Page 28 - 1Feb2022
P. 28
Ryçond Santos do Nascimento
mustrando con serio polucion di
lama ta rond e isla
ORANJESTAD (AAN): anobacteria and macroalgae and especially Enterococci,
Parlamentario Ryçond San- and a near absence of corals the amount of sewage wa-
tos do Nascimento di AVP and fishes , (2) coral cover ters entering Aruba’s coast-
ta mustra con serio e situa- decreases and the abun- al waters appears significant
cion di Bubali Plas ta. dance of cyanobacteria and and locally exceeds limits
Na aña 2019 CARMABI turf algae increases in other for safe use by humans.
a confirma cu henter e costa areas where release of efflu- Locations with increased
Zuid di Aruba ta afecta pa ent takes place, though not concentrations of fecal in-
polucion. No solamente e as extreme as near Bubali, dicators are foremost asso-
area inmediato rond di Zee- (3) nearly the entire leeward ciated with the locations of
wijk, Parkietenbos y e cos- coast of Aruba is influenced, RWZIs (sewage treatment
ta na Eagle Beach y Palm to some degree, by sewage plants) and to lesser degree
Beach na unda awa di Bub- pollution.’ Oranjestad (Figures 12 and
aliplas ta basha pa medio di Ok, e rapport ta papia di 14).’
un sluis. ‘extremely polluted sewage E informacion cu ‘the
E rapport di CARMABI ta water’ cu nos ta manda ‘in- amount of sewage waters
producto di un colaboracion directly into the ocean’ y cu (…) exceeds limits for safe
di entre otro cientificonan cu ta causa ‘a near absence of use by humans’ ta hopi se-
a yuda analisa samplesnan corals and fishes’. Por ta bo rio. E conocemento di e
di awa di henter e costa. Dr. no ta care pa flora y fauna. rapport a crea e respons-
Jennifer Smith a duna asis- Pero e pregunta ta keda: abilidad pa e Gobierno aki
tencia specifico pa cu e iso- kico esaki ta nifica pa salud pa actua de inmediato pa
tope analyses. Pa por haci di hende? E rapport ta bisa cu salud publico: Gobierno
e diferente marine surveys riba pagina 35 cu ‘values mester demonstra respet pa
nan tabata tin mester di un measured at all sampling e derecho di cada persona
barco y esaki a ser haci po- sites for seawater frequently riba informacion importante
sibel pa e capitan y e crew exceed water quality stan- pa su salud. E ciudadano
di e barco Spicy Tuna na dards according to the U.S. mester sa cu e rapport ta bisa
luna di mei 2019. Environmental Protection cu di cada 1000 persona cu
Nan a conta coral, pisca, Agency (EPA 2017)’. E rap- ta haci uso recreaccional di
sushedad den e awanan y port ta sigui bisa cu ‘32 out lama 32 persona lo haya un
nan a analisa e bida marino of 1000 people using such malesa of otro.
riba e vloer di e lama na water for recreation etc. will E ta na cada persona pa
diferente lugar stragico na e get ill from sewage associ- dicidi pa su mes y pa su fa-
costa Zuid di nos isla. Esaki ated bacterial diseases (EPA mia si e kier tuma e riesgo
ta nifica cu e ponencia di 2012).’ di drenta den e awa, si e kier
Gobierno cu CARMABI so- E bacterianan cu e rapport core riesgo di haya un infec-
lamente a basa su mes riba e ta papia di dje ta causa infec- cion den su tracto urinario,
informacion di e effluent di cion den e tracto urinario, in- infeccionnan neonatal, in-
e RWZI na Bubali simple- feccionnan neonatal (hende feccion di sistema nervioso
mente ta un mentira. muhe na estado), infeccion central, infeccion abdomi-
E conclusion di tur e es- di sistema nervioso central, nal etc. En bes di dunabo e
fuerso aki nos ta haya entre infeccion abdominal etc. informacion importante sin
otro riba pagina 37: ‘(1) The ‘If abundances of Entero- kita, sin pone, Gobierno a
release of effluent near Bub- cocci exceed (…) the use of dicidi di dunabo e informa-
ali, where extremely pollut- such waters in Florida, with cion na mochi, a dicidi di
ed sewage water is released roughly a similar Caribbean papia di coral, di pisca, di
indirectly into the ocean is climate, is immediately dis- anker y asina tapa e peliger
associated with enormous couraged. In short, based pa bo salud.
abundances of benthic cy- on the abundances of E.coli Sigui lesa pag. 29