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                    Tuesday 10 april 2018
            Mountain Bike Challenge

                                                                                                   ride  your  bike!  12  hours  of  Teams of max 4 riders (15+,
                                                                                                   music,  performances,  live  men,  women,  mix)  and
                                                                                                   radio, food, drinks and lots  teams of max 6 riders (15+
                                                                                                   more.... If you are you into  men,  women,  mix).  Regis-
                                                                                                   this  Mountain  Bike  Chal-  tration  @  FX  sport,  March
                                                                                                   lenge, than join the event.  until  April  13th.  Included
                                                                                                   The start of the 12 Hours of  are:  Sleeping  accommo-
                                                                                                   Aruba begins with the reg-   dation  when  you’re  tired,
            NOORD  -  The  12  Hours  of                                                           istration. Do you have your  massage  when  you  need
            Aruba mountain bike race                                                               duo-partner,  your  team  of  it,  but  also  a  nice  meal
            challenges teams of 2, 4 or                                                            4 or your team of 6 riders?  (pasta),   drinks,   coffee,
            6  to  complete  as  many  4                                                           Come to the FX Sport Shop,  fruit,  t-shirt  and  one  raffle
            kilometer  laps  as  possible                                                          open Monday till Saturday  ticket for a chance to win
            in a 12 hour period, from 6                                                            10 AM – 6 PM. The 12 Hours  a  brand new Cannondale
            PM to 6 AM, Saturday April                                                             of Aruba-crew is waiting for  bicycle!  And  if  you  ride
            14 and Sunday April 15.                                                                you!                         hard  enough  you’ll  also
                                                                                                                                win great Cash prizes. You
            The  best  way  to  enjoy  a                                                           Details                      can  also  rent  a  bike.  For
            nice  evening  in  Aruba,  is                                                          The Categories for the chal-  more  information  call:  Ed-
            to  stay  up  all  night  with  a                                                      lenge are: Teams of 2 riders  win +297 592-2506 or Mario
            bunch  of  your  friends  and                                                          (18+,  men,  women,  mix),  +297 593-7801q

            Mr & Mrs Parmelee honored At Divi Tamarijn

                                                                                                                                EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently
                                                                                                                                Mr. Christopher & Mrs Col-
                                                                                                                                leen  Parmelee  were  hon-
                                                                                                                                ored as “Distinguished Visi-
                                                                                                                                tors”  with  10  consecutive
                                                                                                                                years coming to Aruba.

                                                                                                                                The  ceremony  was  con-
                                                                                                                                ducted  by  Emely  Ridder-
                                                                                                                                staat of the Aruba Tourism
                                                                                                                                Authority  and  Francis  Rid-
                                                                                                                                derstap  and  Steve  Bayne
                                                                                                                                from Divi Tamarijn.q

            Mr. Carlos & Mrs. Candida Rodrigues are Goodwill Embassadors

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently  Carlos  &  Candida  Rodrigues
            were  honored  as  “Goodwill  Embassador”  with  27  con-
            secutive years’ visits to Aruba.

            They love the people, beaches and the safety of Aruba.
            The  honoring  was  conducted  by  Emely  Ridderstaat  of
            the Aruba Tourism Authority. They both are from New York
            and originally from Portugal and Brazil.q

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