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A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Thursday 4 May 2023

             FTC: Facebook misled parents, failed to guard kids’ privacy

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY                                                                                                  The  app  doesn’t  give  kids
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                separate   Facebook     or
            U.S.  regulators  say  Face-                                                                                        Messenger accounts. Rath-
            book  misled  parents  and                                                                                          er, it works as an extension
            failed to protect the priva-                                                                                        of a parent’s account, and
            cy of children using its Mes-                                                                                       parents  get  controls,  such
            senger  Kids  app,  including                                                                                       as the ability to decide with
            misrepresenting the access                                                                                          whom their kids can chat.
            it  provided  to  app  devel-                                                                                       At the time, Facebook said
            opers to private user data.                                                                                         Messenger  Kids  wouldn’t
            As  a  result,  The  Feder-                                                                                         show  ads  or  collect  data
            al  Trade  Commision  on                                                                                            for  marketing,  though  it
            Wednesday        proposed                                                                                           would collect some data it
            sweeping  changes  to  a                                                                                            said  was  necessary  to  run
            2020  privacy  order  with                                                                                          the service.
            Facebook    now  called                                                                                             But     child-development
            Meta    that  would  prohibit                                                                                       experts  raised  immediate
            it  from  profiting  from  data                                                                                     concerns.
            it  collects  on  users  under                                                                                      In  early  2018,  a  group  of
            18. This would include data                                                                                         100  experts,  advocates
            collected  through  its  vir-                                                                                       and  parenting  organiza-
            tual-reality  products.  The                                                                                        tions   contested    Face-
            FTC said the company has                                                                                            book’s claims that the app
            failed  to  fully  comply  with                                                                                     was filling a need kids had
            the 2020 order.              This photo shows the Facebook’s Messenger Kids application on an iPhone in New York, Feb. 16,   for  a  messaging  service.
            Meta  would  also  be  sub-                                                                        Associated Press   The  group  included  non-
            ject to other limitations, in-                                                                                      profits,  psychiatrists,  pedia-
            cluding with its use of face-  ness has put young users at  edented  theory.  Let’s  be  in a prepared statement.   tricians, educators and the
            recognition     technology   risk,  and  Facebook  needs  clear about what the FTC is  The  Menlo  Park,  California   children’s music singer Raffi
            and be required to provide   to answer for its failures.”  trying  to  do:  usurp  the  au-  company added that it will   Cavoukian.
            additional  privacy  protec-  Meta called the announce-   thority  of  Congress  to  set  “vigorously  fight”  the  FTC’s   “Messenger  Kids  is  not  re-
            tions for its users.         ment a “political stunt.”    industry-wide    standards  action and expects to pre-    sponding  to  a  need    it  is
            “Facebook has repeatedly     “Despite  three  years  of  and instead single out one  vail.Facebook      launched    creating  one,”  the  letter
            violated  its  privacy  prom-  continual   engagement  American  company  while  Messenger  Kids  in  2017,         said.
            ises,”  said  Samuel  Levine,   with  the  FTC  around  our  allowing  Chinese  compa-  pitching it as a way for chil-  “It appeals primarily to chil-
            director of the FTC’s Bureau   agreement,  they  provided  nies,  like  TikTok,  to  oper-  dren  to  chat  with  family   dren  who  otherwise  would
            of  Consumer  Protection.    no  opportunity  to  discuss  ate  without  constraint  on  members  and  friends  ap-  not  have  their  own  social
            “The  company’s  reckless-   this  new,  totally  unprec-  American  soil,”  Meta  said  proved  by  their  parents.   media accounts.” q

             1 dead, 4 hurt in shooting inside Atlanta medical facility

            By JEFF AMY                  formation about his where-   aged 25, 39, 56 and 71.      gators.                      the  shooting  a  few  blocks
            Associated Press             abouts to call 911 and not  The  four  injured  women  In  a  statement,  the  U.S.  away.  They  said  the  ve-
            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Police  approach him.                   “are  fighting  for  their  lives  Coast Guard said Patterson  hicle  has  been  recovered
            said  a  man  opened  fire  Atlanta  Police  Chief  Darin  at Grady Hospital,” Atlanta  had  joined  the  service  in  in suburban Cobb County,
            inside  the  waiting  room  of  Schierbaum  told  reporters  Mayor  Andre  Dickens  said  2018  and  was  discharged  and  they  were  working  to
            an  Atlanta  medical  facil-  that  a  39-year-old  woman  during a news conference.   from  active  duty  in  Janu-  determine whether the ve-
            ity, killing one woman and  was  pronounced  dead  at  Schierbaum  added  that  ary. He was an electrician’s  hicle was connected to the
            injuring four others Wednes-  the scene. The four injured  Patterson’s family is “being  mate  second  class  at  the  shooting.
            day as authorities swarmed  victims  were  also  women,  cooperative”  with  investi-  time.                        Crime  Stoppers  was  of-
            the city’s bustling midtown                                                            Four  hours  after  the  shoot-  fering  a  reward  of  up  to
            neighborhood in search of                                                              ing,  police  said  they  be-  $10,000   for   information
            the  24-year-old  suspect.                                                             lieved  Patterson  had  left  leading  to  the  arrest  and
            Shortly  after  noon,  police                                                          the area. They lifted a shel-  indictment of the suspect.
            were  called  to  the  North-                                                          ter-in-place  advisory,  but  The shooting comes as cit-
            side  Medical  building  on                                                            asked people to stay away  ies  around  the  U.S.  have
            West  Peachtree  Street  in                                                            from  the  area  due  to  the  been wracked by gun vio-
            a  commercial  area  with                                                              active investigation.        lence  and  mass  shootings
            many  office  towers  and                                                              “This  is  a  very  active  in 2023.
            high-rise apartments.                                                                  search,”  Schierbaum  said.  In  surveillance  photos  re-
            Atlanta police said the sus-                                                           “We’re  following  up  on  leased  by  police,  the  sus-
            pected shooter is believed                                                             credible  leads  that  are  pect  was  wearing  dark
            to be Deion Patterson and                                                              currently  active  in  Cobb  pants  and  a  light  colored
            that  he  was  considered                                                              County,  as  well  as  some  hoodie  with  the  hood
            armed and dangerous. Au-                                                               here in the city.”           pulled up. He had a mask
            thorities put out a photo of                                                           Atlanta police said they are  on his face and appeared
            Patterson showing his face   Law enforcement officers arrive near the scene of an active   aware of a carjacking that  to be wearing a bag across
            and asked anyone with in-    shooter on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 in Atlanta. Associated Press   happened  not  long  after  his front.q
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