Page 14 - HOH
P. 14

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 25 OcTOber 2022
            Marvin Gomes:

            The mondi of Aruba is a different landscape every week

            ORANJESTAD – Walking in the mon-
            di – Aruban wilderness – means ex-
            ploring the beauty of Aruba, which
            is  never  the  same.  This  is  the  phi-
            losophy  of  ‘hiker  extraordinair’,
            Marvin Gomes (52). Gomes is one
            of the people who share their ex-
            perience  of  walking  the  mondi  of
            his  island  the  most  and  he  never
            gets  tired,  not  of  sharing  and  not
            of  walking.  What’s  more,  even  on
            weekdays  when  he  has  to  work,
            he takes pictures of the beauty in

            Marvin  grew  up  playing  in  the
            mondi. His parents would stimulate
            him to be outdoors, and the mondi
            around  Tanki  Flip  was  ideal,  par-
            ticularly during the rainy season, it
            was fun to be out there. “The area
            up to where now is Fantastic Gar-
            dens  would  accumulate  water
            and  become  a  swamp.  This  must
            also explain why in this area plants
            grow so fast”, Gomes explained.
                                                of Aruba every Saturday morning or  ent  things.  Many  things  change.”  ciating everything in the country in
            Currently  he  doesn’t  live  too  far  any moment that he can. “I have  Gomes  shares  that  he  receives  a  which  they  live.  Everyone  I  know
            from where he grew up, his house  been hiking regularly for about five  lot of comments from others saying  and hikes with passion, simply love
            is in Bubali. This makes it easier for  years.  I  began  with  Rudy  Leysner  that the only thing they see every  the island.” Regardless of the ear-
            him  to  go  to  work  on  bike,  since  who still has his group Movimento  time is cacti and succulents, “but  ly  hours  and  the  challenges,  the
            his job is in the tourist area. And for  ta Bida (Movement is Life) and this  that’s not true. We notice, by walk-  moment  of  walking  in  the  mondi
            his luck, his house is right next to a  way I got to know a lot of corners  ing regularly, that you can see how  means  living  in  the  moment  and
            mondi.                              of mondi in Aruba.” Together with  the area and environment chang-      enjoying everything that is around,
            “We are in an area with just a few  Encho  Eckmeyer  from  the  Arikok  es. A little rain needs to fall and you  and that is the best relaxation that
            houses.  And  behind  our  house  National  Park  they  would  explore  see a change.”                      nature offers.
            there  is  a  mondi,  a  natural  area  the nature of the island. “My friends
            surrounded  by  houses  without  a  and  I  got  together  with  them  for  Every day a moment of peace     This is the reason also why Gomes,
            passage.”  It  is  property  land  (ei-  two  years,  and  after  that  we  de-  The few minutes that Marvin takes  who works in tourism, thinks that we
            gendom)  which  belonged  to  an  cided to break away on our own.”      to go from home to work not only  need to appreciate how Aruba is,
            American who passed away. Mar-                                          mean  his  daily  physical  activity,  and  this  needs  to  be  reflected  in
            vin himself was the one who went  Nowadays,  Marvin  and  his  friends  but more than anything else, it in-  our  architecture.  Hotels  that  are
            to find out at kadaster – the land  walk with different groups, always  spires him to be ready for a good  designed in an Aruban landscape
            registry – to find out more about this  ready to share the paths they have  day. “For me it is very nice, in the  need  to  complement  this  very
            plot of land, and was glad to find  discovered, because this is the red  morning, to go in front of the sea.”  same landscape and not become
            out that the intention of the owner  line of those who explore the mon-  But the path by the sea means also  something  that  is  out  of  place.
            was to leave the land in its natural  di:  to  share  the  beautiful  experi-  going in front of Bubali Plas, which  Most  hotels  are  not  built  like  that,
            state.  And  his  daughter,  who  in-  ence of what the nature of Aruba  is rich in flora and fauna.        which is a lost opportunity to stand
            herited  the  land,  informed  Marvin  can offer.                                                           out. “Imagine if the hotel in Seroe
            that  her  intention  is  to  respect  his                              Many people discovered the mon-     Colorado was built in such a way
            father’s wishes, something that for  “I never get tired of walking in the  di and walking in the mondi during  that it becomes part of the nature
            Marvin, was music to his ears, be-  mondi  of  Aruba.  The  same  path  the  pandemic,  but  not  everyone  over there? How beautiful it would
            cause despite living in a populated  that I walk today is different tomor-  has  continued.  It  is  understand-  have been?”
            area, he is close to the mondi.     row. It is incredible. You can walk  able because there are now other
                                                a  path  today  and  the  next  week  activities available, but it is essen-  This way, tourists could appreciate
            Even so he searches the wilderness  when you go back, you see differ-   tial for the community to have ap-  Aruba  even  more.  “Many  tour-
                                                                                    preciation  for  the  beautiful  and  ists  that  I  encounter  and  have  as
                                                                                    diverse nature that Aruba, despite  friends  on  Facebook  tell  me  that
                                                                                    being  small,  can  offer.  “People  they never see Aruba as I put it on
                                                                                    have  joined  us  and  sporadically  pictures.”  These  are  people  who
                                                                                    continue with the hiking”, he said.   maybe go on UTV tours or stay on
                                                                                                                        the  beach,  and  when  they  see
                                                                                    The secret of hiking, for those who  Marvin’s  pictures  realize  that  Aru-
                                                                                    are  passionate,  is  in  their  love  for  ba has a lot more to offer. In other
                                                                                    their country. “It’s not a joke. You  words, Aruba’s hikers not only help
                                                                                    need to wake up at 5am to go on  expand  the  knowledge  of  the
                                                                                    a hike. It is an emotion known by  Aruban  landscape,  they  are  the
                                                                                    every  hiker.  If  you  hear  how  pas-  best  ambassadors  for  the  natural
                                                                                    sionate  hikers  talk,  it’s  not  about  wealth of our country.q
                                                                                    the activity itself but about appre-
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