Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
LOCAL Thursday 22 March 2018
Aruba Tourism Authority Honors Loyal Visitors from Sweden!
ORANJESTAD - Recently and handed some pres-
the Aruba Tourism Authority ents to the honorees and
honored a couple of loyal thanked them for choos-
guests as Distinguished Vis- ing Aruba as their vacation
itors of Aruba as a token of destination and as their
appreciation for visiting the home away from home for
island for 10-to-19 consec- so many years on behalf of
utive years. the Government of Aruba.
These loyal guests say they
The honorees were Mr. love Aruba because the
Conny Freij and Ms. Marga- people are very welcom-
retha Melander of Sweden. ing, the beauty of the is-
Ms. Darline de Cuba repre- land, the beaches, the
senting the Aruba Tourism excellent cuisine, and be-
Authority together friends cause it’s truly their home
and family bestowed the away from home.q
certificates on the guests