Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
LOCAL Friday 6 May 2022
Seatrade Cruise Convention
Aruba has a booth to showcase our island to
the world of cruise tourism. The Aruban delega-
tion consists of the Minister of Tourism Dangui
Oduber, ATA CEO Ronella Croes, APA CEO
Marc Figaroa, and the ATA Cruise Manager
Mario Arends.
The Minister has attended different meetings
during this week’s visit. It includes meetings
with the Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean
Cruises, MSC Cruises, and other cruises lines. The
ORANJESTAD – In April of 2022, the Minister of Minister also met with the Minister of Tourism of
Tourism and Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber, the Dominican Republic, Minister of Tourism of
traveled to Miami with a delegation to attend Curacao and the authorities of the Jacksonville
the Seatrade Cruise Convention. Port Authority. These meetings are essential for
the development of our cruise tourism.
This convention is the largest in the world. It did
not take place the last two years due to the Cruise Tourism remains essential for the Aruban
pandemic. economy. The pandemic caused a consider-
able delay in this industry but is slowly recover-
The presence of the Aruban delegation is sig- ing. During the convention they proved that
nificant considering the opportunity to show- even though Aruba is in the “deep south” on
case Aruba to the world during this convention the cruise route, it remains an attractive and
to major cruise lines and all countries present. popular destination.q
“Safe Barios” launched in collaboration
with CEDE Aruba
ORANJESTAD - The Minis- project in the 2022 nation- A recent survey on the
ter of Justice and Social al budget to offer more to quality of life of young peo-
Affairs, Mr. Rocco Tjon, re- young people in the neigh- ple shows an urgent need
cently met with CEDE Aruba borhoods. The minister con- for activities for young peo-
to discuss the "Safe Barios" siders this investment essen- ple to keep them on track.
project. tial because it is done pre- That is why it is so important
cisely in prevention. to invest sustainably in the
Parliament approved this neighborhoods. These in-
vestments should make
these areas less attractive
to all forms of crime and of- ministries; the Ministry of traffic will be made safer.
fer a unique opportunity to Sports and Education, the Several after-school pro-
transform them into plac- Ministry of Labor, Integra- grams will be available.
es offering opportunities tion, and Energy, and the
to young people and the Ministry of Integrity, Nature, The various ministries and
community. Transport, and Elderly Care. other partners who play an
essential role in safeguard-
CEDE Aruba, and the Min- As part of this project, the ing the long-term trajectory
ister of Justice are carrying sports facilities and rec- of this project will soon sign
out this project, which aims reational parks for young an MOU. The timeline has
to transform the communi- people, will undergo prop- been established and will
ty centers. The minister has er maintenance. They will be presented to all com-
the cooperation of 3 other install better lighting, and munity centers end April. q