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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Tuesday 26 sepTember 2017
            ‘Curious sinking’:                                                                                                    dOCTOR ON dUTY
            Lawyers blast man whose mom lost at sea                                                                                      Dr. Jones
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 583 9919
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                         Dr. Ramautar
            PROVIDENCE,  R.I.  (AP)  —                                                             FOR SALE                              Tel. 584 4280
            Insurance  company  law-                                                               Divi Golf & Beach               EMERGENCIA 911
            yers  on  Monday  blasted                                                              week 35 9/2-9/9 studio $3,950
            a  Vermont  man  whose                                                                 week 35 9/2-9/9 2 room
            mother was lost at sea, say-                                                           suite $4,600
            ing he made suspicious al-                                                             week 36 9/9-9/16 2 room suite
            terations to his boat before                                                           $4,600                       POLICE           100
            what they called its “most                                                             week 40 rm 2213 $4,200       ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            curious sinking.”                                                                      phone 5086510016 (565 9394)  NOORD            527-3200
            Lawyers  for  Nathan  Car-                                                             email:         STA. CRUZ        527-2900
            man’s insurance company                                                                _________________________________208065  SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
            said  in  documents  filed                                                                                          POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                                                                                FIRE DEPT.
            in  federal  court  that  the                                                                                       FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
            Vernon  man  is  refusing  to                                                                                       HOSPITAL         527-4000
            cooperate  as  they  investi-                                                                                       DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            gate his claim for his boat,                                                                                        AMBULANCE        582-1234
            which  sank  during  a  fish-                                                                                       IMSAN            524-8833
            ing trip he and his mother,                                                                                         RED CROSS        582-2219
            Linda Carman, took out of                                                                                           Women in Difficulties
            Rhode Island in September    In this Sept. 27, 2016 photo, Nathan Carman arrives in a small                              PHARMACY
            2016.                        boat at the US Coast Guard station in Boston after spending a
                                         week  at  sea  in  a  life  raft  before  being  rescued  by  a  passing
            “With missing evidence, in-  freighter.  Insurance  company  lawyers  on  Monday,  Sept.  25,                       Oranjestad:
                                                                                                                                Eagle Tel. 587 9011
            cluding  Nathan  Carman’s    2017, blasted Carman, whose mother was lost at sea, saying he                          San Nicolas
            mother  and  his  suspicious   made suspicious alterations to his boat before what they called                      Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
            structural  alterations  and   its “most curious sinking.”
            repairs  to  his  boat,  plus  its                           (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
            most  curious  sinking  off   to documents filed with the   insurance  company  law-                                INFORMATION   118
            the  continental  shelf,  de-  court, his lawyers have said   yers  wrote  that  his  objec-                        TAXI-TAS      587-5900
            fendant’s     pre-litigation   the  insurance  company  is   tions “are evasive and not                             PROF. TAXI    588-0035
            testimony  on  these  topics   asking  questions  that  are   in  good  faith.”Carman’s                             TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
                                                                                                                                SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            is  critical  evidence  here,”   overly broad and not rele-  mother is presumed dead.                               A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            lawyers for the National Li-  vant to his claim.Monday’s   Police  have  said  Carman                                                  280-2828
            ability  and  Fire  Insurance   filing said Carman is refus-  is  a  person  of  interest  in                           CruIse sHIp
            Co. wrote.                   ing  to  confirm  that  testi-  the 2013 slaying of his mil-
            Nathan  Carman’s  lawyers    mony he gave under oath      lionaire  grandfather,  who
            didn’t  immediately  return   as  part  of  the  insurance   was  found  fatally  shot  at
            messages  seeking  com-      investigation  in  December   his home in Windsor, Con-
            ment  Monday.  According     is  true  and  accurate.  The   necticut, in 2013.q
                                                                                                                                        September 27
             FOR SALE                    TIME SHARE FOR SALE                                                                            Carnival Vista
             Divi Phoenix                Divi  Phoenix Resort                                                                        adventure of the seas
                                                                                                                                      Zenith /Freewinds
             week 34 8/27-9/2 studio $3,450  1 bdrm unit # 633 sleeps up to 6                                                   Aruba Airport   524-2424
             week 35 9/2-9/9 1 bedr $4,350  peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37                                                       American Airlines 582-2700
             week 36 9/9-9/16 1bdr $3,950  weeks left. deed                                                                     Avianca       588-0059
             week 37 9/16-9/23 studio $3,150  price $37,000 for 2 weeks.                                                        Aruba Airlines  583-8300
             phone 508 6510016 (565 9394)                                                                      Jet Blue      588-2244
             email:       215 9067397                                                                            Surinam       582-7896
                                                                                                                                Venezolana    583-7674
             _________________________________208065  _________________________________208098
                                                                                                                                Aruba Foundation
                                                                                                                                For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-5051
                                                                                                                                AL-ANON group
                                                                                                                                Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081

                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-4433

                                                                                                                                Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524-8888

                                                                                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-8989
                                                                                                                                QUOTA Club
                                                                                                                                Tel. 525-2672

                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-5400
                                                                                                                                Bloodbank Aruba
                                                                                                                                Tel. 587-0002
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