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Friday 7 February 2025
Pro Picks: Eagles will beat the Chiefs in the Super Bowl, preventing
Kansas City from a three-peat
By ROB MAADDI “That’s awesome. It’s a
AP Pro Football Writer great honor,” Kelce said
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The Wednesday.
Kansas City Chiefs are un- “I think no matter who the
defeated this season when president is, I know I’m ex-
Taylor Swift is watching boy- cited because it’s the big-
friend Travis Kelce in person. gest game of my life, and
Patrick Mahomes has never having the president there,
lost to Eagles defensive co- it’s the best country in the
ordinator Vic Fangio. world. So, that’d be pretty
All four Super Bowl rematch- cool.”
es that have occurred Hurts, Barkley and the Ea-
within five years have been gles will be aiming to spoil
won by the winner of the first Kansas City’s party.
meeting. Hurts nearly led the Eagles
The odds are stacked in to a victory against the
Kansas City’s favor but the Chiefs two years ago in
Chiefs are only 1 1/2-point Arizona, but Mahomes led
favorites against Philadel- a comeback and Harrison
phia on Sunday, according Butker kicked the game-
to BetMGM Sportsbook. winning field goal in the fi-
That’s because the two- Philadelphia Eagles running back Saquon Barkley (26) runs through drills during an NFL football nal minute.
time defending champion practice Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, in New Orleans, ahead of Super Bowl 59 against the Kansas “I’ve learned so much,”
Chiefs (17-2) haven’t faced City Chiefs. Hurts said about his growth
a team quite like the Eagles Associated Press since that game. “It’s the
(17-3) this season. same as any other game
Led by Saquon Barkley, and, you know, I think the
Jalen Hurts and A.J. Brown, moments are the moments
the Eagles have one of the but ultimately, every game
league’s most dynamic of- has its lesson good, bad
fenses. Under Fangio’s guid- or indifferent. So, just be-
ance, they also have the ing able to become wiser,
NFL’s No. 1 defense. grow and mature and take
“They know how to play all these lessons in for the
well together. I mean, that’s next season and the next
what makes Vic, Fangio’s games.”
defense so well, so great is The Eagles didn’t have Bar-
that everybody has a part kley when they faced the
and they have to do their Chiefs two years ago. He
job in order for everybody joined them in free agency
to have success,” said Ma- this season and is on the
homes, who is 8-0 against verge of history. Barkley
Fangio defenses. “And has 2,447 yards rushing, 30
that’s what they do. away from passing Terrell
And it’ll be a great chal- Davis’s 26-year-old record
lenge. Gotta be patient. for most in a season, includ-
And when those opportuni- ing playoffs.
ties come, you gotta go out Barkley will turn 28 on game
there and execute on them day. How does he plan to
because there are only go- celebrate?
ing to be a few of them in “Hopefully with green and
the game.” white confetti falling down,
No team has ever three- and holding up a nice tro-
peated in the Super Bowl phy,” Barkley said.
era. Only the Chiefs have Pro Picks predicted the Ea-
even had that opportunity. gles to beat the Chiefs in
None of the eight previous the Super Bowl before the
teams who won back-to- season so we’re sticking
back Super Bowls made it with it.
back for a third, though the EAGLES: 31-30
Green Bay Packers won an Last week: Straight up: 2-0.
NFL championship in 1965 Against spread: 0-2.
and captured the first two Playoffs: Straight up: 9-3.
Super Bowls. Against spread: 6-5-1.
The Chiefs are 9-0 this sea- Overall: Straight up: 201-83.
son when Swift comes to Against spread: 150-129-5.
their games. President Don- Best Bet: Straight up: 12-7.
ald Trump will be in the Su- Against spread: 10-8-1
perdome, too. It’ll be the Upset Special: Straight up:
first time a sitting president 10-9. Against spread: 10-
attends a Super Bowl. 9.q