Page 13 - RIU HOTEL
P. 13

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 10 april 2018

            Mr & Mrs Zawojski and Diane Basilone honored at Divi Phoenix

            PALM  BEACH  -  Recently  were  honored  as  “Distin-     course they will keep com-
            Emely    Ridderstaat   from  guished  Visitors”  with  10+  ing to Aruba especially for
            Aruba    Tourism   Author-   Consecutive Years coming  the  beaches,  people  and
            ity  had  the  great  pleasure  to Aruba.                 food. The staff and personal
            to  honor  Mrs.  Diane  Basi-                             of Divi Phoenix and also the
            lone  and  also  Mr.Robert  &  They were so happy to re-  GM Mr. Gerrit Griffith were
            Mrs.Marilyn  Zawojski.  They  ceive this certificate and of  present on this Honoring.q
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