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Friday 31 January 2025
Visit the island’s hidden natural pools
peared just a few years structions of your tour guide spot, and a rope to climb
ago, when a part of the if you have one. back up the boulder. q
dried up coral floor broke
off and created a partition And just like Conchi, this Picture of cave pool is cred-
between the ocean and pool also has a jumping ited to RockaBeach Tours
what is now the natural
pool that is hidden there. A quick snack for the road:
(Oranjestad)—Amongst you’ve completed that, Because it’s still so new,
the countless beaches sur- you are set! there is no official name for Learn how to make the
rounding the island that are it, but most people just call
well-known and frequently If you decide to hike from it the cave pool. Aruban Pastechi!
visited, there are an addi- the entrance of the Arikok
tional two “hidden” natural National Park, this is also Just like the Conchi, the
pools that are situated in possible: do bring plenty new natural pool is situated
the northern coast of the is- of protective clothing and on the northern coast of
land, two ideal stops in your enough water and food—it Aruba. However, this pool is
tour itinerary. could take you up to three much easier to reach with
hours to hike there! any type of vehicle, and
Conchi (Natural Pool) there is no hiking needed.
For many years, Conchi However, when you even- This spot has also become
was the only natural pool tually do get there, you a regular stop for touring
that we had on the island. will be greeted with crystal visitors.
Located in the Arikok Na- blue water surrounded by
tional Park, near Boca Keto a natural rock formation When you get there, may- (Oranjestad)—If you ever thickness of the pastechi
and the Daimari Ranch, that protects you from the be you won’t be able to been to Aruba before, depends on your taste,
Conchi—also known “Cura wild waves on the other spot the pool immediately, you probably heard of but the average thinness
di Turtuga (Turtle’s Cove) or side. Though the pool is lo- because you will probably (and even tried) the Aru- would be around ¼ inch or
just Natural Pool—is reach- cated on the northern side notice the moon-shaped ban Pastechi. Beloved by so.
able with any 4x4 vehicle of the island (where the sea lagoon where wild northern young and old, this tasty Filling for the pastechis var-
or by foot if you’re up for a is largely rough and largely waves crash into each oth- treat is a staple for party ies according to your taste.
long hike. However, since it no suitable for swimming), er. Sounds scary, but if you snacks, a quick lunch or The easiest and most com-
is part of the National Park, the pool itself is very calm. look down on your right, even breakfast! mon filling you’ll find in Aru-
you must first get permission It’s also relatively deep, you’ll see a calm, crystal ba is a simple cheese fill-
from park management to and you can climb up the blue little pool in the cor- Here’s how to make the ing. For this, we usually use
enter. You would have to rocks and jump in! ner. To get there, you have Pastechi dough. shredded Gouda, but feel
purchase a day pass, and to climb down some stairs. free to use any cheese that
receive a wristband as Cave Pool Be careful when climbing Ingredients: melts well when frying the
proof of payment. Once This relatively new pool ap- down and follow the in- 4 cups of wheat flour pastry.
1 tbsp baking powder (if
using self-rising flour, omit Place the filling on your
baking powder) rolled out piece of dough,
1 tsp salt fold it in half and pinch the
1 tbsp sugar sides shut with a fork. If you
0.5 cup of melted butter have a folding tool, feel
1 cup water free to use it for this pro-
1 egg cess. Your pastechi is ready
for the fryer!
Sift your flour into a bowl If you want to store some
and add all the dry ingredi- pastechis for later use, you
ents before giving it a quick can freeze them. A good
mix. Next add the butter, tip is to place a piece of
water and egg and mix wax paper in between
until thoroughly combined. each pastechi if you are
At this point, your dough to store them on top of
will start to get sticky; time one another. This way the
for an arm workout. Knead pastechis don’t stick to
your dough into the bowl each other when defrost-
you are using or on a clean ing.
surface with some flour
lightly dusted until its sur- Here in Aruba we enjoy
face is smooth. You'll know pastechi at any time of the
your dough is ready when it day, but it has become al-
doesn’t stick to your hands most tradition to eat paste-
or the surface on which chis for breakfast on the
you’re kneading it. Let your way to work. Many road-
dough rest covered for 15- side snack trucks sell paste-
20 minutes. chi from early morning to
noon, and offer a variety
After resting, divide your of fillings like cheese; ham
dough into approximately and cheese; ground beef
100 gram balls and roll it and pulled chicken to
flat with a rolling pin. The name a few. q