Page 21 - MIN TTC 1 DEC 2015
P. 21


 LOCALTuesday 1 December 2015

At this year’s Shoco Awards:

Michael “Willy” Martilia Honored as Supervisor of the Year!

PALM BEACH - Manage-              Divi Village I N.V.           nization.
ment of the Divi & Tamarijn       Management of the Divi &      Keep up the good work
and Divi Resorts would like       Tamarijn and Divi Resorts is  in giving Quality Service
to congratulate Michael           extremely proud of its nom-   to our guests and to each
Martilia, better known as         inees and winner for this     other.
Willy, for winning the Super-     year’s Shoco Awards.          Together we will continue
visor of the Year title for this  You are all winners for us    growing our Tourism and
year’s Shoco Awards.              and deserved to have          take our Quality Guest Ser-
Willy is the Assistant Head       been nominated this year      vice to the next level!
Bartender of the Divi Aru-        representing the Divi Orga-   Congratulations!q
ba Beach Resort and was
nominated this year for the
Shoco Awards represent-
ing Divi.
Willy is a great example for
his colleagues and shows
his dedication to the com-
pany and the Divi Guests
day in and day out.
Willy personifies the Spirit
of Hospitality and is always
courteous and respectful.
Besides our winner for the
Supervisor of the Year
Award, we also had other
nominees representing Divi
for the following catego-
ries: Francisco Ridderstap,
nominee for Manager of
the Year for Divi & Tamarijn
Beach Resort, Diana Frank-
en, nominee for Supervisor
of the Year for Divi Aruba
Phoenix Beach Resort, and
Zuhail Hodge, nominee for
Employee of the Year for
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