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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 19 January 2022

            Hong Kong to kill 2,000 animals after hamsters get COVID-19

            By  ZEN  SOO  Associated                                                                                            nary College.
            Press                                                                                                               Leung  Siu-fai,  director  of
            HONG KONG (AP) — Hong                                                                                               the  Agriculture,  Fisheries
            Kong  authorities  said  Tues-                                                                                      and  Conservation  Depart-
            day that they will kill about                                                                                       ment,  said  during  a  news
            2,000 small animals, includ-                                                                                        conference  that  owners
            ing  hamsters,  after  several                                                                                      should  keep  hamsters  at
            tested positive for the coro-                                                                                       home,  and  not  take  them
            navirus at a pet store where                                                                                        out.
            an  employee  was  also  in-                                                                                        "All  pet  owners  should  ob-
            fected.                                                                                                             serve  good  personal  hy-
            The  city  will  also  stop  the                                                                                    giene, and after you have
            sale  of  hamsters  and  the                                                                                        been  in  contact  with  ani-
            import  of  small  mammals,                                                                                         mals  and  their  food,  you
            according  to  officials  from                                                                                      should  wash  your  hands,"
            the  Agriculture,  Fisheries                                                                                        he said.
            and  Conservation  Depart-                                                                                          "Do  not  kiss  your  pets,"  he
            ment.  The  pet  shop  em-                                                                                          added.
            ployee  tested  positive  for                                                                                       Customers who purchased
            the  delta  variant  on  Mon-  nificant  role  in  spreading  ally infected from the ham-  virus  spreads  so  easily  be-  hamsters  from  the  store
            day,  and  several  hamsters  the  coronavirus.  But  Hong  sters,"  said  Edwin  Tsui,  a  tween  people.  Minks  are  after  Jan.  7  will  be  traced
            imported  from  the  Neth-   Kong  authorities  said  they  controller at the Centre for  the  only  known  animals  to  and be subject to manda-
            erlands at the store tested  are not ruling out transmis-  Health Protection.          have caught the virus from  tory  quarantine  and  must
            positive as well.            sion between animals and  While this coronavirus most  people and spread it back,  hand over their hamsters to
            According to the U.S. Cen-   humans.                      likely jumped from animals  according  to  Dr.  Scott  authorities to be put down,
            ters for Disease Control and  "We  cannot  exclude  the  to humans in the first place,  Weese  at  Ontario  Veteri-  officials said.q
            Prevention,   animals   do  possibility  that  the  shop-  the  outbreak  became  a
            not  appear  to  play  a  sig-  keeper  was  in  fact  actu-  pandemic  because  the
            Europe narrows hunt for next

            astronauts, eyes crewed flights

            BERLIN  (AP)  —  The  Euro-  of  22,589  applicants  from  tens  of  candidates  by  the
            pean  Space  Agency  has  people hoping to become  end of the year for the four
            narrowed down the candi-     the  continent's  next  gen-  to six positions on its astro-
            date list for its next genera-  eration of space travelers.  naut training program.
            tion  of  astronauts,  includ-  ESA  said  Tuesday  it  has  The agency's director-gen-
            ing  dozens  who  have  a  reduced  these  to  fewer  eral,  Josef  Aschbacher,
            physical disability.         than 1,400  including 29 of  said  the  selection  process
            The  agency  announced  whom have a physical dis-         would  be  accompanied
            last  year  that  it  had  re-  ability    and  hoped  to  cut  by a feasibility study to de-
            ceived  a  record  number  the shortlist down to several  termine the implications of
                                                                      choosing  candidates  with
                                                                      disabilities "but, yes, we are
                                                                      committed at ESA to open
                                                                      space to everyone."
                                                                      ESA has for decades relied
                                                                      on  its  Russian  and  Ameri-
                                                                      can counterparts to launch
                                                                      astronauts   into   space.
                                                                      Currently  the  agency  has
                                                                      several   places   booked
                                                                      on  American  commercial
                                                                      launches.  But  Aschbacher
                                                                      said Europe may finally get
                                                                      its own crewed spacecraft
                                                                      if  ESA  member  states  ap-
                                                                      prove the idea at a meet-
                                                                      ing later this year.q
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