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Monday 23 october 2017
Get Ready for the Most Exciting Book in the World
as well as at the library in ers, authors and illustrators
Oranjestad and the San from the Dutch Caribbean,
Nicolas branch. Holland and Surinam to-
gether with 10 local in-
During the book festival the vitees. The theme of this
library pays extra attention year’s festival is ‘Shiver’
ORANJESTAD - The Chil- ect to promote reading first week of November.
dren’s book Festival is the amongst children and is in The activities take place in
local library’s annual proj- full motion all through the schools all over the island
to children and children’s and children will read and
books, authors and illus- listen to scary stories.
trators and celebrates the Illustrator Mariëllav.d. Beek
world of children’s imagi- designed the logo for the
nation with special themes. festival and Sjoerd Kuyper
Children meet their favorite wrote this year’s children
author or illustrator, listen to book titled ‘The most ex-
them and enjoy their pre- citing book in the world’,
sentations, have a book which visual artist, Stan Kui-
autographed, or just have peri illustrated. The festival’s
the opportunity to talk to special book is free with the
them about their inspira- purchase of 25 florins at lo-
tions. cal bookstores.
Popular questions children The Children’s Book Fes-
ask authors are: “How old tival opens with an open
are you?”, “How many air grand fiesta for children
books have you written?”, and their parents on No-
“What is your favorite vember 3rd at 6 o’clock
color?”, “Do you have a in the afternoon, behind
pet?”, and “What was your the library in Oranjestad.
favorite book when you The public Library offers
were a child”? fun activities in the after-
This year the library wel- noon from November 6 till
comes a group of 14 cre- the 9th (3pm till 4pm) for all
ative individuals, storytell- children.q