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                      Thursday 4 May 2023

                                                                      Millennial Money: Trusts can aid those

                                                                      with mental illness

                                                                      By  ELIZABETH  AYOOLA  of
                                                                      More  than  50%  of  Ameri-
                                                                      cans  will  be  diagnosed
                                                                      with a mental illness or dis-
                                                                      order  during  their  lifetime,
                                                                      according  to  the  Centers
                                                                      for  Disease  Control  and
                                                                      Prevention.  Chances  are,
                                                                      some  of  these  individuals
                                                                      will be inheriting wealth at
                                                                      some point.
                                                                      If a family member’s mental
                                                                      health  issues  may  interfere
                                                                      with their ability to manage
                                                                      finances,  answering  these
                                                                      questions could help them    In this Sept. 19, 2020 file photo, a couple stands on a jetty as
                                                                                                   the sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean in Bal Harbour, Fla.
                                                                      create  long-term  financial                                          Associated Press
                                                                      HAVE I SET UP A TRUST?       anything  else  that  helps  For instance, to be eligible
                                                                      Setting  up  a  trust  is  one   them  live  a  healthy  and  for  Supplemental  Security
                                                                      way  to  transfer  wealth  to   functional  life.  Having  a  Income  through  Social  Se-
                                                                      a loved one and create fi-   trust in place can also help  curity, they generally can’t
                                                                      nancial stability for them. A   beneficiaries  avoid  pro-  have  resources  of  more
                                                                      trust  enables  you  to  leave   bate,  a  court  process  for  than  $2,000  as  an  individ-
                                                                      specific   instructions   for   handling estates that could  ual  or  $3,000  as  a  couple.
                                                                      trustees about how to care   be  stressful  for  someone  That is, unless you put those
                                                                      for your loved one and dis-  who has a mental illness.    assets into a special needs
                                                                      tribute assets.              DOES  MY  LOVED  ONE  RE-    trust.  It’s  an  estate  plan-
                                                                      Trusts  can  be  especially   CEIVE GOVERNMENT ASSIS-     ning tool for individuals with
                                                                      helpful  for  transferring  as-  TANCE?                   disabilities  or  functional
                                                                      sets  to  loved  ones  who   Another important question  needs.
                                                                      have  a  mental  illness  but   to  ask  is  whether  the  per-  “The  special  needs  trust  is
                                                                      are still able to function in-  son  receives  government  meant to supplement gov-
                                                                      dependently.  While  these   assistance or may need to  ernment  benefits  that  per-
                                                                      loved  ones  are  often  in-  in the future. While a basic  son  is  receiving.  It  doesn’t
                                                                      dependent,  they  may  still   trust may suffice for a loved  replace  it,  it’s  meant  to
                                                                      have  difficulty  managing   one  who  has  a  mental  ill-  supplement  it,”  Nkenchor
                                                                      assets on their own, says Lil-  ness  but  mostly  functions  says.
                                                                      lie  Nkenchor,  an  attorney   independently,  it  could  Nkenchor adds that a stan-
                                                                      who  does  estate  planning   negatively   impact   one  dard  special  needs  trust
                                                                      in New York. One example     who  doesn’t  and  receives  isn’t effective until the per-
                                                                      includes someone with de-    government assistance.       son  who  establishes  the
                                                                      pression.                    “We  want  to  make  sure  trust  dies.  So,  if  you  plan
                                                                      “You  can  put  assets  in  a   that  if  we  are  caring  for  to  financially  support  your
                                                                      trust,”  Nkenchor  says.  “It   someone  who’s  receiving  loved  one  while  you’re
                                                                      can  simply  be  a  trust  that   that  type  of  benefit,  we  alive  while  they  receive
                                                                      says,  ‘This  money  is  to  be   don’t  accidentally  leave  benefits,  consider  setting
                                                                      used  to  take  care  of  my   them  something  that  dis-  up  a  stand-alone  special
                                                                      sister  who  is  high  function-  qualifies  them  from  that  needs  trust.  Since  setting
                                                                      ing,  but  is  not  great  with   benefit,” Nkenchor says.  up  a  special  needs  trust
                                                                      money.’”                     People  who  receive  gov-   can  be  complicated,  it’s
                                                                      Likewise,  you  can  request   ernment  assistance  may  advisable  you  speak  to  a
                                                                      money  be  allocated  to     have  limits  on  how  much  professional  who  special-
                                                                      health  care  expenses  and   they  can  have  in  assets.  izes in this area. q
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