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Thursday 25 July 2024
Papillon Restaurant: A Culinary Jewel in Palm Beach
At Papillon, their commit-
ment to quality extends be-
yond food to an extensive
wine selection. The careful-
ly curated wine list features
an array of exquisite wines
For over 15 years, Papillon Restaurant has sels. A delicacy cherished by many, these that perfectly complement
been a beacon of culinary excellence in mussels are a must-try, prepared in the the menu. Whether you're
Palm Beach, consistently delivering out- traditional manner and served in a classic a wine connoisseur or sim-
standing food and impeccable service. mussel pot. Accompanied by hand-cut ply looking to enhance
Conveniently situated across from the Hil- fries, this dish is a perfect blend of simplic- your dining experience,
ton, yet discreetly tucked away from the ity and sophistication that will leave your the team is more than hap-
main road, Papillon offers a serene and taste buds craving for more. py to assist in finding the
beautifully decorated setting that prom- perfect pairing.
ises an unforgettable dining experience. Given the limited supply of these delicious
mussels, it is highly recommended to make Papillon Restaurant offers a dining experience unlike
News Flash: Fresh Dutch Mussels Arriving a reservation to ensure you don't miss out extraordinary food, a de- any other. This establish-
This Weekend! on this special treat. The combination of lightful atmosphere, and ment looks forward to wel-
This weekend, Papillon is excited to an- fresh seafood and Papillon's culinary ex- exceptional service that coming guests and making
nounce the arrival of fresh Dutch mus- pertise guarantees a meal to remember. come together to create each visit truly special.q
Lessons from our elders: Plants and fruits for medicinal use
(Oranjestad)—Though western mation. arrowroot powder and make a “sha- world and can be grown all year
medicine is now widely used for lup” (porridge) for stomach pain or round on the island. Related to potato
common illnesses and to keep our When the fruit is unripe and green, this when you’re feeling weak. You can and tomato, eggplants are good to
bodies healthy and happy, it is still can be used to stimulate menstruation make it with milk too, but it is advised calm nerves. It can also be used to
very common in every household flow in women. This also stimulates to best use just water. You can also lower blood pressure, by steeping its
in Aruba (and around the world) to the passing kidney stones. When ripe, add prunes for a bit of sweetness. leaves in boiled water and drinking
have staple home remedies that is the fruit can be used for poisoning in Arrowroot shalup is also good to treat it. You can also make eggplant juice
passed on through generations. Here the gut and can help treat rheumatic an unhealthy gut or for diarrhea. to help purify your blood. However,
are some tips that our elders have diseases, like arthritis. do make sure to drink slowly; let it
passed on to us over the years. To make arrowroot shalup, boil a bit mix with your spit and then swallow.
However, breastfeeding women of water and add one tablespoon
Pineapple who cannot produce much milk are of arrowroot powder and stir con- Eggplant kataplan* can also be used
Pineapple has more uses than topping advised not to consume too pine- tinuously until you reach porridge to treat skin tumors, abscesses and
it on your Christmas ham. According apple, and people with acid reflux consistency. If you make a shalup hemorrhoids. Eggplant kataplan can
to elders, the skin of a pineapple is are recommended to not consume with milk, add a pinch of salt. Raw also be used externally to treat arthritis.
great to use to refresh your body. any pineapple at all. arrowroot powder can be used to
Clean the skin thoroughly and make powder babies. *warapa: term referring to a water
tea or warapa* with it. It is said that Arrowroot and sugar solution, a.k.a simple syrup.
this tea can also be drank after an Arrowroot is native to tropical Amer- Eggplant/Aubergine *kataplan: porridge-like mixture used
operation on the ovaries or uterus. ica and can be sold as a powder Eggplants, or aubergines, are easy externally for wounds or parts of the
This gets rid of irritation and inflam- or whole. It is said that you can take to find in supermarkets around the body that are painful or swollen. q