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              Thursday 1 February 2018

            Aruba’s Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort

            named one of world’s best - again

            EAGLE  BEACH  –  TripAdvi-   offering  a  forward-thinking  ors, Bucuti & Tara is recog-
            sor®,  the  world’s  largest  guest  experience  such  as  nized  in  the  Top  25  Hotels
            travel  site,  announced  the  the  resort’s  new  Healthy  in  the  Caribbean  and  its
            winners  of  the  2018  Trav-  Hour,  Bucuti  has  steadily  signature hospitality is once
            elers’  Choice  Awards.  For  been honored for its repu-  again acknowledged as a
            the  second  time  in  three  tation as one of the world’s  Top Hotel for Service in the
            years and out of more than  best  and  most  romantic  Caribbean.
            one  million  hotels  around  resorts for more than a de-  The winners were based on
            the  globe  Bucuti  &  Tara  cade.                        millions  of  reviews  submit-
            Beach  Resort  is  named  Rounding  out  these  hon-      ted  in  a  single  year  from
            among  the  Top  25  Hotels
            for  Romance  in  the  World.                                                                                       from  the  TripAdvisor  com-
            Complementing the repeat                                                                                            munity  informed  this  list  of
            performance, this year the                                                                                          winners that will inspire and
            adults-only  resort  is  the                                                                                        help  travelers  plan  and
            only Caribbean property to                                                                                          book  their  next  amazing
            make  the  highly  coveted                                                                                          trip.”
            list. Coupled with this major                                                                                       “Being named TripAdvisor’s
            accolade, for the third year                                                                                        No. 1 Hotel for Romance in
            in  a  row,  Bucuti  &  Tara  is                                                                                    the Caribbean for the third
            also named the No. 1 Hotel                                                                                          year running and being the
            for  Romance  in  the  Carib-                                                                                       only  Caribbean  property
            bean.                                                                                                               named to the Top 25 Hotels
                                                                                                                                for Romance in the World is
            Bucuti & Tara has long ca-                                                                                          a  testament  to  the  amaz-
            tered  to  lovers.  On  a  typi-                                                                                    ing dedication of our entire
            cal  day,  couples  hail  from                                                                                      staff of associates at Bucuti
            25  countries  worldwide.                                                                                           & Tara Beach Resort,” said
            With fastidious attention to                                                                                        Ewald   Biemans,    owner
            detail, a dream beach set-                                                                                          and  CEO  of  Bucuti  &  Tara
            ting  and  commitment  to                                                                                           Beach Resort. “We strive to
                                                                                                   TripAdvisor   users   world-  provide the most memora-
                                                                                                   wide.  In  the  16th  year  of  ble vacations to our guests
                                                                                                   the awards, TripAdvisor has  and  thank  them  for  giving
                                                                                                   recognized  8,095  proper-   us this great honor to repre-
                                                                                                   ties  in  94  countries  and  sent Aruba and the Carib-
                                                                                                   eight regions worldwide.     bean on the world stage.”
                                                                                                   “This   year’s   Travelers’  Bucuti’s  dedicated  staff
                                                                                                   Choice  awards  for  Hotels  of  hospitality  professionals
                                                                                                   recognize  thousands  of  who  provide  the  resort’s
                                                                                                   exceptional    accommo-      signature  unparalleled  va-
                                                                                                   dations  that  received  the  cation  experience  have
                                                                                                   highest marks for value, ser-  received  additional  hon-
                                                                                                   vice, amenities and overall  ors this year. These awards
                                                                                                   experience  from  travelers  include  10Best  Hotels  in
                                                                                                   worldwide,”  said  Brooke  Caribbean  by  USA  TO-
                                                                                                   Ferencsik, senior director of  DAY, Condé Nast Readers’
                                                                                                   communications. “Whether  Choice  “Best  Hotels  in  the
                                                                                                   you’re  looking  for  a  great  Caribbean,”  and  Ewald
                                                                                                   value  hotel  in  a  popular  Biemans  was  named  “Ca-
                                                                                                   city, a luxurious beachfront  ribbean’s  Best  Hotelier”  by
                                                                                                   splurge, or a romantic hon-  Caribbean Journal.
                                                                                                   eymoon  getaway,  millions  Learn more about Bucuti &
                                                                                                   of  reviews  and  opinions  Tara Beach Resort.q
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