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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 21 December 2021

                                     Napoli leapfrogs Milan into 2nd place in Serie A

            (AP)  —  Napoli  leap-       head is the first tiebreaker at                                                        got  a  goal  back  six  minutes
            frogged  AC  Milan  into  the  end  of  the  season.  The                                                           into  the  second  half.  It  was
            second  place  in  Serie  A  two  teams  are  four  points                                                          an 11th goal in eight Serie A
            after beating its title rival  behind  defending  champion                                                          matches for Vlahović, who is
            1-0 in a mediocre match at  Inter Milan, which is winter                                                            out of contract at the end of
            San Siro on Sunday.          champion  with  a  match  to                                                           the season and in the hunt for
                                         spare.                                                                                 a new club after deciding not
            Eljif  Elmas  scored  an  early                                                                                     to renew with Fiorentina.
            goal and Milan had an equal-  The result will also serve as a
            izer  controversially  disal-  confidence boost for Napoli,                                                         Vlahović was also involved in
            lowed  right  at  the  death.  which had lost back-to-back                                                          Fiorentina’s  second  goal,  10
            Franck  Kessié’s  goal  was  league matches and had won                                                             minutes later, as his attempt
            ruled  out  on  video  review  just one of its last six games                                                       was blocked but the ball came
            as  Olivier  Giroud  was  in  in the Italian league.                                                                to Lucas Torreira to complete
            an  offside  position  that  was                                                                                    the comeback.
            judged to be interfering with  “We  should  be  really  proud
            play,  despite  the  Rossoneri  of this win. We showed real                                                         Fiorentina  was  dominating
            forward  being  prone  on  the  personality and we made Mi-  the perfect start when Elmas  after halftime.          but  its  hopes  of  getting  the
            ground, underneath a Napoli  lan  really  suffer,  which  is  a  headed in a corner at the near                     winner were thwarted when
            defender.                    big  deal,”  Napoli  midfielder  post  after  managing  to  get  COMEBACK              defender  Cristiano  Biraghi
                                         Piotr  Zieliński  said.  “We’re  away from Milan midfielder  Dušan Vlahović scored again  was dismissed in the 68th fol-
            “In the end they will say that  up near the top fighting hard  Sandro Tonali.          as  Fiorentina  fought  back  lowing a second yellow card.
            they applied the rules in the  and we won’t give up. We’ll                             from two goals down to draw
            right way ... but I say: ’How  fight  until  the  bitter  end  to  Milan  struggled  to  carve  2-2 at home to Sassuolo.  Fiorentina  moved  into  sixth
            can  a  player  who  is  on  the  win the title.”         out  opportunities  but  did                              place,  level  with  Roma  and
            ground  interfere  with  the                              go  close  to  an  equalizer  in  Gianluca  Scamacca  and  Da-  Juventus,  six  points  behind
            defense?”  Milan  coach  Ste-  Milan  and  Napoli  had  been  the 34th minute when Ales-  vide  Frattesi  scored  within  Atalanta  in  fourth  place  and
            fano Pioli said. “We’re disap-  joint  leaders  until  recently,  sandro  Florenzi’s  shot  from  five  minutes  of  each  other  the final Champions League
            pointed,  we’re  disappointed  before a slew of injuries be-  distance flew just wide of the  to give Sassuolo a seemingly  berth.
            to have lost this match. Now  gan  to  take  their  toll.  Both  right post.           comfortable  lead  in  the  first
            we’ll  lick  our  wounds  and  sides  were  still  depleted                            half.                        OWN-GOALS
            then we’ll go again.”        heading into the top-of-the-  The  home  side  improved                                Both  teams  scored  at  the
                                         table clash.                 after  the  break  and  Zlatan  Sassuolo  goalkeeper  Andrea  wrong  end  as  relegation-
            Napoli  moved  above  Milan                               Ibrahimović’s effort was fin-  Consigli pulled off a number  threatened  Spezia  held  Em-
            on goal difference. Head-to-  But  the  visitors  got  off  to  gertipped over the bar shortly  of great saves before Vlahović  poli to a 1-1 draw.

                            Peng Shuai tells paper she never wrote of being assaulted

            (AP)  —  Chinese  tennis  Feb. 4. She was filmed on the  emailed  statement’s  legiti-  No. 1-ranked doubles player
            star  Peng  Shuai  has  de-  observation deck of a facility  macy while others said it only  and owner of titles at Wim-  The  controversy  surround-
            nied saying she was sexu-    where she watched a freestyle  increased their concern about  bledon and the French Open.  ing  Peng  has  added  to  pro-
            ally  assaulted,  despite  a  ski  competition  alongside  her safety. In the Lianhe Zao-  The IOC has taken a different  tests  over  Beijing’s  hosting
            November  social  media  former  NBA  star  Yao  Ming  bao interview,  Peng  said  she  tack, with top officials saying  of the Winter Games because
            post  attributed  to  her  and other Chinese sports fig-  wrote the statement in Chi-  they believe Peng is fine after  of  the  government’s  human
            that accused a former top  ures.                          nese and it was later translat-  video- chatting with her.  rights abuses.
            Communist  Party  official                                ed into English but that there
            of forcing her into sex.     Peng  dropped  out  of  sight  was no substantive difference
                                         after  the  accusation  against  in meaning between the two
            Lianhe  Zaobao,  a  Singapor-  former  Vice  Premier  Zhang  versions.
            ean Chinese-language news-   Gaoli briefly appeared on her
            paper,  posted  video  of  Peng  verified  Weibo  social  media  Zhang, 75, was a member of
            it  says  was  taken  Sunday  in  before being swiftly removed.  the  party’s  all-powerful  Po-
            Shanghai  in  which  she  said  Screen shots of the post were  litburo  Standing  Committee
            she  has  been  mainly  staying  shared  across  the  internet,  until 2018 and a top lieuten-
            at  home  in  Beijing  but  was  drawing widespread concern  ant  to  president  and  party
            free  to  come  and  go  as  she  about  Peng’s  safety  from  leader Xi Jinping. He has not
            chose.                       politicians, fellow tennis stars  appeared  in  public  or  com-
                                         and the Women’s Tennis As-   mented on Peng’s accusation.
            “First  of  all,  I  want  to  em-  sociation,  which  announced
            phasize  something  that  is  it  was  suspending  all  events  Simon said the move to put a
            very important. I have never  in China indefinitely.      halt to the tour’s play in Chi-
            said that I wrote that anyone                             na,  including  Hong  Kong,
            sexually assaulted me. I need  Following  the  posting,  the  came  with  the  backing  of
            to emphasize this point very  three-time  Olympian  and  the WTA board of directors,
            clearly,” Peng told the news-  former  Wimbledon  cham-   players,  tournaments  and
            paper’s reporter.            pion  appeared  standing  be-  sponsors. It was the strongest
                                         side a tennis court in Beijing,  public  stand  against  China
            The  reporter  did  not  ask  waving  and  signing  oversize  taken by a sports body — and
            how or why the lengthy and  commemorative  tennis  balls  one that could cost the WTA
            highly  detailed  Nov.  2  post  for children. The foreign arm  millions of dollars.
            appeared  or  whether  Peng’s  of state TV also issued a state-
            account had been hacked.     ment in English attributed to  Simon  has  made  repeated
                                         Peng that retracted her accu-  calls  for  China  to  carry  out
            The newspaper said it inter-  sation against Zhang.       an  inquiry  into  the  35-year-
            viewed Peng at a promotional                              old Peng’s accusations and to
            event for the Beijing Winter  WTA  chief  executive  Steve  allow the WTA to communi-
            Olympic Games which begin  Simon       questioned    the  cate directly with the former
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