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Friday 23 February 2024 LOCAL
Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!
on-and-off reception of Despite its small size, The
unwanted members of the Historic Museum guards a
English military several times rich depository of the com-
(The Netherlands was at mercial, military and social
constant war with England history of Oranjestad, offer-
back in the colonial era). ing a glance into how the
social culture of the town
Over the years, both the fort came to be. If you are in-
and the tower had func- terested in history and want
tioned as different govern- to learn more about Aruba,
ment center points, includ- then Fort Zoutman should
ing a tax and stamps office. definitely be included into
For some time these two your itinerary.
buildings also housed a po-
lice precinct and jail, and The museum is open Mon-
even experienced aban- day to Friday from 9am-
donment until the Cultural 6pm, and Saturday from
Center Aruba Foundation 10am-2pm.
(CCA) petitioned for its
renovation in 1964, turning Source: The Old Fort of Aru-
the site into the Historic Mu- ba by Jan Hartog.
(Oranjestad)—Located in not part of the original man had a more tumul- seum it currently is.
the middle of downtown structure of the fort, and tuous past, including the
Oranjestad, situated right is actually called “Willem
next to the government III Toren”. Constructed in
building “Cocolishi”, is one 1867, this tower was named
of the oldest buildings of after the then-reigning king
Aruba: Fort Zoutman. First of The Netherlands, Willem
constructed in 1796, this III. Willem III Toren was origi-
site has been used (or left nally a light tower, but after
unused) in many ways and a request from Lieutenant
have survived eras of war Governor Jan Helenus in
and attempted disman- 1866, it also became a bell
tling. tower.
When anyone refers to Fort The fort itself was originally
Zoutman, they are actu- constructed to protect
ally referring to two sepa- the commerce bay of
rate buildings that, over the Paardenbaai from pirates
years, have been merged: and other disreputable
the fort and the tower. characters roaming the
That’s right, the iconic Caribbean Sea. Unlike the
5-story, squared tower was Willem III Toren, Fort Zout-
Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill
(Oranjestad)—If you are above sea level (or about built in 1951, when Mr. Edu- newer staircase with only
a regular hiker, or may- 540 feet above sea level). ardo Tromp constructed it. 587 steps. However, don’t The best time to climb the
be want to spice up your The highest point is Ja- At that time, the staircase be fooled—it may still be hill would be early in the
morning work out session, manota Hill at 189 meters consisted of 900 steps. a work out to get on top. morning or right before
then you might enjoy one (620 feet), located in the Over time, as the steps In addition, there is now a sunset, as it may not be as
of the most popular climb- Arikok National Park. faced erosion, the govern- gazebo placed halfway up hot. However, the hill is of
ing sites on the island: The ment decided to renovate the stair for a little rest. The course open all day, every
Hooiberg Hill. Accompa- The staircase that run on these stairs in 1991. This view at this resting stop is day.
nied with a 600-step stair- the side of the hill was first new project delivered the also a sight to see.
case, this hill overlooks a
great part of the island, the
Caribbean sea, and some-
times even the Santa Anna
mountain located in the
coastal state of Falcon in
Venezuela, providing one
of the best views you can
get on Aruba.
located at the center dis-
trict of the island, Santa
Cruz, the Hooiberg Hill is
the second highest point
on the island at 165 meters