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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 31 July 2020
            Trump floats idea of election delay, a virtual impossibility

            Continued from Front

            “With  Universal  Mail-In  Vo-
            ting (not Absentee Voting,
            which  is  good),  2020  will
            be  the  most  INACCURATE
            &  FRAUDULENT  Election  in
            history,”  Trump  tweeted
            Thursday. “It will be a great
            embarrassment to the USA.
            Delay  the  Election  until
            people can properly, secu-
            rely and safely vote???”
            After   facing   blowback
            from  Republicans  for  even
            floating  the  notion,  Trump
            appeared  to  retreat  on
            Twitter Thursday afternoon,
            suggesting  he  was  me-
            rely  trying  to  highlight  pro-
            blems with mail-in balloting.
            “Glad I was able to get the
            very dishonest LameStream
            Media to finally start talking
            about the RISKS to our De-
            mocracy  from  dangerous
            Universal    Mail-In-Voting
            (not   Absentee     Voting,
            which I totally support!).”
            In fact, only five states con-
            duct  elections  entirely  by   Miami-Dade County Department of Elections employee Elizabeth Prieto gathers vote-by-mail ballots for the August 18 primary
            mail, although more states   election as the canvassing board meets to verify ballot signatures at the Miami-Dade County Elections Department, Thursday, July
            expect to rely more heavily   30, 2020, in Doral, Fla.
            on mail-in ballots in Novem-                                                                                                    Associated Press
            ber  because  of  the  virus
            outbreak.  California  has  Trump  has  come  back  ballots to voters during the  sick,” Obama said.                campaign’s  national  press
            announced  plans  to  send  before  after  trailing  consi-  primaries,  but  most  states  Voters  and  public  health  secretary,  pointed  to  the
            ballots to all registered vo-  stently  in  the  polls  throug-  are  not  expected  to  do  officials  have  expressed  delays in counting votes in
            ters for the fall election, but  hout 2016, the survey data  so  in  November.  Instead,  concerns about the poten-  New  York’s  primary.  “The
            will also have in-person vo-  has  raised  the  possibility  voters  will  have  to  request  tial  dangers  for  spreading  President  is  just  raising  a
            ting options available.      that he could face a lands-  an  absentee  ballot  if  they  the  virus  during  in-person  question  about  the  chaos
            “Must know Election results  lide  loss  if  he  doesn’t  turn  want to vote at home.  voting, and states have re-  Democrats  have  created
            on the night of the Election,  things around.             Trump and many members  ported  difficulty  filling  poll  with  their  insistence  on  all
            not  days,  months,  or  even  Trump has increasingly sou-  of  his  administration  have  worker  positions  given  the  mail-in  voting.  They  are
            years  later!”  Trump  twee-  ght  to  cast  doubt  on  No-  previously availed themsel-  pandemic.                 using  coronavirus  as  their
            ted.                         vember’s election and the  ves of absentee voting, but  Democrats have pushed to  means  to  try  to  institute
            Experts  assess  that  delays  expected  pandemic-indu-   Trump  has  sought  to  dif-  include billions of dollars in  universal  mail-in  voting,
            in  counting  mail-in  ballots  ced  surge  in  mail-in  and  ferentiate that from a gro-  the  next  coronavirus  relief  which means sending eve-
            could  mean  results  won’t  absentee  voting.  He  has  wing push by states to mail  bill to fund election security  ry registered voter a ballot
            be known on Election Day.    called  remote  voting  opti-  all  registered  voters  either  and  accessibility  improve-  whether they asked for one
            Trump’s  suggestion  of  de-  ons the “biggest risk” to his  ballots or absentee request  ments  for  this  year’s  vote,  or not. “
            laying  the  vote  came  just  reelection.  His  campaign  forms.                      but Trump and Republicans  Trump  has  said  the  up-
            minutes  after  the  govern-  and  the  Republican  Party  Speaking at Rep. John Le-   have  so  far  resisted  those  coming  vote  will  be  “the
            ment reported that the U.S.  have  sued  to  combat  the  wis’s  funeral  in  Atlanta,  efforts.  Democratic  House  most  corrupt  election”  in
            economy shrank  at a dizzy-  practice,  which  was  once  former  President  Barack  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  re-    U.S. history and has refused
            ing 32.9% annual rate in the  a significant advantage for  Obama  implicitly  addres-  plied  to  Trump’s  tweet  by  to  commit  to  accept  the
            April-June  quarter,  by  far  the GOP.                   sed his successor’s policies  tweeting a quote from the  results,  recalling  a  similar
            the  worst  quarterly  plunge  There  is  no  evidence  of  on voting.                 Constitution assigning Con-  threat he made weeks be-
            ever,  as  the  coronavirus  widespread  voter  fraud  “There  are  those  in  power  gress the power to set the  fore the 2016 election.
            outbreak  shut  down  busi-  through mail-in voting and  doing  their  darnedest  to  timing of elections.          In  April,  Trump  had  ruled
            nesses,  threw  tens  of  mil-  the states that use it exclu-  discourage  people  from  Trump’s stated concern for  out the prospect of trying to
            lions  out  of  work  and  sent  sively say they have neces-  voting  by  closing  polling  poll safety defies his other-  change  the  election  after
            unemployment  surging  to  sary safeguards in place to  locations  and  targeting  wise  aggressive  push  to  Democratic rival Joe Biden
            14.7%.                       ensure that a hostile foreign  minorities   and   students  “reopen”  the  nation  from  predicted Trump would do
            With just over three months  actor  doesn’t  disrupt  the  with  restrictive  ID  laws  partial  shutdowns  meant  so. “I’m not thinking about
            until  Election  Day,  Trump  vote.  Election  security  ex-  and  attacking  our  voting  to  slow  the  spread  of  the  it  at  all,”  Trump  said.  “Not
            trails  in  the  polls  nationally  perts say that voter fraud is  rights  with  surgical  preci-  virus,  even  as  rising  con-  at all.”
            and  across  battleground  rare in all forms of balloting,  sion, even undermining the  firmed  coronavirus  cases  And  in  March,  Trump  op-
            states,  and  some  surveys  including by mail.           postal service in the run up  and  deaths  have  pushed  posed  moves  by  several
            even  suggest  traditionally  Most states are still finalizing  to an election that’s going  the U.S. to the top of the list  states  to  delay  their  presi-
            Republican-leaning     sta-  their plans for November. A  to be dependent on mail-in  for the world outbreak.       dential  primaries  because
            tes could be in play. While  small number of states sent  ballots so people don’t get  Hogan  Gidley,  the  Trump  of the coronavirus.q
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