                                                                   kader van het actieprogramma
Procedure                                                                                                                                          Ta Basta Awor.” Met het onder-
For further information about the organization and/or the positions you can contact Maghalie van der Bunt - George, Partner                        zoek is een verdere stap gezet
Human Capital Consultancy, Training & Assessments at Deloitte Dutch Caribbean (+599 9) 433 3333 or (+599 9) 6908610. Please                        in de Criminaliteitsbeeldana-
send your application letter and resume to, no later than June 22, 2015. You will receive a confirmation within                   lyse (CBA). Verbonden aan de
two days, if not please contact us. An assessment may be part of the selection process. Your application will be handled                           CBA is met het programma ‘Mi
confidentially.                                                                                                                                    ta brasa seguridat’ (ik omarm
                                                                                                                                                   veiligheid) begonnen waar-
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee its network of member firms          binnen het project ‘Eye in the
and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte   sky’ is uitgevoerd. Het gaat hier-
Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see (“DTTL”), for a more detailed description of the legal structure  bij om de inzet van onbemande
of DTTL and its member firms. © 2015. For information, contact Deloitte Dutch Caribbean.                                                           vliegtuigjes, in het eerste kwar-
                                                                                                                                                   taal van 2014.

                                                                                                                                                      Verder is de Tienda di Pre-
                                                                                                                                                   venshon, een public-private part-
                                                                                                                                                   nership in het leven geroepen.
                                                                                                                                                   Deze organisatie is gericht op
                                                                                                                                                   het leveren van beveiligingsmid-
                                                                                                                                                   delen en -adviezen.
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