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Niek de
                                                                                       October 21, 2019          Munck
                                                                                       T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                                Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            U.S. troops in Syria going to

            Iraq, not home as Trump claims

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR          Secretary  Mark  Esper  be-
            Associated Press             fore he arrived in Afghani-
            KABUL,  Afghanistan  (AP)  stan  on  Sunday.  The  fight
            —  While  President  Donald  in  Syria  against  IS,  once
            Trump  insists  he's  bring-  spearheaded  by  Ameri-
            ing  home  Americans  from  can allied Syrian Kurds who
            "endless  wars"  in  the  Mi-  have  been  cast  aside  by
            deast,  his  Pentagon  chief  Trump,  will  be  undertaken
            says  all  U.S.  troops  leaving  by U.S. forces, possibly from
            Syria will go to western Iraq  neighboring Iraq. Esper did
            and  the  American  military  not  rule  out  the  idea  that
            will  continue  operations  U.S.  forces  would  conduct
            against  the  Islamic  State  counterterrorism   missions
            group.  They  aren't  com-   from Iraq into Syria. But he
            ing  home  and  the  United  told reporters traveling with
            States  isn't  leaving  the  tur-  him  that  those  details  will
            bulent  Middle  East,  ac-   be worked out over time.
            cording  to  current  plans                               American military convoy stops near the town of Tel Tamr, north Syria, Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019.
            outlined  by  U.S.  Defense          Continued on Page 2                                                                        Associated Press
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