Page 40 - MIN TTC JUNE 22, 2015
P. 40
Maikel Tromp a bira
empleado di luna di Hospital
port”, entre otro, y nunca el a WHAT I LEARNED FROM COCA COLA. Did you know that under the slogan Share a Coke,
the soft drink giant is now making personalized cans and bottles? On a recent trip to Target I noticed
spera di ricibi e titulo y honor di a huge display, front and center, with the entire alphabet of names from Ann and Andrew to Jimmy
and Sara, you name it, even exotic, ethnic names, printed on the red and silver aluminum or plastic,
ta empleado di luna di hospital. with further personalization such as VIP, Sis, Best Friends, Trendsetter, Better-Half, Mom, Dad and
Everyone, Bro, Legend and Bestie, also available. Did that elevate the simple act of drinking a sweet
El a haya un bon sorpresa; and sticky Coke into a more fun experience, you betcha! Coke will be organizing special events
this summer in which consumers will be able to personalize two Coke mini cans, one to keep and
pasobra aunke semper e ta duna one to share, across the USA, because as their website promises: This year, Coke found more ways
to spread happiness! What’s impressive is how we all buy into that fictional reality, and how Coke
di su parti y ta gusta su tra- found the courage and the determination to shamelessly save its business empire despite explicit
evidence that ingesting its products leads to obesity and diabetes. I searched the Coke name bank
bao nunca el a spera di worde and did not find mine. I think I am going to sue them on the basis of discrimination, unfair and unjust
treatment to minorities.
nombra empleado di luna. THE OPENING OF THE PARMIGIANI ART GALLERY. Parmigiani Fleurier is a Swiss watch
brand of exceptional complexity and craftsmanship. It has recently made the Atlantic crossing land-
El a comenta cu e ta kere cu ing in the USA, where the watchmaker opened an office in an art gallery, located in the Art District
in Miami, Florida, on 39th street. We attended the festive opening this week, drank wine, posed for
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Den “opname” ta su ultimo stacion press pictures, mingled with clients and art lovers. It is a fun and novel idea, to pair an office of a
su funcion como “Medewerker prome cu e baha cu pensioen. luxury item with an art gallery showcasing the work of David Hayes, an artist who passes away in
Opname”, Maikel Tromp sem- 2013. But first about the watch: The brand was established by Michel Parmigiani, an expert watch-
per ta demostra trankilidad, Tromp ta conta cu el a ex- maker himself, in the town of Fleurier, Switzerland, with the idea of restoring the value of Swiss
pasenshi y semper ta pone e perencia hopi cambio positivo watch making art as heritage. The company has been making beautiful, immensely complicated
pashent na prome luga, e tin un den tur su añanan di servicio, timepieces since then. Recently three decades of good work paid off when Parmigiani Fleurier won
bon relacion cu su coleganan y, pero e lo solamente experen- the European Watch of the Year Award, in the Women’s category with its Tonda 1950s with a Mother
en realidad, e ta e cara di e de- cia un dos aña y mey mas di of Pearl dial and 84 diamonds. As we speak, Parmigiani is talking to a number of top retailers in
partamento di Admision. Elaine e proceso grandi di renoba- Aruba in order to introduce the watches, here, soon. The company has always been associated with
Geerman, Manager “Facturatie cion y expansion di hospital. art, yachting, and sports cars and its partnership with upscale pursuits has helped the brand attract
en debiteurenbeheer & regis- super-discerning customers. Meanwhile, at the office, David Hayes’ exhibition focuses on the cre-
tratie” ta su hefe y tabata hopi Elaine Geerman a splica cu ative process, showcasing the artist’s maquettes, his studies, which led to the creation of art pieces
contento cu a nombr’e como Maikel a worde nomina algun displayed side by side with the welded and painted steel sculptures. I really recommend visiting
Empleado di Luna di Mei 2015. tempo atras, como cu ademas the new Art District in Miami. As you know, good food gravitates to a neighborhood defined by art
di e caracteristicanan cu el a and fashion. We had delightful dinner at the Wynwood Kitchen and Bar, within the complex of the
Maikel Tromp ta trahando na menciona caba, e ta un colega Wynwood Walls recently visited by an Aruban delegation. I hope they were inspired by the informal
Hospital for di aña 1976 y na no- dushi pa traha cune, y tambe graffiti, and realized that art is the trailblazer of urban revival. We dined on crazy abundant tapas
vember e ta haci 38 aña den ser- tabata e motor tras di e grupo and delicious drinks!!
vicio di comunidad. El a traha di Carnaval HospiJollies, pues THE ART AND DESIGN DISTRICTS. Years ago, a hotelier friend drove me at night through Col-
como “operator”, den “medisch tambe ta duna di su parti den lins Avenue, and past the ocean front Lummus Park, in South Beach, Miami, telling me I was look-
archief” y den “buitentrans- su oranan despues di trabao ing at the future. All I could see through the tinted glass windows of his car were small nondescript,
pa cu e parti social di hospital. square and squat old buildings with peeling paint and ancient people sitting in their rocking chairs
on long balconies. I couldn’t understand why anyone would pay as much as they allegedly did, for
Polis a bay check ora Pickup those run-down buildings, I guess I don’t have the forward vision of fashion icon Versace, enter-
a dal den palo di mata tainer Madonna, or hotelier Ian Schrager. You guessed, I was looking at SoBe which immediately
after my midnight tour turned into the glittery and trendy capital of fashion and fun, with overrated
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Ora un accidente socede, hasta ora bo dal hotel room rates, and expensive through-the-roof dinner checks. Fast forward to 2015: I just com-
den mata, ta bo deber of deber di testigonan pa yama Polis. E ta pleted a tour of the Design District in Miami and am asking myself the same questions, where was
valido pa tur hende. Diasabra marduga riba caminda di Sombre, I when all this development transpired? I really recommend visiting the Design District, with the
e chauffeur di un Chevrolet S-10 pickup bayendo pariba, a baha most outstanding fashion stores in the universe. What propelled all the CEOs of all the luxury brands
caminda na su man drechi y dal frontal cu un troncon di mata. E in the world to come together and invest billions the way they did in that forgotten few city blocks
palo di mata ta basta duro y kibra e Pickup. Pa ora polis a yega ya in the north-east of Miami, including 1st and 2nd avenue? And when I say ALL, I mean ALL, they
e chauffeur a bandona e lugar lagando e Pickup atras su so. are all there including Christian Louboutin, Cartier, Celine, Louis Vuitton, Dior Homme and Prada,
Rolex, Hermes, Berluti and many more. Apparently, it started fifteen years ago with the vision of
one real estate developer, Miami native Craig Robins, who spun his dream of art, dining and luxury
retail, globally. The LVMH brands were the first to recognize his vision, and the rest is history, in
a pedestrian-friendly environment, light-years away from the typical malls we learned to worship.
The new building’s architecture is amazing, and we parked under a Fly¹s Eye Dome at the entrance
to the underground parking garage, leading to the wow Paradise Plaza. We ate lunch at Michael’s
Genuine Food & Drink, which has been opened at that same spot since 2007, and offers a great menu
on the patio in the shade, or in much-needed air-conditioning. I appreciated when I read that the
neighborhood became the first LEED ND Gold Certified project in Miami Dade County and only
the 33rd in the entire United States, which means they are also super environmentally friendly!
GONE AND IMMEDIATELY FORGOTTEN. The former general manager of the Radisson Aru-
ba Resort Casino & Spa got a promotion, he was whisked away to Minnesota to the corporate office,
to a place blessed by −60 °F (−51 °C) temperatures during the winter months. So what did he do to
deserve such punishment, you’re asking? He joined the resort at a difficult time, inheriting the job
from a totalitarian, and slightly despotic leader. It worked in his favor, because then immediately
his opinionated, direct nature and inherent informality was construed as friendly and easy going.
Of course, with some exceptions, the French will always be elegant, the Dutch frugal, the Israeli
prickly, and the Germans exact! South-Africans, besides being enthusiastic sport lovers, will always
also believe in the so-called natural order of things, with men in starring roles, and women in sup-
portive ones. And along the same lines, some hierarchy from within, with less valuable members of
the working class VS. a more valuable elite inner circle. So here you have it. He cut costs like crazy,
made the resort look good on paper. Lucked out with the closing of the Aruba Westin, having been
handed lots of group business, making the resort look good, on paper. Wearing other people’s feath-
ers regularly, made him look good, on paper. Exercising the executive committee and encouraging
employees to lose weight, made everyone look good, not just on paper. Today, we’re on to the next
chapter, with Hilton clearly visible on the horizon and meanwhile a caretaking general manager,
and a veteran of hospitality in helping run the Grande Dame, Bob Holland, who as his resume states
is an Independent Hospitality Professional with extensive Operations, Openings/Acquisitions, and
Repositioning Experience. So far, so good.