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                                                                                                                                        Monday 14 September 2015

More Than 180 Homes Destroyed by California Fires

ELLEN KNICKMEYER                 ing ruins with a piece of         crew were injured Saturday    of Middletown, including                                 ated. Gov. Jerry Brown on
Associated Press                 scrap metal.                      while battling the flames.    his home, have burned to                                 Sunday declared a state of
MIDDLETOWN, California           “This is my home. Or it was,”     They remained hospitalized    the ground. In some areas                                emergency to free up re-
(AP) — Two of California’s       said Galvin, who spent all        in stable condition Sunday,   of town “there is nothing                                sources.
fastest-burning wildfires in     night fighting another fire in    Berlant said.                 but burned houses, burned                                Brown had already de-
decades overtook several                                                                                                                                  clared a state of emer-
Northern California towns,       Vernon Fire Department crew of Engine 11 Fire hose down hot spots on home burned in the Butte                            gency for the separate
destroying more than 180         Fire on Mountain Ranch Road a few miles east of San Andreas on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015, in San                          101-square-mile (160-kilo-
homes and sending resi-          Andreas, Calif. The Butte fire started Wednesday east of the Amador County town of Jackson and                           meter) wildfire southeast of
dents fleeing Sunday on          is forcing evacuations in the dry hills east of Highway 49.                                                              Sacramento that has de-
highways lined with build-                                                                                                                                stroyed at least 81 homes
ings, guardrails and cars still                                                                             (Paul Kitagaki Jr./The Sacramento Bee via AP  and 51 outbuildings and
in flames.                                                                                                                                                turned the grassy, tree-
At least 100 homes were          Amador County.                    There’s no official tally of  cars,” he said, adding that                              studded Sierra Nevada
destroyed by a wildfire in       Wind gusts that reached           the destruction yet be-       he had nothing left but the                              foothills an eerie white.
Northern California’s Lake       up to 30 miles per hour (48       cause firefighters are fo-    clothes he was wearing.                                  Fire officials had earlier
County that raced through        kph) sent embers raining          cused on new evacuation       The 60-square-mile (155-sq.                              counted 86 homes de-
dry brush and exploded in        down on homes and made            orders and on residents’      kilometer) fire erupted Sat-                             stroyed, but issued the new
size within hours, officials     it hard for firefighters to stop  safety, he said.              urday afternoon and rap-                                 figure Sunday morning.
said Sunday. The devasta-        the Lake County blaze from        People were ordered Sun-      idly chewed through brush                                Crews have also increased
tion comes after a sepa-         advancing, California De-         day to evacuate a in Clear    and trees parched from                                   containment on that blaze
rate wildfire to the south-      partment of Forest Protec-        Lake Riviera, a town with     several years of drought,                                to 20 percent.
east destroyed at least 81       tion spokesman Daniel Ber-        about 3,000 residents, Cal    Cal Fire said. Entire towns as                           The fire, which broke out on
homes.                           lant said.                        Fire said.                    well as residents along a 35-                            Wednesday was threaten-
Residents streamed from          Four firefighters who are         George Escalona told The      mile (56-kilometer) stretch                              ing about 6,400 more build-
Middletown Sunday morn-          members of a helicopter           Associated Press that parts   of highway were evacu-                                   ings.
ing and had to dodge smol-                                                                                                                                Mark Ghilarducci, director
dering telephone poles,                                                                                                                                   of the Governor’s Office of
downed power lines and                                                                                                                                    Emergency Services, said
fallen trees as they drove                                                                                                                                this summer’s fires are the
through billowing smoke.                                                                                                                                  most volatile he has seen
Whole blocks of houses                                                                                                                                    in 30 years of emergency
burned in parts of Middle-                                                                                                                                response work. The main
town, where firefighters                                                                                                                                  cause behind the fast-
were driving around flam-                                                                                                                                 spreading fires is dry con-
ing utility poles to put out                                                                                                                              ditions from the four-year
spot fires Sunday after-                                                                                                                                  drought, he said.
noon. On the west side of                                                                                                                                 Meanwhile, new evacua-
town, house after house                                                                                                                                   tion orders were issued Sat-
was burned to their foun-                                                                                                                                 urday for the largest wildfire
dations, with only charred                                                                                                                                in the state, threatening to
appliances and twisted                                                                                                                                    sweep through an ancient
metal garage doors still                                                                                                                                  grove of Giant Sequoia
recognizable.                                                                                                                                             trees. The fire, sparked by
Homeowner Justin Galvin,                                                                                                                                  lightning on July 31, has
33, himself a firefighter,                                                                                                                                charred 201 square miles
stood alone at his home,                                                                                                                                  (520 sq. kilometers), the U.S.
poking its shin-high, smok-                                                                                                                               Forest Service said.q
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