Page 15 - KPA 16 NOV 2015
P. 15

                                                                                                                                      Monday 16 November 2015

At Press Time;

 France bombs Islamic State HQ, hunts attacker who got away 

GREG KELLER                    told the AP that France and
                               other countries had been
PHILIPPE SOTTO                 warned on Thursday of an
                               imminent attack.
Associated Press               An Iraqi intelligence dis-
                               patch warned that Islamic
PARIS             (AP)         State group leader Abu
                               Bakr al-Baghdadi had or-
— France launched “mas-        dered his followers to im-
                               mediately launch gun and
sive” air strikes on the Is-   bomb attacks and take
                               hostages inside the coun-
lamic State group’s de-        tries of the coalition fight-
                               ing them in Iraq and Syria.
facto capital in Syria Sun-    The Iraqi dispatch, which
                               was obtained by the AP,
day night, destroying a        provided no details on
                               when or where the attack
jihadi training camp and       would take place, and a
                               senior French security offi-
a munitions dump in the        cial told the AP that French
                               intelligence gets these
city of Raqqa, where Iraqi     kinds of warnings “all the
                               time” and “every day.”
intelligence officials say     However, Iraqi intelligence
                               officials told the AP that they
the attacks on Paris were      also warned France about
                               specific details: Among
planned.                       them, that the attack-
                               ers were trained for this
Twelve aircraft including 10   operation and sent back
                               to France from Raqqa, the
fighter jets dropped a total   Islamic State’s de-facto
of 20 bombs in the biggest     The officials also said that a
                               sleeper cell in France then
air strikes since  Franceex-   met with the attackers
                               after their training and
tended its bombing cam-        helped them to execute
                               the plan. There were 24
paign against the extrem-      people involved in the
                               operation, they said: 19
ist group to Syria in Sep-     attackers and five others        People gather for a national service for the victims of the terror attack at Notre Dame cathedral
                               in charge of logistics and
tember, a Defense Ministry     planning.                        in Paris, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015. Thousands of French troops deployed around Paris on Sunday
                               None of these details have
statement said. The jets       been corroborated by of-         and tourist sites stood shuttered in one of the most visited cities on Earth while investigators
                               ficials of  France  or other
launched from sites in Jor-    Western intelligence agen-       questioned the relatives of a suspected suicide bomber involved in the country’s deadliest
dan and the Persian Gulf,      All these French and Iraqi       violence since World War II. 				  (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)
                               security and intelligence
in coordination with U.S.      officials spoke with the AP      claimed             responsi-  ers, another French secu-       neighborhood of Brussells,
                               on condition of anonymity,                                      rity official said. A Brussels  which authorities consider
forces.                        citing the ongoing investi-      bility. Its statement          parking ticket found inside     to be a focal point for ex-
                               gation.                                                         led police to at least one      tremists and fighters going
Meanwhile, as police an-       Abdeslam is one of three         mocked  France’s  air at-      of the arrests in Belgium, a    to Syria from Belgium.
                               brothers believed to be in-                                     French police official said.    Belgian Interior Minister
nounced seven arrests and      volved; One who crossed          tacks on suspected IS tar-     Three Kalashnikovs were         Jan Jambon, speaking to
                               with him into Belgium was                                       found inside another car        The Associated Press by
hunted for more members        later arrested, and another      gets in Syria and Iraq, and    known to have been used         phone, said suspects ar-
                               blew himself up inside the                                      in the attacks that was         rested in Molenbeek had
of the sleeper cell that car-  Bataclan theater after tak-      called Paris “the capital of   found in Montreuil, an          been stopped previously
                               ing the audience hostage                                        eastern Parisian suburb,        in Cambrai,  France, “in a
ried out the Paris attacks     and firing on them repeat-       prostitution and obscen-       another a French police         regular roadside check”
                               edly. It was the worst of                                       official said.                  but that police had had
that killed 129 people,        Friday’s synchronized at-        ity.”                          As many as three of the         no suspicion about them
                               tacks, leaving 89 fatalities                                    seven suicide bombers           at the time and they were
French officials revealed      and hundreds of people           In all, three teams of at-     were French citizens, as        let go quickly.
                               wounded inside.                                                 was at least one of the men
to The Associated Press        The Islamic State group          tackers including seven        arrested in the Molenbeek          Continued on Page 27

that several key suspects                                       suicide bombers attacked

had been stopped and re-                                        the national stadium, the

leased by police after the                                      concert hall and nearby

attack.                                                         nightspots. The attacks

The arrest warrant for Salah                                    wounded 350 people, 99

Abdeslam, a 26-year-old                                         of them seriously.

born in Brussels, calls him                                     Abdeslam rented the

very dangerous and warns                                        black Volkswagen Polo

people not to intervene if                                      used by the hostage-tak-

they see him.

Yet police already had

him in their grasp early Sat-

urday, when they stopped

a car carrying three men

near the Belgian border.

By then, hours had passed

since authorities identified

Abdeslam as the renter of

a Volkswagen Polo that

carried hostage takers to

the Paris theater where so

many died.

Three French police of-

ficials and a top French

security official confirmed

that officers let Abdeslam

go after checking his ID.

They spoke on condition of

anonymity, lacking autho-

rization to publicly disclose

such details.

Tantalizing clues about the

extent of the plot have                                         French police patrol at the place de la Republique in Paris, France, Sunday Nov. 15, 2015, two
                                                                days after over 120 people were killed in a series of shooting and explosions.
emerged from Baghdad,
                                                                                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
where senior Iraqi officials
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